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Posts posted by bradandmeplus2

  1. I tried a package type curriculum from SL last year for preschool. This year for kindergarten we are using FIAR and my son and I both enjoy it much more. For us, we want to put most of our attnt on learning to read and math, so this program allows us to do that. We spend as little or as much time as we want on the FIAR guide depending on how my son is doing that week. I love the books that FIAR uses and my son has as well. The basic idea is to read the same book every day that week and the guide gives ideas to do or pull out for social studies, science, art, math, etc... I will say that bc we focus so heavily on reading and math, we choose to use a seperate curr for each of those. I think it is a very nice way to tie the week's activities together through one piece of literature.

  2. Have fun!! ;)


    We do the surveys, make school shirts, take pictures, get new supplies, go out for lunch, etc. You can read about our first day this year here.


    Happy Homeschooling! Hope you have a great first day and a blessed year!



    :iagree:I went to check out her blog and got great first day ideas. We just completed our first day today including the first day survey she mentioned and my DS kinder loved it! We did a family breakfast and also took a nature walk to a park to play. Great first day! And the nana's love the first day pics! :thumbup:

  3. My problem is I over think things. I keep redoing schedules trying to get the "perfect" one. I can spend so much time thinking about how I'm going to do things that it can take away from actually doing them! I just wondered if people have had success with a more laid back approach.


    I am the same way, I put so much effort into a schedule that's just right, and then I realized it was going out the window many days and only frustrating DS. This year I'm going more laid back with a strong vision of where I want to be when we're done. I wrote out my goals for why we do what we do and if it meets those goals then we'll try it. My hope is to create an atmosphere where my DS loves to learn and explore. My goal is not just to do public school at home. My suggestion would be to write why you are homeschooling your kids and then build weekly goals around that. Just my thoughts. I think plans are more for us.

  4. So I have very fond memories of my first day of kindergarten (I was not homeschooled) and I would like to create these for my DS too. Does anyone have any ideas for the first day of school as a homeschooler? I want it to be an event and create some excitement. I'm open to any and all suggestions!

  5. :iagree: This sounds like a good plan if you have to do a bus, but I'd skip the bus part if possible. Then again, I wouldn't want to ride the bus even without my kids either.

    Train ride, yes.


    Bus ride, no way. Any way you can rent a car instead?


    Edit: depends on the 5 yo. There are probably some who would be happy that long doing quiet things. You could take an MP3, portable DVD player, books, puzzle books.

  6. Happy moment for a homeschool mommy! Gotta share so when it's a not so great day, I'll look back and remember! :hurray:


    We are taking the summer off before we start kindergarten this fall, but we use SWR and I didn't want either of us to get rusty on our phonogram progress. I decided to do a little experiment and not even mention school or a review of phonograms, ect... Today, after two weeks of no school talk, DS ran to the shelves, grabbed the phonogram cards and was super excited to review his sounds. I was so excited! I am learning to be relaxed about our schooling and this little experiment helped me to see he still loves to learn!

  7. I love this idea! Thanks for sharing!

    I love it, I made a huge calendar in the kitchen and actually used magnetic paint behind it so it was a magnetic dry erase surface and love it. I also did it on our play room so the kids a magnetic letters and can words on something other than the fridge. I made it the lines with pinstriping tape from autozone (my husbands idea), but worked great. lol. I am a huge fan.


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