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Posts posted by bai18176

  1. It didn't even occur to me that they would use sight words.  I'm pretty against that way of teaching for anyone!  I think I'm going to keep her home.  The logistics of it all are just a lot for me to deal with.  I need to come up with a reasonable schedule for all of us, and then prepare myself to fight with the school district for services.  My husband will help with that though.  School doesn't start in our state until after Labor Day, so offices aren't even open yet to talk to.  So, I will place that on my list of things to do next week when the district opens again.  Thanks for your help!

  2. Just a thought---if she has the speech delay and they will be doing an IEP and therapy she might qualify for door to door busing based on her age and special needs.  Has she already been evaluated for the therapy?


    No, we haven't done that yet.  Last year, we went through a charter school that gives us an allowance, but we do our own thing.  They are supposed to help, so I tried to get them to at least do that, but without even seeing her, they told me to wait for her permanent teeth to come in, which I know is just not true.  She could be ten before that happens if my son is any indication.  Anyway, I didn't have any extra bit of energy to use on it besides trying to get the teacher who visited once a week to help me out, and that didn't work out at all, obviously.  I'm sure if I hadn't had a twin pregnancy and then twin babies I would've found an early intervention program, but it just got lost in the chaos :(  Her pediatrician agrees that she needs therapy, but said we can't do anything until school starts at this point. 


  3. She is just a difficult child.  She throws horrible fits, but only for us.  She is perfect for other people.  The material was fine, although we had to go through it twice, which wasn't a big deal really.  She liked it, except when she didn't want to sit down and would throw a huge fit.  I just can't find a tactic that works for her attitude.  I know school won't make that aspect better, but I certainly have run out of ideas.  She wants to do school now, but I'm just so nervous about it.  I did think about the fact I can always take her out, and to be honest, we haven't asked her, because I'm not sure I'm ok with sending her yet.  She would likely enjoy it and be fine.  I also have thought about how to get her there and home.  It's a short walk to school for us, and my husband can take her one way most of the time, but I will have to take all the kids with me the rest of the time, and that is a lot of work.  Plus, we do CC one day a week and won't be here, so she'd have to go somewhere.  Logistically, it's doable, but not very fun for me. 

  4. Hi,

    I am a lurker and not a poster, but I cannot decide what to do with my daughter this year.  She will be 6 in a week, and while we did some school last year, she wasn't ready for a lot, so we basically covered the alphabet.  This year she will be in Kindergarten.  I am debating putting her in public school.  I have 2 older children I homeschool, as well as a 3yo, and twin 1 yos.  I guess this daughter is the one I clash the most with.  Last year was horrendous, but could be in part because of infant fussy babies and a 2 yo.  She also has a speech delay, and while the district does have to provide services, it is difficult to get them to.  I am so torn about what to do.  Can someone give me insight?  Maybe something I haven't thought of?  I would only send her for K, if that makes a difference, and we are in the best district in town.  Thanks!

  5. So now we just use SOTW and the accompanying maps. I bought coloring pages from Biblioplan, and I may get the Ancients plan next year. Biblioplan incorporates SOTW and Usborne and also gives age-appropriate reading and writing activities. A bit less intense than TOG, but still very useful. Also, given that Cycle 1 history is focused on Ancient history, I think it will be VERY easy to find readers and library books that will fit with the topic and/or appeal to curiosity spin-offs, etc.


    For science, we are going to do Mr. Q's life science in the fall, the animal and plant sections. I am doing this in part because it is FREE but also since it lines up very well with CC Science. http://eequalsmcq.com/ClassicScienceLife.htm


    For the spring, I am leaning toward God's Design Our Planet Earth, since it fits with the geology aspect of weeks 13-24 for Cycle 1. This also is a good text to use with multiple age levels and is simple to read.


    That sounds like a good plan too. I think TOG will be my last purchase, and we may just end up doing what you said above. I am very interested in FREE science, esp. if it lines up with CC.


    I keep looking at the SL catalogues, and I love looking at them, but every time there is something in me that tells me that I would never be able to use it successfully. Maybe it is the fact that I cannot follow directions for anything! It looks like a great program as well.

  6. I am trying to decide what curriculum I want to use for my daughter next year. She will be in 2nd grade, and I also have a son who will be in K (and 2 younger). I am thinking of doing TOG, FLL2, WWE1, AAS, and Singapore Math 1b or 2a (wherever we fall at that time), and Cursive (probably Handwriting with a Reason). We also do Classical Conversations, but not very intensively. Is this too much, not enough... or are there other suggestions I should consider? Any recommendations for science? How is the TOG for literature? I was going to go ahead and get the SOTW to add in, and check out the SL list of books to see what works with TOG as well. I obviously can not keep it simple! I know there is not one curriculum out there to meet my needs, and I am ok with piecing bits I like as long as I hit most stuff and it seems to go together reasonably well, if that makes any sense! TIA for any input :)

  7. I have 2 weeks left of ours due to a snow day, and I have been regretting resigning up lately. I already paid registration, so I am hoping that I will feel differently come September... I do have to say that I really appreciate the presentations, and am glad to continue if only for those because that is really beneficial to us. I know I will be out there yelling with excitement when we are finally done for this year! Maybe the fact that I have a wiggly baby in with us and I feel like it is totally pointless for me to be there is part of the issue this year, and she will be older next year and I can go between two classes (because my son will be there as well as my daughter next year)instead of always being in the same one will help. Trying to stay positive and remind myself that there are good things and good people there, too. Although I am extaordinarily annoyed at the new book and timeline cards that are coming out when I was assured last year that they wouldn't have a new edition for a couple years. I don't believe I will be upgrading :)

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