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Mom in High Heels

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Posts posted by Mom in High Heels

  1. Well since he was home today and there was nothing to do but stare at each other and the packers, I went for a pedicure. So having him home for this does have a plus side!


    Well, that sounds nice.  The next time we have PROFESSIONAL packers, I may give this a go!  Far better than sitting around watching packers.


    I'm married to a pack rat, purging is not in his DNA, we have way to much stuff.  I've been looking at the box numbers and they are past 303 and they haven't even done our bedroom and the garage yet.   :scared:



    James Bond is a horrible pack rat (hoarder).  It makes me crazy.  He actually has a real problem, not just me griping about saving stuff.  He's been seeing a therapist for a while about it.  It's really hard for him to get rid of stuff.  I absolutely don't understand it, but I've been reading about it, and watching Hoarders to try.   We had to call 1800gotjunk to help get rid of the stuff I talked him into getting rid of.  It took an entire truck to haul it away (that cost a fortune!).  We still have at least another truck load, but I can't get him to get rid of it yet.  When we were sorting, he was pale, shaky and breathing hard.  He couldn't even be outside while they were loading it in the truck.  I thought he was going to have a panic attack.  His mom has hoarding issues to, so maybe it's hereditary.  Still, it's very annoying for me, as it tends to take over if I'm not on top of it.  We have a weight limit on our household goods, and we've come very, very close to hitting it.  If we go over, we'll have to pay for the extra weight, and I will not have that.  

  2. I briefly looked at the thread (I was there!) and noticed the OP said it gets on her nerves. I remember it sticking in her craw. Maybe she said that in a later post that I missed this time around. IIRC, that was part of the fun, as evidenced by the tags.






    I just hope she doesn't bring them to school.  :lol:




    I don't even remember what I was doing two years ago. I can't remember if I participated or not. I don't usually jump into threads that move too fast, so I might have avoided it. But I am definitely pro-cupcakes and am happy to bake some in celebration. But I have no idea how to take a picture to share here. I'll have to ask my dd if she has the know how. At least, I'm expecting a thread with cupcake pictures, right?


    If you post on certain threads, you ALWAYS know what you were doing and when.  And heck yeah there will be cupcakes!  I'm thinking red velvet, because that's my favorite!

  3. THIS.  I had done a rough sort of the boxes, and finally had them stacked in a manner that I could theoretically unpack in some sort of organized fashion.  I went to the store and came home to *every single box* open and moved down, or around, as dh had decided the most important thing to find was a surround sound speaker wire.  :glare:   OMG, are we married to the same guy????  JB gets obsessed with finding one random and totally unnecessary item, and can't do ANYTHING else until he's found it, and will open every freaking box to do so!  We brought 3 boxes of his "file stuff" (aka, a box filled with whatever was in or around his desk), and he has added 2 more since we've been here. The infamous "file stuff" boxes!  I HATE THOSE WITH THE HEAT OF A THOUSAND SUNS!!!  We have so many of those damn boxes!  He keeps saying he needs to go through them and shred any paperwork that can't just be thrown out.  Some of those boxes have been with us for about 10 years!  Of course *I* can't shred them, and I don't know what's *important* and might shred or toss the wrong thing.  IMO, if it's been in a box for 10+ years, it can all be tossed or shredded.  Me?  I can't unpack anymore until we get some bookshelves.  I am 10 billy shelves away from being 98% unpacked!  DH has said I might be getting some this weekend.  Well, at least you have a trip to IKEA to look forward to!


  4. I do have to point out (in case it wasn't obvious), I was a sci fi geek BEFORE it was cool.  Back when the shows had to actually DO something because they didn't have the technical gee whiz to hide the lack of plot or ideas.


    This is why I have trouble taking the new Dr Who seriously.  (Although David Tennant pulls it off. )



    I've was a closet scifi geek.  I liked scifi a lot, but none of my friends did (that I know of-maybe they were closet scifi geeks too).  I mean, yeah, we talked about SW when it first came out, but who did????   Beyond that, nope.  It wasn't until I got older that I let my geek flag fly high and proud!  ;)  


    Does anyone remember the early-80's show Whiz Kids?  Man, I loved that show!  They made being nerdy and geeky look cool. IIRC, there were SW movie posters in their rooms.

  5. Blech.  We're in unpacking mode right now and it SUCKS.  I don't know why I trust James Bond at moving time, because he always does *something* that is so clueless, I can't believe he's trusted to work with multimillion dollar equipment.  We've moved (IIRC) 10 times in 18 years (not including local moves, which adds 4 more to the tally), and he's just clueless every time!  We did a local move this time, and he forgot to have the movers get the boxes that were in the closet under the stairs (no Harry Potter was not there).  This is the THIRD time he's forgotten to have something packed or moved.  HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE?  It's not like we can leave stuff behind.  He also somehow always manages to be gone when it's time to unpack.  We had movers come in on Sat, and he left on Sunday (AGAIN) for another few weeks.  I think he plans it.  ;)

    Of course it's not all that bad that he's not around to unpack, because his idea of unpacking is opening box after box after box, piling everything on the floors, counters, tables, etc, making walking hazardous, and waiting for me to actually find a place for it and put it away.  I keep telling him not to unpack another box until the stuff from one box is put away, but he doesn't grasp that concept.  Sigh.  I do like when he's here and I need something heavy moved or lifted though.  We are in a 3 story historic townhouse (2 floors and a full basement) that has the steepest, narrowest stairwells you can imagine, and moving heavy stuff from one floor to another is hard for me!  I got a great deal of entertainment watching the movers get our king size, Tempurpedic mattress upstairs.  I should have video'd it.  I'm guessing when these homes were built in the late 40's/early 50's furniture was much smaller than it is now.   BTW, it took almost 20 minutes to get the mattress upstairs.  It weighs several hundred pounds.  I felt so bad for them, even *if* I found it entertaining. 

    Since this was a local move, and the military already paid to move us from Germany on these orders, we had to pay for the move ourselves.  Since we paid by the hour, we opted to pack ourselves, and just have them haul it.  I have NEVER appreciated having packers as much as I do after this move.  Packing is awful, and takes FOREVER when you have kids and pets that also require time.  I thought I was going to go insane.  I don't know how they do it, but I'm thankful they do.  On normal PCS's paid for by the military, we usually have 2 packing days, and one load day.  It took me weeks to pack, and it didn't all get done, so at the end, we were just chucking non-breakable items into boxes.  Ugh.  It's been a mess to sort out.  I swear to never take my packers/movers for granted again!  We always provide drinks/water and food for them, but now I think we should throw them some sort of party when they're done.  We'll likely be doing a PCS move in about 2 more years, and I'm already dreading it, but KNOWING someone else will pack makes me down right giddy!

    As I write this, I'm sitting in my new LR, surrounded by boxes and the random flotsam and jetsam of every day life and thinking "why do we have all this stuff?"  Blah.


  6. I know I have Continuum sitting downstairs somewhere. I was ticked when they cancelled the third movie. This a million times.  How dare they????  A jack-centric movie would have been amazeballs!  I can't believe MGM let Stargate and SGA just go away (I did not like SGU, despite it having Robert Carlyle in it), when it made a fortune.  Of course a lot of the money came after it started coming out on DVD, but still!  I was also ticked when they cut a scene from an Atlantis episode where Sam all but confirms that they are together.  Yes, it was from the episode TRIO.  I hate that they cut it out.  Stupid producers.  


    I have a tendency to ship these long-arc canon couples in shows that don't focus on relationships at all, where you can go a whole season without one single reference to the UST, but the reward at the end is usually soooo worth it. Even though we didn't get a blatant conversation or non-AU kiss, at least they didn't end up with someone else.  This is true.  And why didn't they end up with someone else?  BECAUSE THEY ENDED UP TOGETHER.  I refuse to believe otherwise. ;)


    I think that's why I prefer ST over SW. Movies are too short and final. And less nuanced as far as ships are concerned.


    ETA: Have you read any of the Stargate books? Barque of Heaven was very good and would have made a terrific movie.  I've read them all, more than once.  What's funny though is the BoH is one of my least favorite.  I've been chatting with Sally Malcolm and a new SG1 book comes out on Aug 14, and a 7th SGA Legacy book will be out soon, with an 8th coming out next year.  Huzzah!


  7. Another J/S shipper here! And very jealous that you are going to a Stargate convention. I read from your other post that Cliff Simon will be there. We used to have a running joke in our house where every time DH mentioned a ball, I'd say, "I LOVE Ba'al!"


    Oh my gosh, I need to rewatch Window of Opportunity, it's been a long past few days. And maybe Threads, although the entire Sam/Pete and Jack/whatshername story line makes my stomach hurt. There's a reason I generally only ship canon pairs.


    I feel you!  I'm so excited to meet Cliff Simon!  We make lots of Ba'al jokes around here too.  Some clean, that Indy thinks are hilarious, and some dirty, that James Bond and I only say when Indy's in bed. :)  Jason Momoa (Ronan) is going to be there too!  EXCITING.  If RDA was going to be there, I'd probably die from all the pretty eyes and sexy voices.


    Window of Opportunity is one of my favorite eps.  I like to imagine all the loops we didn't get to see that involved J/S.  Think of the possibilities!  Another favorite is 1969.  I'm currently working on a ff that revolves around that episode.  I have mixed emotions about Threads.  Actually, I have mixed emotions about all of S8, because of that whole Sam/Potato Head thing, and then they go and throw in the Jack/Kerry business.  No, no, NO!  The "always" bit was great, but the part with everyone dropping freaking anvils on J/S was a bit annoying.  Also, the Daniel part of the plot was...zzzzz......I usually fast forward through those parts.  It sounds like I hate it, but I really don't.  S8 was full a lot of sloppy writing, holes and bed decisions IM(NSH)O.  S9 and S10 were rather...meh.  The B'Ori...I mean Ori, were lame enemies.  They didn't have the flair of the Goa'uld.  Plus, there is no SG without Jack.  Did you know there was supposed to be a third movie that was Jack-centric?  It was also supposed to have a scene that made it clear that J/S were together.  MGM nixed it.  Bastards.  Did you watch Continuum?  J/S were so obviously married.  :)

  8. We're a goin' to Comicon this weekend - Ronan will be there!  Okay, that's Atlantis, but yay!  And the actress that plays Dr. Keller/Kaylee.


    He's going to be at GateCon too!  Yay!!  Dr. Keller is Jewel Staite.


    Although I may be even more excited to meet Captain Jack and Spike but that's OT to this thread? ;)



    Heh, that's pretty much canon... ;)  Are your stories clean or smutty?  There's a reason I've never read Outlander...


    Mostly clean, though there are PLENTY of suggestions.  The longest one I have is Galatea, and there is a smutty chapter in it, but it can be skipped without missing the story.  Some people don't read stories that are M rated, so I mostly write T stories, but I did rate that particular chapter M so they could read the rest of it.



    Me, too!! He is the only actor my husband has ever said he was jealous of. (let me be clear: I would never EVER leave my husband. He just knows what kind of crush I had on Scott Bakula back in the QL days)


    Hahaha!  James Bond knows that if Johnny Depp, Richard Dean Anderson or Benedict Cumberbatch show up to whisk me away, that I am gone. The odds of that happening are slim and next to none, so he's not too worried. It could still happen though! ;)

  9. ACKACKACK!!!! No! Enterprise was Scott Bakula. Kevin Sorbo has never, ever been in a Star Trek movie/TV episode.



    That's what I meant, not Kevin Sorbo.  Sorry.  I adore Scott Bakula.  I watched every episode Quantum Leap.


    So, Anyone remember Farscape?


    Wow, that was a show!  I like it for it's amazeballs cheese!


    Just watched an episode a couple of days ago.  And then the two leads came and joined the last two years of Stargate.  Stargate, where everyone in every scifi series ever made can come and play... :D


    LOVE Stargate. :)


    Again, I have found another Stargate lover.  And yes, it does seem like every scifi actor came by at some point.  Stargate is the BEST.  We met RDA this past March.  His eyes and voice are just swoon worthy.  Sigh.  In 2 weeks Indy and I are headed to a Stargate convention in Chicago.  We're so excited.  Sadly RDA will not be there.  Too bad, because I could stare into his eyes for hours.  He's gained weight, due to multiple surgeries and lost the sharp jawline and cheekbones, but his eyes...sigh.  He's also crazy funny and very kind.  He talked to Indy for a long time when we met him.  


    If you read ff, I have 7 (SEVEN) stories that have been nominated for awards.  You can check them out here if you like.  Be warned though, I'm a J/S shipper!

  10. Just remember - with the new reboot, Enterprise is now the only series that is canon!


    Is that the one with Kevin Sorbo?


    It's a trap: you cannot see how the others voted until you vote yourself.


    IT'S A TRAP!  Bwahahaha!

  11. Star Wars. (Episodes 4-6, NOT the new episodes 1-3 which are an utter travesty.)

    It is the formative back drop of my youth.


    Me too.  I refuse to even give 1-3 a second viewing.  Once was bad enough.




    You forgot the third category, which is cupcakes :coolgleamA: !


    Woohoo!  Cupcakes for all!  Only a few days until the cupcake kerfuffle anniversary!




    If I had to choose which franchise I wanted to see more of I would choose Firefly.


    Ah, how we all wish.


    I'm pretty sure that by arguing about the coolness of sci fi we have pretty much wholly excluded ourselves from 'cool' in all forms but temperature.


    I prefer to think of myself as Geek Chic (sheek)


    Meh. I can take or leave either one, but I went with Star Trek because of what EL said. 


    And because of this - How William Shatner Changed the World



    I liked the first 3 Star Wars movies, which are supposedly the last 3 but will always be the first 3 to me.  :lol:


    My write-in votes are for Stargate SG-1 (the tv series - the movie not so much) and Battlestar Gallactica (except for the series finale which I thought was the lazy way out).


    Woohoo!  You are my people!  Stargate, Stargate, Stargate!  We met RDA a few months ago (fangirl SQUEEEEE!!!), and in 2 weeks, Indy and I are flying to Chicago for a Stargate convention.  Loads of cast members will be there (though not RDA :(  ), and Cliff Simon (Ba'al), my favorite Goa'uld will be there too!  


    Of the two, Star Trek.

    But my top vote would be Stargate - the series, seasons 1-8


    You are my people too!  And totally to seasons 1-8, though 200 in S10 was hilarious.  The ending of the series still pisses me off.  I understand that they couldn't get RDA, but they had EIGHT FREAKING YEARS of footage of him.  There couldn't have been ONE flashback?  Sam couldn't have been thinking about him (you know she did!) and they insert some sort of flashback?  Come ON!  I may be slightly bitter.


    :iagree:   This. As much as I enjoy Star Trek I love Star Wars so much more. I mean, Han Solo . . .


    Mmmm....Han Solo


    If I have to choose between Harrison Ford and not Harrison Ford, Harrison Ford wins.


    Always go with Harrison Ford over not Harrison Ford.


    Yes, but which franchise was smart enough to hire Benedict Cumberbatch? Huh?  Huh?


    And we all know that Cumberbatch trumps Ford.


    Okay, this one is tough!  You know how much I loves me some BC!  Harrison Ford was dreamy as Han Solo, but BC is closer to my age, while HF is older than my dad.  But he still looks great.  BC has that accent though.  I'm spiraling here!  Help me Obi Wan Kenobi.  You're my only hope!  Oh, wait, there's also Liam Neesom as Qui-Gon Jin in those movies I refuse to acknowledge even exist, except for Liam Neesom.


    I could not vote because you forgot Stargate. 


    A million times yes.  I would vote for Stargate any day over SW or ST.  Jack O'Neill....sigh.  I'm now up to 7 of my Stargate fanfics being nominated for awards.  I'm a big time J/S shipper.  You KNOW they got together after he went to DC.  YOU KNOW IT!




    I have nothing else to add, except to say HAN SHOT FIRST!

  12. I am thinking of making Limoncello cupcakes to mark the occasion.


    Dear heavens that sounds good!  Can I come over?  Or can you share the recipe?


    I participated in that thread!!!!!!!!


    Yeah, you did!  All the cool kids participated.  See, you're in with the cool crowd.

  13. We thought about letting Indy go to Germany this summer to stay with his BFF, but we had so many other things going on, we decided not to.  He's just turned 12 (a week ago), and I would let him go.  Of course from where we are, it would be a straight flight, but even if there were connections, I'd let him, as the airline would make sure he got to the correct gate.  We may let him go next summer for a few weeks.

  14. We stayed at AoA in June and it was amazing.  We had a one bedroom suite (there were 5 of us), with a kitchenette and 2 bathrooms.  It's considered a value hotel, and wasn't that expensive IMO.  The whole hotel was beautifully done.  I actually liked it more than some of the moderate level hotels we've stayed in on property.  To be honest, we will never go to Disney without staying on property.  It's just too easy and convenient.  

  15. We are moving from a house off post to a house on post this week, and it is AWFUL!   The army will only pay for one move per PCS (moving from one post to another), so we're having to foot the bill for this one.  We've got movers coming on Sat to move the furniture and boxes, but we have to pack the boxes.  I have never appreciated having packers as much as I do now.  Packing is the most awful and tedious job ever.  I'm not likely to be around for a while because of this, so miss me terribly!


    Jean, you're such a sweetie to worry about me.  I'm okay!  Mostly.  The last few shreds of my sanity may be gone soon, but that was really to be expected. ;)

  16. I don't understand why you would even engage in a conversation like this at all. No one is going to change their mind, and all that will result is drama.  


    I've found it is much more profitable to discuss topics such as education with like-minded individuals. That is way to learn something and have feedback received well. I've followed this and have never found the opportunity to be involved in a contentious homeschool discussion. It has made my homeschooling experience much easier, calmer, and drama-free. 


    Did I miss something?


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