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Kathleen in VA

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Posts posted by Kathleen in VA

  1. What was that about spending 5 hours outside being ideal? Finally did it!


    A neighbor asked my kids if they were homeschooled because she "always" sees them outside "during school hours." That was a first. Should I be proud or embarrassed? By the way, it was about 4:45 pm when she asked them this.


    Maybe she forgot to set her clock forward.:D

  2. I watched this with my then 9yo and 12yo children. I don't remember anything particularly bad and I'm rather picky when it comes to movies. There is sadness and hardship due to the harsh nature of the environment and isolation from the rest of the world. I remember tearing up at parts. The soundtrack is lovely. Lewis does commit suicide but I don't remember the details - it is after they return from the journey, though, so you could probably just end the movie early and leave it at that.

  3. Ok y'all are making me nervous. I didn't decide on this surgery overnight. In fact I fought it for over a year. It got to the point that I was suffering so much without it I figured I had to try....


    Sorry. I thought about it for years as well because I was deteriorating so much in what I was capable of doing. My kids were doing all the housework, cooking, etc. - it was very frustrating and I felt I was failing them. I finally decided to get the surgery and I felt better for a while, but the problem with spinal fusion is that after a while the discs above and below the fusion start to feel the pressure and cave in. Then the vertebra rub together causing inflammation and pain. I take lots of ibuprofen which I know is not good for my liver, but I don't know what else to do. If I lie down for a short time, the inflammation subsides and I'm okay for a few hours. I do have to pace myself and be very careful. I wish I had better news. It does work for some people. I'm sorry you having to deal with this.

  4. I have a full-size STORA (Ikea) loft bed I'd like to give away. This is a wooden bed stained a light wood color. It is high enough for an adult to walk under without having to stoop.


    Two things - we took the bolts off the ladder so that it could be removed easily during the day (it took up floor space) and we lost the bolts. It still has the hooks that attach it to the bed, so it's sturdy for climbing still - the ladder just isn't bolted on.


    Also, during one of our cleaning days someone took the ladder and stuck it up in our wooden fort outside and it has been indirectly exposed to the weather. It could easily be painted or restained though. (or if you're really adventurous you could just use it as is.:D) I also have the mattress and a set of sheets to go along with it. (We have no other full-size beds in our house).


    This bed was only used by my oldest, now married, son. He is a clean freak (at least one shower a day - often more) so the mattress is relatively clean.


    Anyone in the NoVa area or thereabouts is welcome to come get it.


    The loft bed has found a new home!:)

  5. I agree, her ideas conflict with Christianity, which is why I say some guidance when I read the books would have been helpful. However, I was a Christian at the time I read them, and the book did not drive me toward any wayward ideas. And there are many non-Christian, controversial books that can be important for a high school senior to read. Particularly since this writer has had a resurgence in popularity due to the movie, it might be smart to address her literature straight on and examine its themes.


    My daughter is a strong Christian so I wasn't worried when she came to me and mentioned the immorality. The main concern for her was once you've read something, you can't unread it. She just wishes she hadn't filled her mind with those images.


    Dreary, long, and immoral.




    My daughter's evaluation precisely. She found it depressing, insanely long and, as I've already mentioned, immoral to the point of not worth spending time on. There are so many more edifying things to read - why bother with something that just drags you down?

  6. You might want to pre-screen it for sexuality. It's not what I would call "R," but I would call it "PG-13." For your family, that might not be appropriate. Have you thought of having your senior enter the essay contest the Ayn Rand Institute sponsors each year on that book?


    :iagree:My daughter read it in order to write an essay for the contest and she said afterward she wish she hadn't. It was a little too much for her sensibilities.

  7. Just want to add that I recommended counseling because she seems very, very angry. She seems not to want to confide in anyone at home and perhaps a third party would be able to get at what's eating her. I don't think she's some kind of extreme case who needs emergency intervention or anything - just an angry young lady who needs someone not quite so invested in the situation to hear her out. Also, she needs to hear from someone besides her parents that she is acting selfishly and she needs to learn how to communicate her feelings in a more constructive way. Right now she just seems to be acting spiteful.

  8. How old is your DS?


    It sounds like she is depressed which may be due to bitterness about something in the past. I suggest counseling. Children are naturally selfish so it is not surprising when they behave rudely for the most part, but this sounds a little over the top. I'm guessing she's angry about something that happened a while ago and has never forgiven the culprit(s). I say the culprit, but I really mean whomever she perceives to be the culprit. She may be holding a grudge over something she misunderstood.


    When my children act this way I remind them that they need to forgive others (since I usually don't know the exact cause of the bitterness I use general terms.) I also remind them that others are constantly forgiving them and overlooking their faults and they really are being self-righteous if they think they are the only ones who have ever been wronged by anyone and refuse to forgive (they usually have missed that aspect completely, lol). I've had this conversation a lot - mainly that life is mostly about getting along with other people and that includes a ton of forgiveness for others and a ton of being forgiven ourselves.

  9. So I googled Smart Water and this is what I get:


    SmartWater is an anti-criminal system marketed in the United Kingdom by Smartwater Technology Ltd.

    It consists of a liquid containing a code which can be read under ultraviolet light.[1] It is intended to be applied to valuable items, so that if they are stolen and later seized by police, their original owner can be determined.[1] Another application is a sprinklerburglar with the (invisible) fluid, which cannot be washed off and lasts for months, to generate evidence which connects a suspect to a specific location. system that sprays a



    I'm guessing this is not what you are drinking, Amy.:D Can you point me in the right direction?





  10. I dislike preachers saying, "Let me unpack this verse (or passage) for you." (or let's see if I can unpack this verse, let's try to unpack this verse, etc.)


    I think it's perfectly acceptable to say you are convicted about something or other, though. It is a correct use of the word when you feel that you really ought to be doing (or not doing) something - especially if you have recently come to the conclusion that not doing it/doing it would be sinful and transgressing God's commands. It's not a slang or aberrant use of the word so I have so problem with it at all.

  11. Just saw this on my pinterest board and thought of this thread. :D




    Reminds me of a Seinfeld episode. :lol:


    That's probably true!:lol::lol:


    Back away from my callouses!!! I keep my toenails nicely painted, but a pedicure that made the balls of my feet soft would be awful. I dance barefoot and I firmly believe that it would become rather painful to move around that much on feet that had been shaved down to tender skin. You keep your cheese graters away from my tootsies!


    I don't remember the technician scraping anything at all and afterwards my feet felt awesome, but they didn't feel sensitive - just soft and wonderful.


    A lady told me that if you get a parafin pedicure that it makes your feet smooth like a baby's bottom. I don't know how it works. I've had one parafin pedicure and it really does make your feet smooth.


    Also my DH gave me these funny slippers that have like a gel inside (not liquid but more like a solid material. You wear them after a shower (with or without extra lotion - lotion makes them really weird slippery). And they do make your feet feel smooth after you take them off, but it doesn't last very long.


    I checked into those do-it-at-home parafin contraptions a little while after the softness had worn off but could never figure out where I would store it so just skipped it. Not sure I could handle slippery slippers.:D

  12. Just fyi, in a container of Chobani no sugar added plain yogurt there are about 7 g of *naturally occurring* sugars from the lactose in the milk. So keeping that in mind, a container of flavored yogurt with a few (or 5-6) extra grams of sugar from added fruit might be acceptable to you. :)


    Aldi's brand has 18g of sugar - ugh!


    I wonder if yogurt with fruit "needs" to have sugar to act as a preservative?


    I'm generally happy adding my own fruit to plain yogurt, but for things like kid's lunches it would be handy to have sugar-free fruit yogurt. I just wonder if it is possible?




    Hmm - hadn't thought of that.

  13. You can buy Fage Greek Yogurt in individual cups, and they have little cups of fruit stuff attached. So basically you peel off the top, pour in the topping, and mix them together. But I would imagine that there's sugar in the fruit part. But the yogurt part is plain, unsweetened yogurt.


    I don't mind the natural sugar that the fruit contains - I'm just trying to avoid the added sugar. I'll have to check those out and see if the sugar is just from the fruit or if they added more on top of that.

  14. I have the following books to give away if you will pay the postage:

    A Rulebook for Arguments by Anthony Weston, 3rd edition. Spoken for


    These Dover coloring books which are like new condition: Spoken for

    Tom Sawyer

    Treasure Island

    Life in Ancient Greece


    Christian Kids Explore Biology (the first 39 pages have been worked in pencil; there are about 300 pages in all)Spoken for


    From Jerusalem to Irian Jaya by Ruth A. Tucker

  15. I have never seen one. We buy plain yogurt and add our own fruit, either blueberries or sometimes, jam.


    Yes, I thought of that - I bought the plain in a large tub and have added frozen-then-thawed strawberries, but being the lazy person that I am, I was hoping to find something in convenient little containers that I don't have to mess with to get the result I want. I mean, how hard would that be for yogurt manufacturers to do? You'd think they'd realize folks who are eating Greek yogurt are probably interested in the most healthy form of it. I'll probably just have to keep adding my own fruit.

  16. I remembered about this old thread, and thought I should post it here.


    Hope that it is helpful. Dolciani discussion


    I did a search for "dolciani" before I posted my question and found this post to be very helpful, although it did not answer my particular question. I also clicked the tag for "Dolciani" at the bottom and spent several hours reading all the related posts then, too. These boards are wonderful for all the information others are so kind to take the time and energy to share!


    I do get disheartened though, when I think of my non-math brain and how I may not be doing my children any favors by choosing less rigorous texts because I'm having trouble understanding the material. I'm amazed at how so many ladies here can pick up a math textbook and see that it is weak on this area and strong in that one and so they know to buy this or that to supplement, etc., etc. To me if the title says Algebra I then it must be okay, kwim? I'm just not smart enough to skim a TOC and see that I might need to choose another text or supplement what I have. I wouldn't even know what to supplement with! We own TT Alg. 1 and 2 and after comparing the TOCs on these to the Dolciani I can see that the TT texts aren't as comprehensive. The newer version of TT Alg. 1 does have about 15 more lessons in it, but I own the older version and the company wants about $100 to upgrade. That's half of what it would cost new, but I haven't got $100 - especially if I'm still only getting something that isn't quite up to snuff.


    Ds15 was struggling with math and I was thinking he needed to have a gentler approach. I already owned the TT since I bought it for DD19 who is like me and is planning on majoring in piano pedagogy when she goes to college this fall. I knew she didn't really need anything rigorous in her chosen field. But Ds wants to be an accountant.


    His uncle is an accountant and that is his primary motivation. During his free time he writes pirate stories and screenplays and is working on learning ventriloquism. What I'm trying to say is he is really not mathy either - he is very right-brained - but he has it in his mind that he wants to be an accountant based solely on the fact that his uncle, whom he adores, has encouraged him in this way. (It's a long story but it has to do with the fact dh did not go to college and is a letter carrier and it is very hard to live on his salary in this high cost of living area and we really have no choice because moving is out of the question - transferring in the PO is next to impossible) I know that being an accountant involves more than just adding and subtracting, so I really want Ds to be prepared for college-level math courses, but I don't feel equipped to help him.


    We cannot afford to hire a tutor or use an outside source (I've checked Landry Academy and one other I can't remember the name of off hand). It's going to be a stretch financially to even switch texts, let alone take an outside course.


    In the other post that Beth started she said she had issues with buying teacher's manuals that turned out not to be teacher's manuals and was having to fight to get her money back. I don't have the extra money to make mistakes like that so I'm wondering if I just go ahead and use the TT, will Ds be lost when he gets to college?


    Sorry for the ramble. I was so excited when I found the Dolciani text the other day because I knew many here think it is a great textbook. I was surprised to see that it is the same textbook (same cover!) that I used in 9th grade. The thing is I barely passed Algebra I (granted, that was the year my parents got divorced so I was probably not really focusing on math) and it scares me to think of using this text if I don't have the right teacher's manual and lots of support outside of myself to teach it. Maybe I should just skip it and use the TT I already own.


    Oh, and I meant to say that I slowed Ds down at the beginning of this year and had him do LOF fractions and decimals because he hit a wall in his TT Pre-A book when it switched from review of basic math to introducing algebraic concepts. He started up in the TT after Christmas and says now that it is easy - I figured he just need the time to develop a bit more neurologically speaking to do the algebra portion. That gives me hope that he is truly now ready for algebra. He will be 16 in July and I feel like he is already behind in the typical high school math sequence so I don't feel I can waste any more time on this - I need to find a good solid Algebra program for him now.

  17. You have the former. I have copies of both the 1965 (1962) Structure and Method book and the 1970 (1967) Modern School Mathematics book. Personally, I prefer the instruction in the earlier edition, but both are great.


    There were two different sets of authors for these books. The 1965 (1962) book were written by Dolciani, Berman, and Freilich, and the 1970 (1967) book were written by Dolciani, Wooton, Beckenbach, Jurgensen, and Donnelly.


    The earlier text has a red and turqoise cover, while the latter text has a blue cover. The TOC are different, and there is more set work in the earlier edition, at least from what I can tell in comparing the two.




    The Modern School Mathematics Algebra 1 book was regarded as one of the best high school level text books ever written. It includes chapters on digital computer methods and systems of equations in three variables that the earlier edition does not have. I feel it was better than its predecessor. However, opinions are what they are. You may have a different one depending on what you want to get out of it. However, on the down side it is out dated with respect to the current curriculum. It gets too bogged down in rigor and does not contain the calculator problems that are in current text books. The digital computer methods introduced is in PL/1 which is no longer used. Students don't do much graphing on paper now as it is all programmed into their graphing calculator. However, it is still my opinion that if you want a solid math background, then use the book you have and integrate the technology needed to modernize it. I have both these books and a lot more. Please feel free to check out the pictures of the text books I have uploaded. If you get stuck on a problem, then I may be able to help you.


    Thanks for your offer of help. I guess the pictures didn't load - no worries. Have you got any suggestions for a text that would be good to use for integrating the technology? I am not "mathy" at all and really feel lost when it comes to this topic.

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