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  1. Hi! Yes, I am doing Beyond with my dd6 and ds8.5. For various reasons, I MUST do some things with them independently b/c of the competition. ;) Ds8.5 is a struggling reader and just not as, um, "sharp"(?) as dd6. I do not want to sound like I am comparing them. I'm not. Ds8.5 has just always struggled while dd6 began reading at age 4 (on her own) and simply has a "gift" for it. Make sense? Anyway, here is what I do (keeping in mind I have 5 others I am also teaching, using 3 other HOD guides). I have my dd14 do the History reading with them first thing in the am. That frees me up to work with my ds10 in Bigger. Later, dd14 does spelling/grammar with dd6 and ds8.5. For the most part, I keep them together for most subjects/boxes. Really, the only time I separate and work independently is for reading. I will work with ds8.5 for 15 min. on his reading while dd6 does her copywork and then we switch. (more in next msg)

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