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Posts posted by brennab

  1. Yep--just started this past year, when the boys were finishing up 4th & 5th grades. We did a crash course in Latin for Children Primer A, and worked on Primer B throughout the school year. They'll be in Primer C in the fall, and I'll be teaching Primer A at our co-op. ;)

  2. Hi everyone,


    I'm HSing my kids, and in the very slow process of trying to complete my bachelor's. The school I plan on getting my degree at does take CLEP tests. What would you suggest be the best way to prepare for them? I'd like to take as many liberal arts ones as I can (sociology, Amer. history, biology, etc.) to get credits out of the way beforehand, so I can focus on my major once I'm actually enrolled and spend less time in the classroom away from my kids. Any websites? Curricula? Tips or caveats?

  3. We'll be celebrating our 15th next year, and have been friends for 20 years. I'm so grateful that I married my best friend, even though we drive each other nuts sometimes with our idiosyncracies. I can't imagine anybody else putting up with me the way he does. We do have down periods in our marriage, where we're just not loving/respecting each other the way we should, but thank God that He pulls us out of those funks.

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