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Posts posted by missiemick

  1. I would like to replace my alarm clock with one that can also charge my iphone. I've found all kinds but they all look like I will have to remove my case in order to charge it. I just think that's a major pain and is not something I'm willing to do. Does anyone have anything they would suggest?

  2. I replaced my deodorant with Milk of Magnesia. It works great! I did it to try and lessen the bad chemicals in my life but I figured that if "most people are deficient in magnesium" then it was a win-win.

  3. I really like mine. I think it's easier to text on. I also end up using it like a mini-computer - I keep lots of recipes, websites that I enjoy, and use it to compare prices while I'm out shopping. I also use the map feature a lot because I've moved to a new place and it gives me directions (that I don't have to print out.) And then there is always Facebook . . .

  4. We were able to track dd's issues to diet and sleep. If she had had a lot of sugar (including wheat products) and a late night then we were sure to have severe anxiety in the next couple of days.

    When we saw a counselor, he wanted to send her to a psychiatrist and put her on meds. I REALLY wanted to avoid that if possible and started tracking everything and that's what we came up with so far. It's been wonderful to see her blossom.

    Just an idea.

  5. As an introvert, one outlet that helped me was working retail. It's surprising because I'm socially quiet, but retail was a measured formatted type of interaction. I could help people find something, or run the cash register, have a simple superficial conversation, and they left. Rinse repeat. Retail really helped me get out of my comfort zone as a teen. I played a role, interacted, learned something about people without feeling too exposed.


    He's 17 - it's time he at least had a part time job. Looks like a win-win to me:001_smile:

  6. The pastor needs to leave his office and come sit on your front porch while you tell him what is going on.


    I'd tell the pastor that he has until 2:30 get there and that you have an appointment with a detective at the local PD at 3.


    Then I'd get the ball rolling with LE and have someone come see you at 3.



    He took your child without permission! No matter how "innocent" he might be that was wrong and I would not be nearly as nice about all this.


    Most definitely would be contacting the police. No matter what the church might do - they need to be involved as well.

    Besides, there were other adults around on the mission trip that knew he took the boys off by himself. The church knows this.


    I also would not text the guy and give him any sort of heads-up.


    If it was me, it would be a good thing that I was babysitting today as it would be terribly hard for me to restrain myself from confronting him face-to-face and doing bodily harm :tongue_smilie:


    Please keep us informed :grouphug:

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