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Posts posted by tvaleri

  1. the level your student is working at and how many of the subjects you choose. My rhetoric student works about 4-5 hours per day. However, she is a slower reader and the R books this year were college level texts. She covered core and in-depth history, church history/worldview, geography, and literature.


    My dialectic student spends about two hours.


    My UG student devotes about two hours. However, he likes to read alone and often chases rabbits if he finds an interesting topic =) We don't usually do the Arts/Activities.


    This was our first year with TOG. My dialectic son kept asking why it was a "Christian" curriculum because he didn't see it as such. Most of the books are secular as compared with Year 1 which uses the Bible heavily. Keep in mind we have only used Year 3 and nothing below UG.


    Books are expensive with TOG. G-d has provided our books this year through others who've gone before.


    You may also want to check out the Tapestry of Grace forums.


    Please email if you have any more questions.


    Teresa in NC

  2. IEW is the best program I've ever used to teach my students to write. Grammar can be incorporated as it is addressed in the lessons. Pupils learn to write by modeling progressing to the blank page.


    If you have any questions, email me =D



    Teresa in NC


    "Do you not know that the runners in a race all run, but only one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may attain it."

    1 Corinthians 9:24

  3. TOG has the History of US as the spine for UG history. When I did a bit o'research on the series, I found lots of disturbing info. Most distressing is that the books have a very strong bias in favor of the author. I recognize every author has his own bias he writes from, but this was so much so, the information was skewed. Along that same line, much of the information was just plain incorrect.

    Our co-op chose not to use these books, but to go with Story of the World instead.



    Teresa in NC

  4. after using MUS for years. Ds participated in MathCounts in the fall. Thought CD would be the math for him. Wrong-o! The lectures were too long and way too many problems in a set.


    Life of Fred Beginning Algebra had been on the shelf. Told ds to work on this until I can find something else. He has commented several times how much he is enjoying algebra!



    Teresa in NC

  5. A few years ago, I switched to Bare Minerals and LOVE it! I am really bad about not taking makeup off before bed, and heard this makeup line was actually beneficial for the skin. I drink lots of water, use Cetaphil to cleanse, and Wexler products for moisturizing. I'll turn 45 Friday and for the last year or so am having issues with acne! Ugh! My teenaged dd, 15, has been after me to have girls' spa night and do facials. I think I'll go find her now =)


    Smiles (with a few faint crow's feet),


  6. the curriculum does what I consider a cardinal sin in teaching. It shows an example of what they want the student to write, then tells them to implement it without enough foundation/explanation.


    Personally, I love IEW! Structure AND Style are both taught gently with lots of practice. We're in our third year with IEW and my students continue to write heads and shoulders above their peers.




  7. I've read that yes, no carbs does make one cranky :) We need carbs for proper brain function. It's the bad carbs we don't need, you know, super processed stuff.

    After trying Atkins a few years ago and Michael Thurmon's Six Week Body Makeover recently, there's a world of difference in restricting bad carbs and cutting all carbs out. The latter program worked as long as I followed it. Lost six pounds in a week. But when I went back to eating normally, I gained all six pounds back :(


    My new mantra. Life's too short, all things in moderation :)



  8. Thank you for the reply. My concerns stem from reviews I've read on amazon, the library, etc. that the book almost has a "Criminal Minds" appeal in that the main character commits a commit a brutal double murder then we are taken on a journey through his mind as he thinks through his actions. Not sure how explicit the descriptions are. Concerned about the quality of the literature. Garbage in, garbage out, kwim?


    Thanks again,


  9. Here's my 7th grader's reading list. (We're using TOG).

    Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass

    Behind Rebel Lines

    David Copperfield

    Diary of a Napoleonic Foot Soldier

    Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

    Frankenstein by Deanna McFadden - ds was moved by the sadness of the story

    Hound of the Baskervilles, The

    Importance of Being Earnest, The

    Island of the Blue Dolphins


    Jungle Book, The

    Poetry for Young People: Emily Dickinson

    Poetry for Young People: Robert Browning

    Poetry for Young People: William Wordsworth

    Princess and the Goblin, The

    Tom Sawyer



    In his spare time, he's read the entire Sisters Grimm series. So many books, so little time :)


    Teresa in NC


  10. I agree with Michelle =) I've homeschooled for over 14 years and used several writing programs. None can compare with IEW! Using the modeling approach, your student will understand how to write using structure and style.

    There is a wonderful support group on Yahoo groups, IEW Families, where you can find a treasure chest of wisdom. In addition the Files section is full of helps, including lesson plans.



    Teresa in NC

  11. Just saw this thread and wanted to chime in. Out of my five kids, two are not so good spellers. They also do not like reading. I've found that kids who are love to read are naturally great spellers. That said, there is help for those who struggle. Phonetic Zoo which is affiliated with The Institute for Excellence in Writing is a great program. Mr. Pudewa states "Spelling is the random retrieval of sequentially stored information. If the information isn't stored in correct order, it cannot be retrieved in correct order." You can check out http://www.writing-edu.com for more of his wisdom on spelling. Also, check out PZ. Great company which offers a 100% money back guarantee on all products, regardless of how long you used them!


    Incidentally, I've tried Spelling Power, Rod & Staff, Abeka, Sequential Spelling, with no success. Not that these are inadequate programs, they simply didn't work for my kiddos who struggled with spelling.


    In Christ alone,


  12. Hey there-


    Just saw your thread and wanted to let you know you're not alone in the boat :) We're Messianic (but not Jewish :) I've used lots of curricula for history, Story of the World, Sonlight, MOH, and this year, TOG. I have to say I don't look for products with a Messianic point of view but rather incorporate our worldview into whatever we're using.


    If you'd like to discuss this further, please feel free to email!


    By His Grace,



    2 Corinthians 12:9: "Sufficient for you is the grace of Me."


    What an incredible promise!

  13. Hello Ginger-


    We are embarking on the TOG journey this year for the first time. I have UG, dialectic, and rhetoric students. One of the main reasons I chose TOG is for the in depth discussions which come from the reading. Thus, teaching the students to think, to choose a worldview, and to make connections with the past. We are participating in a co-op so the discussions should be quite lively :L)


    Teresa in NC

  14. Purchased this last year at homeschool convention. Sold next week and went with IEW instead. Didn't care for the layout. Basically WWB was set up for the student to read examples of good writing then imitate with little to no instruction. Compared to IEW which teaches instruction from the beginning using models and eventually moving the student to the blank page. Lots of practice and support made IEW a winner in my school.



    Teresa in NC

  15. In a nutshell, I have a dd, almost 15, rising sophomore who needs a foreign language. With her input, we've decided on Latin. Wow! Who knew there were that many Latin programs out there?


    She's had no foreign language. We're going to begin Tapestry of Grace, Year 3, rhetoric level. Any suggestions, please?


    One more thought...I have no Latin experience. Also have a rising 7th grade boy and 5th grade boy with whom I hope to begin Latin as well.


    Thank you in advance,

    Teresa in NC

  16. Nice to meet someone else in the boat with me, Jean :) Not only have I waffled about TOG, SOTW and Abeka textbooks, I joined a TOG co-op, backed out, and rejoined! LOL! The reason I keep going back to TOG is for the last few years, history has been ok, but not over the top. Sonlight, SOTW, MOH, all fit part of the puzzle, but it's not come together. As I've prayed about the direction for our schooling this year, G-d has led me again and again (He's so patient) to TOG. It is laid out, my kids will hopefully learn to work more independently, I'm forced to plan more-something I've not done much of, the ladies of the co-op are a wonderful, supportive group. One more thought, we're not covering every subject that Tapestry offers. It all looks wonderful, but it'd be a bit much. That said, I'm putting on the diving gear and jumping ship!




  17. We have a 2009 Toyota Camry and a 2008 Chevy Truck. Our Nationwide insurance deductible is $500, and we have safe driver and multi-discount. Comes out to $1256 a year. My 19 yo who is still an inexperienced driver (until December) drives an 07 Honda Civic xi pays $1800 a year!


    I have to say when I was hit in February and my 4Runner was totaled, my agent was extremely helpful, even though it was the other driver's fault. The other insurance company was Traveler's. Surprisingly, they've been not too bad to deal with.




  18. Hey there-


    Are you aware that FIAR has discussion forums as well? All the FIAR levels are broken down and everyone discusses what's going on as they 'row :)


    Teresa in NC




    "I claim to be an historian. My approach to Classics is historical. And I tell you that the evidence for the life, the death, and the resurrection of Christ is better authenticated than most of the facts of ancient history."




    E. M. Blaiklock

    Professor of ClassicsAucklandUniversity



  19. Hey there-


    My suggestion would be Mystery of History because it's biblically based, minimal planning, just open and go. Even so, there is a list of additional resources which you could use for older ones. When we used it, I would read a lesson on Mon-Wed which only took 15-20 minutes. Each student was given an assignment at his level. Thursday was map/timeline/notecards and catch up on anything not completed. Friday test day and read.

    It is cost effective. You could easily add biographies, movies, etc., although it's not necessary.


    Oh yes, there are also yahoo support groups for each volume.


    Teresa in NC

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