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Mama Geek

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Posts posted by Mama Geek

  1. We have stayed in an RV for extended periods of time.  If you are doing it because you think it will save you money it probably won't.  They are very high maintenance even new ones have been put together sloppily and have lots of issues.  We have talked to lots of different people over the years and it doesn't matter how expensive the RV is they are not well  built.  We have spent winters in gulf coasts states and you burn through propane like crazy, there is no way I would winter in the NC mountains in an RV.  Do people do it, yes, there is just no way I would.  Campgrounds are not cheap if you had to end up going that route and the safer ones are going to be looking at the age of the camper.  Most get pretty picky about the age of the camper and how they look at about 10 years old.

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  2. We spent several months there years ago and the one place that really still sticks out for food was Dragos.  They have wonderful chargrilled oysters and lots of other great food.  Definitely try crawfish while you are in LA, not sure where the best place is to get them, my favorite spot is in TX, but that is probably further than you want to go for crawfish.  There are lots of fun things to do in the area.  I really wasn't looking forward to living there for awhile thinking I would hate it due to being sin city, but there are just tons of other things to do there.

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  3. Alaska is way up the list for us, from Glaciers to volcanoes, to the wildlife, Denali, Hatcher's Pass, the blue green water of the lakes and streams, it is incredible country. 

    I also have really enjoyed Utah, Washinton State, Colorado, Utah, California, West Virginia, Virginia, North Carolina, the area around Yellowstone, the Chesapeake Bay

    Our country has a lot of beautiful places and very unique.

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  4. I haven't been posting in a long time, but still read the boards.  I just figured out how to relog in because of this question.  I have gone through all of SWB history books over the years with dd and they really give you a pretty good idea of what has gone on in the past.  I have also read several of the Uncle Eric books after reading SWB books and that explains things as well.

  5. I haven't flown in a long time but I used to get sick every time I flew.  Someone suggested taking alcohol swabs and wiping down the chair you sit in at the airport and the chair and table on the plane.  The last couple of times I flew and did that, I didn't get sick.  It made a big difference.

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  6. I really like St Augustine...that being said it does attract tourists.  The beaches are more quiet than the old town.  I don't have recommendations for places to stay.  The hotel that was ocean front that we stayed at was sold and upgraded and is now a whole lot more expensive and touristy.  If you are looking for more secluded, I would probably suggest somewhere on the beach in Georgia instead.  Also check the dates for the holiday lights in St Augustine if you go.  Old town is really beautiful with the lights and the carriage rides are a great way to see them.

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  7. Be aware that lots of people are having problems with Verizon and their credits for old phones.   We bought a new phone with a promotion of trading in our old 1 and getting a $400 credit to our bill over the time of a contract.  We are a couple of months in and it hasn't shown up yet.  Read online and lots  of people have are months or years in and haven't gotten it.  They say it takes a couple of months to show up so we will see if it happens, we have talked to Verizon on the phone about it a couple of times already.

  8. I don't know if it is out of your price range but Daytona Beach Zipline Adventure, or there is a ropes course somewhere down near Cocoa is you get to the Cape Canaveral area.  Some of the state parks also rent kayaks or canoes as another option.

  9. It is one of those things that there aren't enough studies on.  I found out about it a while ago when looking for home remedy relief from UTIs to hold me over until I could get in to see a doc.  The bottle that I have has cranberries in it too which is supposed to be good for UTIs.


  10. I am currently on antibiotics for one and the doc that I saw said to also take up to  600 mg of advil.  The Azo, advil and d-mannose really helped since I started to get it late enough that I wouldn't be able to get it from the pharmacy until the next day.


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  11. Thought I would hop in here for a little while.  I just finished Pilgrim's Progress and am now reading part 2 of Pilgrim's Progress.  The first one I sort of slogged through and then I watched the animated movie and really wanted to read part 2.  I am more than halfway through and disappointed because the wife who is on pilgrimage really hasn't had to go through the difficulties because of what she learned from her husband or she had companions help her.  Hopefully she will have something come along for her to really struggle through.

    I am also doing Little House on the Prairie with daughter as a read aloud.  That series was one of my favorites as a kid and dd couldn't get into it when she was younger, even now she is kind of bored by it. 


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  12. Since Seattle is one of the highest cost of living areas in the country, I figure that RV's cost more even used than the do in Huntsville.  Factor in the economy crash and it may be easy to buy 1 and difficult at best to sell 1.  It costs a lot of fuel to pull one and mostly RV slots are not inexpensive often times slightly less than hotel rooms.  Also you can not travel as far in day with an RV.  A trip staying at hotels would probably be a better option.  If you can't sell it for what you want for it then you have to figure out how to store it...in our town in FL you can't have one parked in front of your house.  There isn't room beside our house so it means paying for storage.

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