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Posts posted by katalaska

  1. Hi, everyone--


    This is probably my third post in all of 2008, but I used to be here all the time (before the board format changed) mostly posting about my middle child, a dd now 8.5yo and going into 3rd grade, who we thought at one time had an autism spectrum disorder.


    Well...fast forward to now and we just got back from a morning of language testing. Dd qualifies for therapy and insurance covers (at least partly) 20 visits a year. (The school system has previously disqualified her from all special education services).


    We're now leaning in the direction of auditory processing disorder. It seems people here had recommendations for helpful programs. I remember things like Earobics, Fast ForWord, and others.


    Can someone refresh my memory? I'd like to ask dd's therapist about some of these things at our next appointment.



  2. My 8yo dd just got her ears pierced Friday afternoon. This morning the skin on her face/jawline right by her earlobes looks slightly pink and there are little pimply bumps (maybe 8-10). The entire affected area is about the size of a nickel.


    My concern is that she is having an allergic reaction...to the cleaning solution? (We got her ears pierced at Claire's in the mall). Or to the metal/foreign object in her ears? Or??


    Since she's not supposed to take the earrings out for six weeks (lest the holes close up) I don't want to go there just yet. I'm wondering if what I'm seeing today is an indication of worse things to come and possibly that she will be unable to wear earrings... Or if maybe there is something we can try (i.e. an anti-itch/steroid cream) until her body adjusts...or something.


    This is a kid who doesn't have any allergies per se but has been known to have skin reactions to things such as Pull-ups. She was prone to yeast diaper rashes until she was potty trained. And mosquitoes love her and she reacts to those bites.


    Anyone BTDT who can offer experience or advice? I have my ears pierced with no problems as does my 11yo dd (who got hers done a year ago). So I don't know what to do. I've put a call in to our pediatrician's office but since it is Monday morning all I got was the voice mail and it will be hours before I get a call back.



  3. These are from the CHEC Homeschool Update/ Second Quarter, 2008, page 10:


    The author, Carol Barnier, writes about possible homeschool book titles that we will never see:


    22 Ways to Encourage Social Workers to Come Over for Tea


    NEA's Book of "Why YOU Should Homeschool"


    Keeping Your Hired Domestic Staff Motivated and Happy


    Getting Expelled From Your Support Group...and other Ways to Liven Up Meetings


    Dr. Seuss' Version of 10 Commandments. (I DO NOT want my neighbor's cow. I DO NOT want it then or now.)


    There are Absolutely NO Absolutes...Post-Modernism Truths...er, um suggestions...thoughts...well, you know...


    Making Usable Furniture from Unused Curriculum


    Mini-Van and Paper Mache: How Will You Find Your Van in a Conference Parking Lot?


    Coon Skin Caps from Road Kill--A Thrifty Mom's Story


    Some of My Best Friends Use Public Schools--The New Face of Tolerance


    Keeping the Heart of the Children Who Will One Day Choose Your Nursing Home


    Pot Holders, Pup Tents, and Other Great Uses for Those Old Denim Jumpers


    Local Support Groups Launch New 12 Step Recovery Program


    "He's One Stone Short of a Temple"...and other Ancient Hebrew Jokes


    Our Weapon of Choice: The Glue Gun


    "I've Been Called for Jury Duty"--55 Great Ideas for Getting Dad to Teach Today


    I ONLY Have 3 Children!--and Other Embarrassing Homeschool Confessions


    How to Win National Spelling Bee, Geography Bee and Quilting Bee in 5 Easy Lessons!


    Creating a Walk-Through Digestive Tract (and other Science-Alive Moments)


    "I Wasn't Sleeping! I was Meditating on our Family's Mission Statement!": Quick and Believable Responses When Caught Dozing


    Classical-Shmassical: Whatever Happened to Recess?


    Dust Bunny/Cheerios Sculptures: Creative Ways to Get YOUR Kids to Tidy Up


    "I Just Can't Get That Tomato Out of My Head!" One Mom's Courageous Battle with Veggie Tales Abuse


    Boundaries and the Deadbolt Solution: Finally Going to the Bathroom Alone

  4. Hi--


    I've been off the boards since October and when I came back I found them in this weird, hard-to-use format and I just plain haven't had time to learn how to navigate here.


    Anyway, back in July 2007 (I'm pretty sure), Sandy in VA wrote about how her daughter had a "no-gifts" party and instead the kids went to the animal shelter and any gifts that were brought were for the animals.


    My 11yo dd would like to do a similar thing but I need help with the wording. None of my kids needs anything and they'd like to help a good cause. All three are animal-lovers so we might do this more than once.


    Help, please!

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