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Posts posted by Rachel

  1. You would think I would know this being in the medical field...........and really I do, I just don't want to get a shot.


    My dog nipped my ankle and it didn't bleed (like a blood blister under the skin) and it later broke open and bled the teeniest bit. It is one small puncture like mark......but I'm not sure it really punctured anything since it didn't even bleed when it happened..........just later under the bandaid. I did put Neosporin on it.


    Do I REALLY have to get a tetanus shot??? Please tell me no.......I don't wanna.

  2. Lots of good suggestions.........ALL of which I would like to take.


    Through this, I've started to come to the conclusion that not saying "anything" then lets her think that her actions are acceptable. However, I don't want to get into a he said, she said deal either. I think with the shirt incident in the mix here though I can make a point that it is best if she not have any contact with my children.


    So what I've decided is to write her a note.........face to face would end badly I'm guessing........and I will allow the fact that maybe her words were misinterpreted, but regardless........she should not be talking about other students in front of others. I'll invite her to call me if she has any further questions regarding my children and then ask that she and her son not have any further contact due to the multiple incidents that have taken place thus far. I will forward a copy to the principal and their teacher and make sure she knows that they are getting copies.


    To me, this is the least inflammatory I can be while showing my children I will defend them, but not get into a negative argument with someone who isn't worth the time or effort.........but also shows that by saying something about her actions doesn't allow her to get away with bad behavior.


    Whatcha think?

  3. on her son's shirt that my daughter made........the microscopic one that no one could see without a microscope. Well here's a new twist on this woman. Yesterday the kids had a field trip and my daughter (the mad pen wielding one) had her good friend in the car with this woman and her son. She then proceeded to listen to this mom and son talk about my son (said daughter's twin brother) and saying how immature he was and that he wasn't very smart. She then asked daughter's friend in the back seat if my daughter "had a brain in her head" since "it seemed like her twin brother didn't"..........


    Furious doesn't even begin to describe how I felt today. How I still feel. I was ready to take them home from school today and never take them back.............and I still might.


    So, question is...............what would you do? What I've already done is talk to the principal who said "consider the source........this is a family who judges everyone by how many zeros are on their tax return" But he also said that what she did was completely unacceptable..........although I don't know that he'll do anything about it per say.


    So, do I drop it and show my kids..........these kind of people aren't worth your time and effort (they won't change and won't care......so don't waste yourself on them)


    Or, do I say something to the mom...........with the knowledge that this will not a nice conversation......meaning I will say something unChristianlike at some point during the conversation. But show my kids that I will protect them.


    Right now I'm doing the ignore her because she isn't worth my time.........but I sure have a desire to give her a piece of my mind.


    What to do???

  4. Just want to put another vote in for Aleks. My son did Lial, BCM, MUS, and more...........but Aleks really was what motivated him because he didn't have to review what he already knew (always an annoyance to him when starting a new book) as they test him at the beginning to see what he already knows. Also, it won't let him work on certain things until he's mastered others so it keeps him from getting frustrated. Finally, as silly as it sounds, the pie chart showing his progress really motivates him to keep moving. I have a textbook for help if he doesn't get a concept the way they explain it........but he is almost completely independent in this program and has excelled.

  5. I served last year (and as foreman)


    1) What did you think when you first received the jury notification?

    You've GOT to be kidding me! I wasn't happy....thought it was an inconvenience

    2) Were you questioned to serve on a jury? If so, what were some of the questions you were asked?

    Yes, they asked if I shopped at a particular store (it was a robbery case at this particular store), if anyone in my family or close friends were police officers or worked at the store or had ever been convicted of robbery.

    3) Did you serve on a jury? If so, what was your experience like?

    Yes, I served for a 3 day jury and was appointed Foreman (Foreperson??) and I thought it was a great experience. It was interesting to see how the system works and it I felt good being a part of an important part of being a citizen. It really wasn't the inconvenience I made it out to be.

    4) Did your experience influence how you feel about the jury system? Why or why not?

    It made me realize how important it is that we make time to "do our duty" when we are called. I think a lot of people try to get out of it because they might have to juggle a few days of work or daycare..........but in the overall scheme of things it really minor and I think most people could handle it. Without this type of justice system things could be very different in our country and I truly feel it is our obligation to try to be a part of it when called.

    5) What role do you think the jury system plays in the American judicial process?

    It is vital. Many countries have tribunals where a set group decides guilt..........definitely not impartial, not a group of peers.....I think those things make our system unique in that we try to give every defendant every chance at a fair trial, this sets us apart from many other judicial systems.

  6. I am a total homebody. I live in a rural space, but close enough to town that I feel like I'm there all the time. The nearest WalMart is a 25 minute drive and I truly try to limit my trips down there to once a week or less. I work 4 nights a week so when I'm home I don't want to leave.


    My kids (all teens) cannot understand why I don't want to drive them all over creation when I'm home and get quite testy at "according to them" never getting to go anywhere...............brother!


    The kids have various activities but I'm lucky enough to have my mother next door and my husband really chip in and take up the slack. Otherwise I would be a very grumpy gal...........when I do a lot of outside activities in a day I come up very drained and then don't want to leave my house for days after.......

  7. I started off with a bang and read 13 books by the end of February......but I've only read 2 more since then and I've started and put down a half dozen more. I'm hoping I will get remotivated and start up again.......some books on my list have changed as I've found some too boring to continue or not what I thought and I've found other books that have "just come up" that I just HAD to read.......in fact I'm going to rename one of my categories "just came up"

  8. This could have been me about 8 years ago. I started wearing make up more regularly and asked myself these same questions.


    The best reference my mom gave me was Paula's Begoun's Cosmetic Cop website. http://www.cosmeticscop.com/

    She also has a couple of books that are all about different cosmetic companies and their products. She gives recommendations based on skin types which I found very helpful.


    My mom swears by Bare Minerals........but with my dry skin, it didn't work for me.


    I totally am eclectic and some things I pay bucks for and other things I'll buy at the dollar store if I could. I think everyone is different, but for me the things worth paying for are

    -moisturizer (although I've been happy with Oil of Olay products for 20 years now)



    Everything else is up for discussion

  9. My twins found out about it yesterday, so we are getting ready to observe. I'm at work at the hospital right now (one of the most ecologically unsound places anywhere, let me tell you).........but the kids are at home as we speak turning off lights, unplugging appliances and turning off electronics.


    We do things year round, so I don't feel this is of great benefit overall, but it does bring attention to something important we need to all consider in our daily lives.

  10. My husband just built me some new beds for my square foot garden....and I posted the photos on my website if you want to look.


    I just planted a whole square of strawberries

    I do typical salad fare.......lettuce, spinach, tomatoes, cucumbers, onions

    Peas in spring, beans in summer

    I'm going to try some pumpkin and watermelon this year for the first time.


    I'm sold on square foot gardening and have been doing it for 5 years now and wouldn't do it any other way.


    You can tuck herbs inbetween other crops or do a square of herbs by themselves or what I like to do is, is do them in pots on my deck........looks nice, I can control the crazy growers (like rosemary) and it looks nice on my deck.

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