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Valerie in Chicago

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Posts posted by Valerie in Chicago

  1. Tammy, I'm so sorry that this is happening.:grouphug:


    It looks like you're getting excellent advice here. I might wonder if you want to:


    1.) have a cup of coffee with the dirtbag's boss (my sister had a much smaller situation with her former boyfriend, who was army -- she got a phonecall from his c.o., who wanted her side of things. and he ended up being quite helpful in the situation)


    2.) keep a detailed log of all of this in case you opt to pursue custody of the baby.


    I wish I had some way to be more helpful or some sort of magic words or advice. Know that I'm thinking of you!!!

  2. My brother has stayed at the Hard Rock Hotel and liked it. It was on the company dime though, so I make no assurances about bargains. Also, my sister has stayed at the downtown Sheraton and been happy too.


    I second the suggestion about seeing if there's some kind of "package" deal for the museums.


    I also suggest putting the kids in swimsuits and swimshoes and going to Millenium Park. The fountain on Michigan Ave is good fun.


    Finally, if you're staying downtown, check out the transit system. You can get everyone downtown for MUCH less than taking a cab. It's pretty easy to do, and the transit agents at the airport should be used to working with new folks.


    Have fun!!!

  3. Renting a great place in a great neighborhood with a fantastic landlord -- we're the lower-level apt of a two-flat. We live in a neighborhood that we could not afford to buy in. We don't know when we'll ever buy. We couldn't afford to buy an apt this nice. Plus, we look at prices in the city and think, "we'll never get our money back on THAT price." Finally, not owning allows us to have money for investing in the stock market. DH recently took $30,000 and turned it into $100,000. If that money was tied up in a house, we wouldn't have had the cash to invest.

  4. I've been using Blogger (aka: Blogspot?) for mine too and like it. I consider it something of a creative outlet -- I don't scrapbook, knit, paint, garden and DH wishes that I wouldn't cook. So I blog. I don't put pictures of us on there or use real names. And who doesn't like a bit of positive attention now and then, right?


    So enjoy, have fun and let us know your url!!

  5. DH is a former commodities trader at the Chicago Mercantile Exchange. For the past 15 years, he's been a high school English teacher at one of Chicago's top magnet high schools, teaching the AP juniors, plus whatever else is needed (the past few years, it was honors freshies; this year, it's honors sophs)


    He loves what he does and busts his hiney to do it well. But he also has seen enough to be completely committed to homeschooling our kids.

  6. DH & I went today and enjoyed it. It was kind of like a long version of the TV show... We weren't expecting much, having been disappointed by a few summer movies so far, so perhaps we didn't have as far to fall in our expectations? But it was creepy and "out there" enough to be the X-Files (anyone feel a dash of Silence of the Lambs thrown in?).


    Wish I'd known about the credits thing... if you get a chance, can you PM me with what it was? If not, no worries.



  7. A friend of mine is considering homeschooling, at least for a few years. The ps her sons are in is really bugging her. She asked me about homeschooling, so I shared with her what I know, plus lent her my copy of TWTM. However, she feels like unschooling would be a more comfortable approach for her. Are there any books I should suggest to her? Everything I know best tends towards straight classical.



  8. elegantlion,


    I grew up in St. Louis and am back there often to see my mom and family. And I am SO THERE with you on the Lion's Choice thing. You're right. There is no substitute! I was just in St. Louis, but it was an in-and-out trip, so I didn't get a chance to stop at the one near my parents' house...but I had to drive by it in the a.m. before leaving town. *whimper*


    I other words, I hear ya!

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