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Posts posted by bradandmeplus2

  1. My son has had excema on his legs since he was a newborn and one of the things that can cause it to flare up is sitting in the grass. I gave up trying to keep a little boy out of the grass and have learned to stick him in the tub as soon as he comes in. Then load him up with aveno lotion. Just a skin allergy. If your kiddo is willing to wear pants it will settle the issue, mine just won't.

  2. I only know how I was trained to do dictation in a classroom setting, but we read the sentence once at a normal pace and asked them to listen only. Then when I was done reading the sent. they wld begin to write as I said the sentence a final time a bit slower than a normal pace. I waited a moment afterwards and then moved on. Students were instructed to put their pencil down and wait for the next sentence. Again, this is how I was trained, but there could be other twists on it as well I suppose.

  3. I agree that our kids are in training. I wouldn't send my 5 year old out to ride his bike alone without training wheels, if I hadn't first taught him how to ride. I would stay with him and help guide him. I feel the same about school, I was a teacher for several years and saw so much yucky stuff. I just decided I want to have more influence over my child then another teacher or a particular group of kids. And in the end, I have to decided waht is right for my kid and you have to decide what is right for your kid. Neither right nor wrong, just different. IMO.

  4. First, I have never used anything other than Saxon or Singapore. Having said that, IMO, Singapore is great for kids who catch on quickly and are ready to move on. There is not a lot of repetition and not a spiraling method. If your DS and DD are quick to pick up concepts and enjoy math, I think it's fab. I think it's pretty cheap too. My DS is going into his 2nd year of Singapore and he loves it! There are ways to add practice if they hit a particular part they need more work on, so that would be an option too. I have no complaints about Singapore and it's just what works for my guy.

  5. Ever type a response and it erase as you finish, just happened. So, take two.


    I am just learning too, but here's what I've tried.

    1. I found another family in my lil wyoming town using the same curr. so we split the costs and staggered out starting time in the fall. Not ideal, but it worked and we saved 1/2 the cost. Some things can't be split so you buy your own, i.e. workbooks


    2. We reserve books in advance at the library so we have what we need when we get to that week.


    3. I look throught everypage of what I'm about to print and only print the absolute nesc. pages. (Some are just a waste or even blank.)


    4. I spend way to much time checking all the used sites including ebay, amazon, etc...


    5. I resale anything that's not tied down or for sure going to be used for my next lil guy. If in doubt sale it and buy it used later. Worry about what you need for this year, bc chances are you'll have changed your mind by the time the next one is ready for it. IMO.


    6. We refill our printer cartridges instead of going new. Hasn't been a problem yet.


    That's what I got so far, but still learning!

  6. I get brain fog when my thyroid meds are off.


    My brain fog story is that my boys were asleep at nana's house and the postman rang the door bell waking them up. In my frustration I told my DH I didn't understand why the postman rang the door bell, when our postman always just knocked. In fact he had never rang the door bell. My DH simply smiled and reminded me we didn't have a door bell. Opps. And I'm not even preggo. :tongue_smilie:

  7. I am starting K with my DS this fall after a successful completion of SL P4/5. (Which Btw, he did not enjoy. Found most all of the books boring) We are going to try FIAR vol. 1 with GTG. I spent hours printing out additional activites for FIAR most of which were lap book activities. Then I found GTG through suggestions made to other on the WTM forums and I am excited to buy it.

    My question is, am I going overboard to think that he will want to complete a LB for every FIAR/GTG unit? Should I even attempt the LB? I think I just get so excited by all of the great unit study ideas out there that I think I need to do them all. Any advice? Do boys even enjoy LBing? :confused:

  8. So in following this thread, I have been wondering do most of you who use FIAR with GTG... do you use mostly FIAR or GTG? Or is it just a combination of both based around the areas of the world? I really want to make using both of these book together work, so any plans you wanna share with use newbies would be super,just trying to wrap my mind around how to put a lesson together. Thanks for sharing the lists too!

  9. I make one meal for the family and they either eat or don't eat. The kitchen is only open for business for 30 min. and then it all goes away. When they cry in hunger, I show them the left overs and how to warm them up. Perhaps this is a bit to much, but I was way over the dinner table fight. Mine also don't get snacks until they have eaten what was served for dinner. They can only hold out for so long, right? Sometimes when they have several whinning nights in a row we plan a trip for ice cream after dinner, but only those who eat get dessert. Haven't had one starve yet!

  10. I just wanna say that any mom who even attempts to homeschool her kids should feel like a success. It is hard even without the LD, so yay for you for even giving it a good go around!


    As a former teacher, I will say that if the LD's are not looked at and you know what you're dealing with, she may feel even more frustrated in a general ps class. I am not a supporter of many of the treatments or even diagnosis of LD, but it does help you to know how to teach them and when to push a lil harder or when to let it go. There's not an easy answer, but I pray for devine guidance for you!


    You are a star mommy either way!

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