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Posts posted by IanSebast

  1. I'm looking for this book, actually what I really need is the answers, I detached them from the book and they "magically disappeared!"

    Let me know if you have either a new book you're selling, or the answers to the one you've already used. I posted this on the classifieds, but decided to post it here too just to see if I can get some help!



  2. I'm looking for this book, actually what I really need is the answers, I detached them from the book and they "magically disappeared!"

    Let me know if you have either a new book you're selling, or the answers to the one you've already used. I posted this on the classifieds, but decided to post it here too just to see if I can get some help!



  3. Thank you, OhElizabeth, you gave me a lot of hope and ideas. I don't feel as guilty about not knowing what to do. I guess I feel like there is light at the end of the tunnel, and I'm not a horrendous mother for not having reached it yet.


    As for dh, he does seem to think that, he says "medicine was created with this children in mind, so why not search and search until we find one that works for him, I know there is something out there for him," so in a way I think he does see him as broken, though he's never expressed it that way. I'm going to have tot all to him about the whole issue, again, hopefully we'll reach an understanding and some common ground.


    Sunday school and scouts are both taught by the same guy, and he's very young (early 20's) but I honestly don't know anything about his teaching style.


    Thank you for the book recommendations, I'm certainly ordering a few of your suggestions :-). Your daughter is amazing, and I hope my ds can get to a good place soon! Your dd gives me tons of hope!


    He told me he thinks everything would be easier if we did more together, but he said "I love Saxon math!" We went through several programs before finding Saxon, and he didn't like any of them. He HATED mus, we didn't have any luck with teaching textbooks, Singapore was not a good choice, we tried everyday math with no success....like I said, we tried different ones and different approaches until I decided to give Saxon a try (after we had ditched it for the lower grades). But I'll try adding some hands on math Ike you suggested.

    Here is our current schedule: scriptures, math, language arts, typing, history, science, Spanish, geography, art and logic. We alternate history and science, and we don't do geography or art everyday. Oh, and he plays the violin....that's it. Latin is out for now...is this too much?

  4. CLEP courses give you instant credits based on your scores, and like someone mentioned, some colleges don't accept them. AP courses are validated once the student starts attending the university or college where they're requesting the credits from. AP courses are more widely accepted. Most community colleges accept both of them. I had credit for both, and transferred them into my education with no problem

  5. So, I'm on my tablet and cannot quote, so I'm just answering your questions here :-)


    @ OneStepAtATime


    I'm not aware of any food sensitivities, I've been trying to research possible ones that may be hard to detect.

    Nothing has happened to making unhappy, other than the fact that his best friend was sent to public school, so they have less time to see each other, and they no longer have homeschooling in common

    Thank you for referring me to soror's post. I think activities like that would be educational, but a bit more relaxed!

    I'vea skied him, and he feels guilty and just cries. I feel horrible. We often cry together and try to look for solutions together, but that hasn't taken us anywhere

    He's struggling with scouts, his favorite activity in e whole wide world! I just had a looooong talk with his instructor about it, which leads me to believe he cannot control his impulsivity, because he wouldn't jeopardize his scout activities on purpose

    I'm going to take him to his pediatrician. I had not done so because I was convinced it was something I could deal with at home, but you make me realize that there is a possibility that it isn't.


    @ ondreeuh


    I didn't know there could be different outcomes depending on the age of the child. I'll definitely ask his doctor when I take him in. He took focalin 2x/day for a while, but he wasn't gaining weight properly and we had to take him off. He took it for about 1 year and came off about a year ago, maybe two. Thank you for the suggestion, though, maybe we need to look at other medicine options.


    @ OhElizabeth


    We've never had evals anywhere else, but at our pediatrician's office. Can I request an official one there? I wasn't aware of the existence of different evals for ADHD. I'm calling his doctor in the morning!

    He's driftiing and also simply just taking his sweet time with his math!

    About R&S, I mentioned to him the idea of going to MCT, and he told me he felt that he learned more from R&S and didn't want to change! I'm at a loss, he's a creature of habit and I'm afraid his latest pace is sticking! I'm concerned that it could be that he finds it super easy and doesn't want to let go!


    So he was doing spanish and latin. He speaks Spanish, so we do classes for the grammar aspect of it, and as far as Latin is concerned, it just comes easily to him, not to mention the fact that he loves being able to figure out the meaning of words both in English and Spanish by knowing Latin stems. He understands both, the grammar and the vocabulary, he's just unwilling or incapable of working fast enough to get it done! We use bju Spanish, a high school course because, like I said, we both speak Spanish. For Latin we were using Latina Christiana.


    I agree that the school system isn't going to care enough to help him, they failed him once, when I decided to pull him out, and honestly, I have no reason to believe it'll be any different nowadays.

    My dh wants to solve the problem too. He's constantly telling me that the issue in with our dc, and not with me. He's said that he hates seeing me worrying endlessly about making it work when our dc isn't making a big enough effort (unfair,IMHO)


    So I'm a molecular biologist, and dh is an internal medicine doctor, we're both well educated and put extra enfasis in school, I can understand that he won't be behind if we take the rest of the year off in grammar, and would be willing to try it, but dh isn't going to let that one fly!


    I'm in tears, I just don't know what to do, I feel so lost!


    Thank you for taking the time to help me look for solutions. I'm going to revise his checklists and request a formal eval.


    Does anyone else have any other ideas?

  6. My ds is a gifted almost 12 year old who until very recently enjoyed math, along with reading and all his other subjects, however, he seemed bored out of his mind with his English, I thought the problem was the program because we switched MCT, which he loved, to R&S for lack of time. However, it's not the program because he's taking HOURS to work through a lesson of math (Saxon algebra 1/2), he gets the material, once finished he as a perfect, or almost perfect score, but he just can't seem to concentrate long enough to finish in a decent amount of time. He's also having issues with Spanish, so we discontinued it for a while to give him time to "put himself together," but the same thing happened with Latin! I don't know what to do. We have chosen not to medicate, and that seemed fine, as he was getting things done without the medicine, however, I just got word from his scout master/Sunday school teacher that he cannot concentrate during those activities either, and he LOVES them both!


    I don't know what to do. He was on focalin before, but he wasn't gaining weight or growing at a normal rate. We tried other medicines (can't remember the names, as it was a looooong time ago), but they showed different negative side effects, ie, lack of sleep, no appetite, increased irritability, stomach cramps, you name it, the best was focalin, but we had to discontinue it to help him grow!


    Have you had any similar experiences? Do you have any thoughts or advice that may prove useful to us?


    Dh is ready to put him back in ps, however, I don't think that's the answer. Besides, if we put him in ps, the are going to demand that he'd be put on medicine (they did that in 1st grade, that's when we tried all those drugs).


    Any ideas, thoughts or advice?

  7. My ds was using this program and was thriving, as the material wasn't necessarily challenging, but it was new. Some time ago, after the birth of my third child, I decided that using all the components of MCT was taking way too long, so I just boxed it up and got him R&S 5th grade, according to his age, not grade level, so he could work more independently. Well, my plan backfired because he's finishing a lesson in 15 minutes and not being challenged at all, he sees it as busy work, and I HATE it! I want to go back to MCT, but I have no clue about how to do it since 1) he's lost a lot of time, and 2) I still don't have a lot of time to use all the components using the Socratic method. Any ideas? Did I ruin him for life? How can I make MCT independent work for him?

  8. I would use Real science 4 kids as a spine and elaborate on the individual topics, if necessary. They have physics, chemistry, biology, astronomy and geology. You can check them out here http://www.gravitaspublications.com it's an excellent program.


    Another good resource is R.E.A.L Science Odyssey, http://www.pandiapress.com/?page_id=50 but they don't have as many subjects, however, their chemistry includes a bit of physics and is also pretty solid for the lower levels.


    Hope this helps

  9. I'm a native speaker of Spanish and a candidate for a master's degree in the subject. I want to teach my children Spanish, however, due to how busy things have been and, shamefully, to lack of motivation on my part, I haven't been formally teaching my children Spanish. My oldest has been doing Rosetta Stone on his own, but my little ones haven't really had any practice. I'm aware of the fact that I've lost precious time by not speaking it at home, but I want to correct my mistake.

    Where should I begin?

    How can I introduce my little ones to the new language?

    What program can I use for my school aged children?

    Please help me, I feel really lost!

  10. We have 4 dc in our family, and my dh has very demanding shifts at the hospital, leaving me as a single mother of 4 most of the time :0. I LOVED the idea of the MCT program for language arts, and it worked great for a while, but as more children have been born into our family I'm finding it more and more difficult to find the time to do it with him. I was so desperate that I got him a different curriculum to use and boxed up MCT, however, I don't think he's getting as much out of the first new one as he did from MCT. I want to go back to it for my oldest, and start my youngest in future years on it as well, but I just can't figure out how to do it!

    Do you have any advice on how to implement the program without being super involved as a parent?
    How did you manage to use all the components?
    Did you use MCT as your only language arts program?
    Do you think a child can use it independently? If so, how?
    Did you give it up? If so, how to do feel about it? What did you turn to?

    Thank you for your help!


    Children ages are 12, 5, 3 and 10 months old!  My 12 oldest is an accelerated reader.

  11. Thank you soooo much, I don't feel as lost anymore!


    I looked at all the programs that were mentioned and narrowed it down to 2 possibilities, Singapore and CLE, but before deciding on one (knowing that we may have to switch If it doesn't work) I would like to know how the transition is from these programs into the higher levels? My oldest HATED Saxon for the lower levels, but loves it for the higher, and we want through several programs before finding out that Saxon was the right fit (a the time I didn't know about the difference between Saxon for the lower and higher levels, so I wasn't even going to give it a try!), and it was a very looooong process...I'm concerned about the change for my younger one when he time comes because he's a creature of habit, and I'm very demanding in terms or curricula.


    Have you gone from any of these programs into the higher levels? Which books did you use afterwards? How easy was the transition for your dc and for you?

  12. So he is a visual learner, he likes to see pictures to help him remember. He is also hands on, as he likes to use blocks for adding and subtracting. He likes art drawing and coloring....


    How repetitious is CLE? Is it boring or does it change the exercises a bit? I'm concerned about him getting bored to death, but I understand that some level of repetition is required to achieve mastery, do you agree?


    How different is Singapore K and 1-6?


    Would you recommend something else?


    Thanks a bunch!!

  13. My ds was doing great wih Singapore math Kindergarten A, we were only using the workbook, however, things changed during the last third of the second book. The material seems to be a bit jumpy, and I don't think he's getting it anymore. I'm looking for a program for 1st grade, but I'm unsure about which one. I don't know if our problem is that I wasn't using the teacher's manual with Singapore...the questions are, what is the difference between the three programs? Should I give Singapore a chance accompanying It with the teacher's manual? We're using Abeka for language arts and he's thriving, I've heard great things about CLE too...my older ds uses Saxon algebra, and he loves it..I'm just not sure about what to do, here is a brief description about his personality/learning style: he gets things really fast, as long as he's shown properly how to do them one time; and he gets bored to pieces with too much repetition.


    Please help!!!

  14. I was all ready to start back up with the ancients, when dh told me we're taking a long trip to DC and PA, among other stares/places to visit different pieces of US History and he wants our ds (6-7th grade) to do US history this year to be ready for the trip!! I've never looked into US history, as I never felt I needed it yet, but now I need something ASAP, and have no idea about what I can use!! Please let me know what you've used and why you liked it so I am get some ideas. Thank you in advance!

  15. I think it takes too much to do it. The time traveling and the time wasted is not worth all the cons. The idea sounds great, however, in reality, they don't learn much at all, academically speaking. In my opinion, and as for the socializing aspect of it, they get a more well rounded social circle when they hang out with a mixture of adults and kids. We go to a co-op right now, and I don't think I'll be doing it again.

  16. When ds was learning them, we played board games with those double dice, the ones that have a number on the outside, and a little die inside with other numbers, and he would have to multiply when he rolled in order to move from space to space. We also used flash cards in the car, he would compete against his old record to see how many he could answer right in X number of minutes. I hope this helps!

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