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Posts posted by Dianne-TX

  1. Yes, they do depreciate. It's such a headache. We've had so many interested, but it never works out. How would we sell just the land if the house is on it? Do we have to get the house legally detached from the land or can we just sell the land even though the house is on it? Do we sell the house by itself first and get it hauled off and sell the land? Thanks for brainstorming with me.

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  2. We have been in this for 4 years and have had no issues with any past things.  The leadership at ALERT is focused on raising up men who are ready to serve, lead and help in times of emergency and tragedy along with sharing the love and hope in Christ.  We are not and have never been ATI or IBLP or anything like that.  We are only in ALERT and they are excellent, in our opinion and in our experience.  Our oldest son has been to the LTC training and it was wonderful for spiritual growth and growth in necessary skills for rescue, help and service.  Their focus book for that training was by John MacArthur, not the ATI or IBLP resources only.  It's a solid program that continues further training and the feedback from those that hire ALERT Academy graduates is only superior.  Don't judge a program by it's acquaintances always.  I can vouch for this program and I would be the first one to be honest, even though we are associated with it.  I don't want my children exposed to dangerous things, but this hasn't proven to be anything like that and I'd be the first to exit if there were any future problems.  It's only been a positive and strengthening association for us because it also strengthens the father/son relationship, too, because the Dad's do it, too.  It helps if you can be a part of a formed local group that meets consistently, like what a scouting or Trail Life group would do.  You can ask ALERT for groups in your area or find out how to form one of your own.  I think it takes at least 3 families, but I'm not sure.  We've been a part of the same group for 4 years and we don't even attend the church that has the group.  They've always been welcoming and warm because we are focused on the what matters...Christ, growing strong and loving men who are well prepared to serve and lead and help in times of crisis as well as in daily life and strengthening the father/son relationship.

  3. We have been in this for 4 years and have had no issues with any past things.  The leadership at ALERT is focused on raising up men who are ready to serve, lead and help in times of emergency and tragedy along with sharing the love and hope in Christ.  We are not and have never been ATI or IBLP or anything like that.  We are only in ALERT and they are excellent, in our opinion and in our experience.  Our oldest son has been to the LTC training and it was wonderful for spiritual growth and growth in necessary skills for rescue, help and service.  Their focus book for that training was by John MacArthur, not the ATI or IBLP resources only.  It's a solid program that continues further training and the feedback from those that hire ALERT Academy graduates is only superior.  Don't judge a program by it's acquaintances always.  I can vouch for this program and I would be the first one to be honest, even though we are associated with it.  I don't want my children exposed to dangerous things, but this hasn't proven to be anything like that and I'd be the first to exit if there were any future problems.  It's only been a positive and strengthening association for us because it also strengthens the father/son relationship, too, because the Dad's do it, too.  It helps if you can be a part of a formed local group that meets consistently, like what a scouting or Trail Life group would do.  You can ask ALERT for groups in your area or find out how to form one of your own.  I think it takes at least 3 families, but I'm not sure.  We've been a part of the same group for 4 years and we don't even attend the church that has the group.  They've always been welcoming and warm because we are focused on the what matters...Christ, growing strong and loving men who are well prepared to serve and lead and help in times of crisis as well as in daily life and strengthening the father/son relationship.

  4. I'm at my wits end and my dr. (endocrinologist... everything tested normal) has recommended Qsymia.  There's been a lot of personal strife in the last 3 years and I've gone back and forth with trying to get a hold of my weight loss, but it's not worked and I'm the largest I've ever been without being pregnant and it's not good.  The dr. recommended Qsymia to help me as I get adjusted to an eating plan and better lifestyle and give me a boost on weight loss.  I'd like to know about personal experiences with it before jumping in.  Thanks.

  5. We were given a list of scholarships by a recruitment rep from a college at a homeschool conference 2 years ago.  My son is not interested in attending that particular college, but the rep gave it to us anyway just as a courtesy from one parent to another.  He has compiled it over time and adds to it when needed.  Out of his three children, only one had to pay $3,000 back in student debt.  The list he sent is overwhelming, though, because it is so long!!  Where to start?  What would be the best 5-10 to begin (not on my list, but just in general)?  This is our first time.  Thanks!

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  6. We've used Bravewriter 3 times and are happy with it, but a $249 hit each time is tough.  (I prefer and can do monthly payments better).  We've also used WAH and it was okay, too.  But, DS needs a good course where he learns to write all the different types of essays/papers (persuasion, compare/contrast, etc...).  BW is good, but I guess I'm looking for a general essay/writing/composition course?  Nothing fancy, but effective and solid so he feels confident when he is assigned a compare/contrast essay or persuasive/position paper in college and not have to get tutoring or feel insecure about his knowledge and ability of what to do.  I've had DD14 in a great middle school co-op class for 2 years that used MCT and WriteShop 1&2 and she has soared and understands so much about grammar and how to write well.  (She had a great teacher, too.)  I'm thankful I've had that for her, but did not know about it for DS.  I would love to find that online.  :)  I need something that is online and a complete course (teaching and grading and feedback).  He is going to be a junior and I really want him to have a good overview before college.  He's had writing instruction, but I feel like it's been all over the place instead of thorough and progressive and understandable to transfer to life.  Does that make sense?  I've just learned about Classes By Beth+ and they have an essay class that looks like it might meet what I'm looking for, but I'm not sure.  Has anyone used CBB+?  Other options would be appreciated, too.  Is there an online course that uses MCT and WriteShop?  Thanks!

  7. Thank you, Dianne, for sharing this! Are the teaching videos good?  with step by step explanations?


    I guess so.  I honestly haven't looked at them.  My son does this completely independent.  If he has trouble, he can contact Dr. Shormann.  He's doing well and not a math-y kind of kid.  He has his own pace of understanding and I don't fret over it.  I've heard good things about Shormann, so we just stick with it, talk with the Shormann's when needed and press on.  If he ever needed more help then I would find a tutor or friend/family member to help him.  My son likes this format better than a class.  We tried taking a geometry class last year and he didn't like it and the teacher was awful.  Lesson learned.  We will stick with Shormann throughout.  They have upper level math, too.  Pre-Cal, Trig. or something like that.  I haven't looked at the website in a long time.  Alg. 1 includes a 1/2 credit of Geometry and Alg. 2 includes the other 1/2 credit, so the student is getting both.  The syllabus also includes calculus, trig, etc. for the Alg. 1 course.  I think it's great.  I trust Dr. Shormann.  They are veteran TX homeschoolers who have been around for a long time and have adult children who have gone through college and some have advanced degrees.  They are grandparents.  His resume is incredible, but truly, I really, really like that they are God-centered in their education approach and that helps my son see a biblical worldview in his education.  It supports what we're trying to do.  Also, if you have other children, they have a sibling discount.  Check that out and also just email Karen.  She is very helpful.

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  8. My 11th grader and 8th grader have been using Khan this year for math. They don't love it. I like that it forces them to keep at it until they have mastered the topic. The Khan video explanations are sometimes lacking and I do a lot of teaching, which is fine bc I love math and have no problem with the concepts. However, I have 3 younger children, including a needy toddler and sometimes the older kids have to wait for me to explain or teach a concept and it annoys them. I'd really like to use a program that teaches the lesson then I can be available to explain or go over again if needed. Shormann looks interesting and it's at a price point that could work for me.  So please share your experience and feedback if you have used it.


    We use it and love it!  It is a good program and challenging and rigorous, I think.  The Shormann's are also very helpful, especially his wife, Karen, who is the "secretary" of sorts.  She has helped me through figuring out what to do with math for my DS.  They are homeschool veterans and Dr. Shormann has a very impressive resume.  Plus, it is biblically and Christ centered which I like very much.  Even math shows God's glory and brings Him glory!  I thoroughly recommend it.

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