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Posts posted by GrayAlice

  1. I am an Orlando native :001_smile:. If I were you I would look in the Buena Vista or Celebration area for possible places to live. Definitely avoid Kissimee and Poinciana at all costs as they can be rough, high crime areas. If your hubby doesn't mind the commute (PP poster is correct in her description of the traffic here, ugh) the Waterford Lakes and Avalon Park area are awesome too.


    Once you have lived here for a while you will be reaffirmed in your decision to homeschool because the school system here is terrible! Trust me, I am a product. :glare: But we do have awesome Universities!


    All in all there are a lot of things to do here. Florida is definitely known for Disney and beaches but its rivers, lakes, and other natural features are stunning and a priceless resource for science lessons.


    I think you will like it here and good luck to you and yours. :)

  2. Hi everyone! I am so inspired by Nance's weight loss that I have decided to join you guys. I am quickly approaching my 30th birthday and I am starting to realize that the older I get, the harder it is for me to lose weight.

    Last year I successfully lost 50lbs but over the past few months I have gained about 20 back. I haven't weighed in a while but I am guessing that I am at about 165lbs. I'm only 5'3 and I carry it primarily in my stomach which makes me a target for the "When are you due?" questions. Not cute! My goal weight is 130lbs so I am looking to lose 35lbs before Christmas.

    I am so grateful to have found a group of ladies on the same journey!

  3. I am exactly the same way as you. I have gotten woozy having my blood pressure taken. And when it comes to needles....forget it!!


    That being said, I seem to only have a problem with needles in a medical setting. I have 3 tattoos and a few piercings and have never experienced any problems getting them done. The actually feeling of getting tattoo is so different than actually being stabbed with a needle (okay, making myself a little ill).


    I guess you won't really know until you try. Is the piece you want small or large? Small tattoos don't take much time at all, even being very well done. Good luck!!

  4. I agree! I'd be down at the county court tomorrow filing a claim for hospital costs and damages. Gotta get tough and hurt them in the pocketbook for sure.


    I would also make a point of hanging around for a while when the kids are out or having them use a phone or monitor so they can call you when they see trouble coming. Then I'd head out to intercept the bullies and let them know the police will be there if they EVER even consider messing with others again.



    :iagree: Sounds like lawsuit time to me!

  5. Dh isn't worried about the academics. He thinks the house will be cleaner (I say we will still have 3 boys age 5 and under living here) and I will have more time. I didn't spend much time on "school" this year-I just did things I would have mostly done anyway like reserve and pick up too many books at the library and prepare and clean up art activities. We did all the things moms of preschoolers do. Also, DS is on the sensitive side and for some reason DH thinks public school will toughen him up or something.


    DH and I usually see things similarly, so this has really thrown me for a loop. I have not given up on homeschooling next year, but I thought to be fair I should maybe at least consider the public school.



    My husband sounds a lot like yours. He wants our daughter to go to ps kindergarten next year. Of course, unlike your husband, he made me send her to public school pre-k too. He thinks our kids will be completely social inept if they are homeschooled. Not to mention the fact that he openly ridicules me for believing that I can educate our children when I "couldn't even finish college".


    I don't really have any advice except to hang in there and keep standing up for what you believe in (gently). Hugs and luck to you!



  6. You need to keep them with a heat lamp until you work them down (incrementally by 5 degrees) to the ambient temp.


    They can go outside as soon as you like, as long as you can keep them at the correct consistent temp. If you do put them out in the hen house, you should move the brooder out there. They shouldnt have the whole run of the house because they may not stay close enough to the heat and suffer from the cold.


    You do not want them to be in something very drafty, or outside for very long until they are fully feathered out. So you should not give them access to the run quite yet, unless you are out with them and taking them after just a short bit.


    At 8-9 weeks I would think checking on them 2x a day would be ok. Once in the morning and once later on. This is because at around that age they can do stupid things such as try to perch on their water container and tip it over in their bedding. You also want them checked if the weather is unpredictable.




    We have 3 laying hens outside in a chicken tractor and 5 chicks in our bathroom. We give both groups water with a rabbit/guinea pig water bottle so they can't knock it over. It works great. Chickens have no table manners!

  7. I am the only one who check other:lol:

    The only reason I did was because my labor with my first lasted for 51 hours. I had a wonderful Dr. who let me progress at my own pace. Any other doc would have had me in for a C-section long before that. My daughter was perfect in every way and my actual deliver was easy. (Laboring for 51 hours though is not fun. At all.)


    My second child was an induction. Biggest mistake ever! I was in labor for 10 hours with him and my MIDWIFE, of all people, was trying to take me for c-section four hours in. I ended up dilating from a 4 to a 10 in 15 minutes and had a very traumatic delivery for both me and the baby. His APGARs were horrible and he had to be worked on for 15 minutes before they could even transport him to the NICU upstairs. Fortunately, he is fine and now almost 3 years old.

  8. I talked to my brother about his experience. First off, I was way off about his age. He was actually 14 years old when he saw the urologist. The doctor told my parents to just give them more time to come down on there own before going the surgical route. By the time my brother was 16, his testicles descended on their own.


    On a side note, the urologist he saw told my brother that he became a urologist because his own testicles didn't descend until he was 20. Apparently it just takes time with some guys. Hopefully this will be case with your son. Good luck!:001_smile:



  9. Both of my brothers (identical twins) had this problem when they were about your sons age. I was just a little older than them at the time so I don't remember exactly what was done about it. But I do remember that they saw a urologist and they are both fine now. When my brother wakes up (works the night shift) I'll ask him if he remembers and let you know. Dealing with that part of the male anatomy, I am pretty sure will.:blush:



  10. I've never been outside the country, so my opinion may not be worth much.


    But I think if you don't do this trip you'll regret it. It sounds like a wonderful, once in a lifetime trip. Your boy's grown up. You will probably never have the chance to take him on an adventure again (just the two of you).


    I think the memories you will make far outweigh any risks there are. It sounds to me that you're being smart about it and you're realistic about the chances that you'll get lost, etc.


    :iagree:Go for it!!

  11. My I ask how you fill his days?


    I have three boys. I'm sure if they had an older sister they would have driven her nuts by now.


    I've realized for my boys that when they are acting out it's because they are not getting some need filled. It's not always easy, as women, to fill those needs properly.



    That is an interesting notion. He is a very energetic boy and we have been doing a lot less outdoor activities lately because it is BRUTALLY hot here in C. Florida. Maybe that is exacerbating this behavior.


    It is hard to keep him constantly engaged and my daughter has always been so independent so I am not used to having to constantly entertain.

  12. This is my first time starting a thread on this message board so bear with me.:001_smile:


    My 2 yr old son is a holy terror. He is constantly hitting/hair pulling/biting his 4 yr old sister and me (but mostly my poor DD). I have been doing time outs with him but it does not curb his bad behavior at all. In fact, he seems to think its fun or funny to be put in time out. I hesitate to spank him because I don't see the logic in exchanging a blow for a blow.


    I am sure that some of you ladies have dealt with this kind of thing before. How did you put a stop to it??:bigear:



  13. My mother was a terrible housekeeper and my father did nothing to help the situation. My brothers and I were never expected to do anything except help clean the day before company came over (which was seldom).


    Obviously I grew up in an incredibly cluttered and, at times, dirty home. It took me a long time to find my stride in being a good housekeeper myself. I still struggle with it sometimes but have gotten much better at it since I had kids.


    My husband and I bought our first house last summer and it is the first time in my life that I have had a dishwasher. What a wonderful appliance!



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