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Posts posted by runmiarun

  1. Not only is GA not counting each hour with baited breath, but starting next year you will be sending your attendance records not to the local district, but to the state, and only once a year, not at the end of each month.


    I've homeschooled in GA for 10 years, and find the regulations here a breeze, well not as breezy as TX, but really easy to follow. You will be surprised at how tiny 4.5 hrs really is, and you are the one who decides what science is or math, for example. Going to Whole Foods and learning to count the veggies & fruits, more than passes for pre-K math. The audio book you listen to, while driving about town, can count as lit. Science is exploring in the backyard, planting flowers or baking a cake. Visiting local historic spots can incorporate all the subjects, and easily take more than 4.5 hours. The more you free yourself to see all the different learning opportunities, the more you will stop worrying about some silly 4.5 hr regulation, that really means nothing. In reality you already educate your child more than 4.5 hours a day.



    :001_smile: You just made my day. I am in GA and we've been doing school this way for the past 2 years. It's working well for our kids. Once I looked at what worked for our kids, the 4.5 hours came easy.

  2. It could be PUPPPS. Mention it to your doctor. I had it with all my pregnancies but with the last one (#4) it was the worst. I had to go on steroids because I would scratch until I bled. I couldn't wear anything except mu-mu's because anything that touched my skin made me itch and bleed. It finally went away about 2 weeks after delivery. I tried tea tree oil, Sarna, everything I could but nothing really helped until the steroids. That lessened the itch considerably but it came back right at the end of the pregnancy.

  3. I PM-d you.


    You are so nice with your kind words. I was hoping you would just send the cabana boy! Do you know that yesterday I actually BOUGHT myself a cup of tea from starbucks????? Paid for a cup of hot water with two tea bags in it????? THAT's how sick i was.:001_huh:



    If you paid for hot tea at Starbucks, you NEEDED it. BTDT. I hope you are feeling better today. I'm sure the buyers will understand. You can always have your realtor give the other realtor a "heads up" email so they know in advance the lay of the land. You only have a few more days. You can do it! I know you can. If nothing else, let your blood boil and give you energy to pack.

  4. My 2 year old has pretty much potty trained herself for the day time, and she's increasingly waking up from naps and in the morning dry or almost dry.


    My 5 year old is is potty trained during the day, doesn't nap, but wakes up extremely wet in the mornings. He pees so much that he occasionally leaks through the pull up and wets that bed.


    I haven't worried about DS5, figuring he'll be ready when he's ready. But he's getting up there in age, and his younger sister is going to be nighttime trained well before him.


    I tried stopping liquids, having him go to the restroom before bed, and waking him up a couple of hours later to pee again. He sleeps so heavy, waking him was difficult. I had to carry him (50+ pounds) to the bathroom. I tried to get him to stand but he wouldn't extend his legs until I told him too. Once he was standing, he just stood there because he was so out of it, so I had to pull down his pants. Then he needed help aiming. So, I'm standing there behind him aiming him and he starts to pee. And pee. And pee. And while peeing he fell asleep and starting falling over. So, there I was, holding his slumped over foam with one arm and aim him with the other hand while he peed in his sleep.


    Yeah, that went well. I can't imagine doing that a couple times a night.


    I can't imagine a vibrating alarm would wake him up. It's very hard to arouse him at night.



    I have to tell you that we have the same problem with both our boys. And have done the same "holding them over the toilet at night" scenario. As I read your post, I giggle because we do that same dance almost every night. Including the boy falling asleep bit. We've stopped using the overnight diapers. They were just getting way too expensive with having to have the different sizes for the 2 boys and still having the 2 girls in diapers. We bought the plastic mattress covers from Bed, Bath and Beyond for 5.99 each. I change the sheets just about every other day. Some days the boys will wake up dry. MIL reminds me that hubby didn't stop nighttime wetting until he was 9.


    My parents did have a rule, though, about not making fun of Grandma. Regardless of her behavior, she was still my father's grandmother and deserving of our respect for that alone, if nothing else. We did not make fun of her or treat her disprespectfully. I remember my father saying that we were responsible for being the kind of grandchildren and great grandchildren that would be pleasing to God. And that Grandma's behavior was not an excuse for us to dishonor her. Avoid her, feel estranged from her, not like her, disregard much of what she said, fine. But not to treat her poorly just because that was how she often treated others.


    I think that was very wise advice. Because then we were all united against her behavior, not getting upset with how each person was treating her, who crossed the line, who didn't, who allied with whom, etc.


    Very wise advice if the option of estrangement is off the table. Thanks!

  6. Don't let them visit. Talking to a narcissist doesn't make any difference.


    In the meantime, just don't leave them alone with your children and laugh off whatever they say. If your kids see it affecting you, they will be hurt for you. After they leave, tell them that grandma and grandpa have trouble recognizing the truth and they shouldn't worry about anything the grandparents say.



    :iagree: All of the above. My mother was a narcissist. Life with her was miserable. Divide and conquer was one of her games, as well. My brother is one and following in her footsteps.



    Many, many hugs and prayers for you today.

  7. Cannot live without my coffee. My husband appreciates my coffee drinking, even though he doesn't drink it nearly as strong as I do. I drink 2 cups of very strong in the morning, cut with a little half and half, and 1 regular strength in the afternoons, cut with half and half. I keeps me awake enough to do school, take care of life, and still sleep at night. I'm very picky about my roasts but since we're strapped for cash until our house sells, I'm using store-bought coffee from Starbucks. I hope to get back to fresh beans and even roasting my own when we have some spare change (and time).

  8. How long have you had the baby tooth? I think you need 1 day of recovery for every 2 years you have had the tooth and a 7 day vacation to Aruba.

    All in favor? Say "I wanna go too!"



    I think I'm going to need many friends to help me recover. I can't fend off all those kilted cabana boys by myself.


    Let's see. I've had the tooth about 39 years. Divide by 2 gives me 19 1/2 days. Since we can't do half days, let's call it 20 days plus 7 in Aruba. Since it's soooo close to a full 4 weeks, let's just say I need a month to recover.

  9. I'm getting an infected baby tooth (I've had it 40 years now) and one of my 3 wisdom teeth out on Friday. Y'all are making nervous thinking about the recovery. But at the same time, I'm ready to be out of pain. I only have 3 (mutants unite!) so the other 2, one of which is impacted, will come out in a few of weeks.

  10. :bigear: My 15 month old sleeps for about 3-4 hours then is up for a couple of hours then sleeps again. Some nights she'll go back to sleep if I put her in the bed with DH and I. But I then I get kicked all night. She's a very restless sleeper. I don't know if it's teeth or something else. I've had to give her allergy meds a couple of times lately since our pollen counts have been in the 5 digit range. Even on those nights, she woke up. I really just want to get some sleep. Even a 4 or 5 hour stretch would be nice. Anything more than this current 2-3 hours of broken sleep.

  11. I think this split is what I have. I noticed that when I lean back my bully bulges up into a point in the middle. Is that it? :confused:


    I think I have this as well. When I try to do traditional ab exercises, I have a groove in the middle that pokes out. The kids think it's funny that mommy has a "kayak". I don't. Now I know what to look for when I google it. Thanks!

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