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Posts posted by Findley2

  1. This one is recommended by TOG as a dialectic level biography. I have not personally read this, but the Amazon reviews look promising. If you read through the reviews, at least one other biography is recommended.


    I am reading this one right now. It is by the same author and very interesting.


  2. Do you mean cook or bake?


    For cooking I just throw some in a pan. I don't bake.


    Same here, but I assumed she must be talking about baking (or she follows recipes very closely ;)).


    Thanks for the help. I did mean baking, I just guesstimate when I am cooking. :lol:

  3. Dh read me something yesterday about a study that showed cold showers were as effective as anti-depressants for some patients. I think it was a three-minute cold shower twice a day? (And they mentioned spending a couple of minutes in the shower working the temp down before they started the three-minute clock.)


    It sounds crazy, and it might not work for SAD, but it's cheap and so might be worth a try.


    Brrr!!! The thought of it makes me want to crawl back in bed and get warm.:001_smile:

  4. hi :)

    i have 5 year old here too :)

    I LOVE kumon books a lot.

    Get some EASY ADDITIONS and EASY SABTRATIONS just in case. YOu would think its hard (maybe) but i started with it with my DS5 and thought he would be stuck at +1 and +2 forever - but its been 3-4 months and we skipped half of that book and switched to 1st grade already with all that drill.

    Although i would recommend to learn those addition and subtraction tricks early on. I am thinking to add some 1A singapore math. It has some neat stuff that helps them to do calculation in their heads :)


    Thank you! I will try those. She is trying to work it out some on her own, so I think she is almost ready. We just have to get # recognition down. She gets 6 and 8 confused.

    I figured out CVC words this morning and then felt so dumb.:glare:

  5. MFWK teaches dc all the letter sound and how to read CVC words. MFWK math is calendar math. If you dc can read CVC words, can count and do very simple addition and subtraction, they will be fine.


    This is probably a really dumb question, what are CVC words?:confused: My goal was to start MFW 1st in the fall, but I don't know if she will be reading well enough. It is just not clicking. She knows all her letter sounds and short and long vowel sounds. But she's not able to put the sounds together. If her readings not where it should be, would it be better to do MFW K.

  6. My dd is 5 and we have been homeschooling off and on since fall. She is about halfway through the R&S abc series and we will be starting HOP and GtG in January. I also bought a Kumon workbook for numbers 1-30. Will what we are doing prepare her for MFW 1st or is there something else I should add?

  7. I am sorry you are going through this. It can be so hard assimilating a new person into your family. I have been on both sides of this situation. I am very shy and it takes me along time to feel comfortable with new people. Group/family gatherings can be almost painful, until I get to know people. Although I am much, much better than I was in my teens and twenties. My dh has a large, loud group of friends that he considered family. I did not fit in with them, and they did not like that he was changing. So I know how hard it can be, and my dh did not always do what he could to make it easier for anyone. Btw when he changed it was for the better. He quit drinking and partying and became much more focused on our family. The best thing my dh friends and his mother could have done was accept me the way I was and give me time to find my place.

    On the other hand we cannot stand my dss1's girlfriend. They have been dating for over a year and he lives with her and parents. She is gradually pulling him away from his friends and family. She is not shy. I wish she was, I get that. We have always welcomed her and I thought we had a good relationship. However she has started trying to cause problems between us and dhs ex-wife. Telling her things that happen here, but only the parts that make me look bad. Really her problem seems to be with me. She doesn't agree with hs and tell my dss's that I don't know what I am doing. When my dss2 was in a car accident she told dss1 that they couldn't come home, we live 3 hrs away, because it would mess up her perfect attendance and put too many miles on her car. Even with all this we have been nice to her and have not said anything to dss, yet. We love him and don't want to alienate him. I am hoping that in time either he will break up with her or she will grow up and realize she does not know everything. Although what I would really love is to pack her in a box and send her to another dimension. Let them deal with her.:lol:

    Really though I think that time, patience, and love can do a lot. Especially when you are dealing with someone who is shy and introverted. I don't know if any of this helps. Really I can't see that you have done anything awful. It's life people make mistakes and we don't always know exactly the right way to deal with a new situation. If you have done something wrong apologize any way you feel comfortable and move on. She's young give her time and acceptance. Either she will accept it or she won't. Just hang in there.

  8. Thanks so much for the suggestions. I didn't really know how to go about helping him with math.


    After skip counting I move into multi-digit multiplication-- spend 1-2 weeks on this-- this reinforces place value too (as well as basic multiplication facts).


    Once multiplication is done I move on to division (introducing fractions at the same time--fractions ARE division problems!). The first week is basic division (24/8) the second week I introduce long division with divisors having 1, 2 and 3 digits)... I have students check their work using multiplication-- this reinforces addition, subtraction, multiplication and division!!


    What would you suggest using for fractions? I am a little fuzzy on fraction rules. It's been awhile.:001_smile:

  9. First off let me say that I am pretty clueless about how to do this. I don't even know if this is the right place to post this question, but here it goes. I need to help my DH study for his GED. I know there are books to help you, I have a couple. The problem is that I have to start at almost the beginning. I don't mean that he is illiterate, he likes to read, but his education was minimal. Long story short: his father left, his mother was barely there, and the schools just passed him along. It has taken years for him to get to where he would agree to do this, and he'll only do it if I teach him.:eek: My problem is that I need to find things to use without humiliating him. I think once we get started he'll realize he knows more than he thinks.

    My first priority is spelling, grammar, and math. I have Spelling Power but thats about it. For math we have to start with multiplication and I am going to use flash cards. But I don't know where to go from there. I was thinking LOF and someone suggested Keys. Would these be good choices for an adult? I don't want anything that has grade levels. For grammar I really don't know what to use. I was never good at grammar so I will be reviewing with him. In the MFW catalog I saw a book that I thought might work. It is called The All-In-One English Series Master Book. Has anyone used this or have any other suggestion?

    I am kind of freakin out because I don't know if I can do this, but I have to. I really don't want to humiliate him and make him feel stupid. Sorry if this was too long and rambling. I would appreciate any suggestions.


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