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Everything posted by Kimandtheboys

  1. We use an onine dictionary more than anything. But I just wanted to recommend a good reference book, Barron's 501 Spanish Verbs. It lists each verb, fully conjagated in all tenses. http://www.amazon.com/Spanish-Verbs-CD-ROM-Audio-Series/dp/0764197975/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1364820428&sr=8-1&keywords=barron%27s+501+spanish+verbs
  2. Just wanted to mention that having a headset w/microphone is necessary for some of the games on Visual Link. They sell it on their website, and I believe they had a better price than I found anywhere else. We've been using this for over a year and my kids still enjoy it. We have all three levels. I am looking forward to my children venturing onto Level II so I will have someone to practice with!
  3. Here is an article that may get you started on researching the "One Parent, One Language" method (OPOL). Hope it helps. http://spanglishbaby.com/2011/04/5-biggest-obstacles-when-raising-bilingual-children/
  4. Maybe this article would be useful to you, it is about a curriculum that teaches children who speak Spanish to read: http://spanglishbaby.com/2012/03/learning-to-read-in-spanish-with-coquito/
  5. I am using Visual Link Spanish with my 7 and 10 year old boys. We were not making much progress using a book-style curriculum (The Easy Spanish, Junior Level) because if I ran out of time or energy, that is the subject that was put off that day. It also did not have enough review built in for me. We are now using Visual Link which is a computer program that they do themselves and has lots of repetition built in to the lessons. They each have their own user which tracks their progress. It is very kid-friendly, although I use it too and have all three levels. You can try out their free demo lessons here: learnspanishtoday.com. It is usually "on sale" for a little over $100, but I frequently get emails with coupon codes to make it cheaper (sorry, the last one I received ended yesterday!). Very fun program, and the everyday sentences we are learning are wonderful to practice on each other.
  6. I thought the Destinos series was excellent. I needed the Spanish subtitles on so that I could read along while the language was being spoken, as I could not process what they were saying fast enough just by hearing it. I found the link to it and other resources at this website: http://teachinglearningspanish.blogspot.com/ I have learned a lot from Visual Link Spanish. There are three levels and I am on Level 2, which teaches a lot of verbs and tenses. The first level really gets you speaking everyday sentences quickly. Each level can be logged into under a different user, perfect for a family sharing the program. You can try free demo lessons here: Learnspanishtoday.com
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