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Posts posted by UnsinkableKristen

  1.  And the tons of extra commericals on BBC America didn't help either.  They dragged it out so they didn't have to cut as much, but still cut it short?? 


    The commercials were MASSIVELY annothing and made the viewing experience very disjointed.  I'm looking forward to viewing it all at once! 

  2. Hmm.. I guess I'm in the minority, I loved it!  I have a pretty strong suspension of disbelief when it comes to all things Doctor, so the weird plots never bother me.  I don't like Moffat as much as I like RTD, but that is personal preference and I still like him as a show runner.


    LOVED Capaldi's entrance and I'm super excited to see him as the Doctor. 


    The wait isn't nearly as bad as it was between David Tennant's last regular series and Matt Smith's first episode.   We got 4 episodes over the course of what, two years?  At least there is Sherlock in the interim!! 


    The show has gotten such a huge fan base during 11/Moffat that I'm really interested to see how things go with 12/Moffat and even more interested to see how that fan base reacts to no Moffat. 

  3. We have a lot more similarities than differences, so that makes things easier.  On the things that we view differently, the one who is more passionate about the subject usually gets their way (it happens pretty equally, so neither of us feels pushed over).  On things where we are each equally passionate, we talk and talk and talk and talk until we hash out something we both feel good about. 


    Basically just a lot of talking and really trying to understand why the other person feels that way and acknowledging that they have just as much of a right to their feelings on a subject as you do.

  4. I can't be the only one who remembers passing notes at school lunch time or on the playground? It wasn't a sing of secrets or anything bad or being anti social. I think in many situations texting has replaced note passing.


    This!  Yes, texting is the new note-passing, even among adults :).


    Also, I basically could've have just quoted every post of yours in this conversation and added one great big "I AGREE."

    This has given me a lot to think about in terms of what I how I want my family to view/use technology. 

  5. Fresh cut grass in the summer makes me think of my Dad.


    Corn fields make me think of home (Indiana).


    The smell of my grandmothers suit coat that I took after she passed last march.  I still bring it out to smell it and think of giving her a hug.


    Jasmine makes me think of my kids playing in the back yard.


    Ham salad makes me think of summers with my grandparents.


    My husbands pillow smells weird and a little sour, but it mostly smells like him and when he's gone I sleep on it.


    Stale Marlboro Reds and WD40 make me think of my Pappaw, even though he hasn't smoked in years :)




    Love this thread. 

  6. In my very first post I stated that he could do it again. I just don't believe that the possibility of commiting a sin should preclude marriage. If so, no one should get married.


    A murder is a murder. A thief is a thief. A liar is a liar. We're all sinners. If we marry, we all enter marriage with baggage. A know a married guy who used to be a homosexual. Should he not marry because he might partake in homosexual relations? Should he not be trusted around other ment? If past sin is a barometer for marriage qualification, none of us is qualified. Again, I'm not defending his past actions, but if he is truly repentant, there needs to grace.


    So, just to clarify, you are totally cool with a man that used to rape children marrying someone who currently has an underage child because regardless of his past sins, he has the right to marry anyone he wants?


    Please let me know if I have misunderstood. 

  7. I'm cross posting here and at the K-8 Board hoping to get all the people I can :)


    We are currently doing WWE3 with my 4th grader. She does great with dictation and narration and copywork, however, her spelling is absolutely abysmal. I mean, she spells maybe at a 2nd grade level. She is ADHD, smart as a whip, but I am really struggling with how to do dictation or really any writing with her without harping on her spelling. And when we are stopping to spell every other word (I had to spell "could" and "would" for her), it really breaks up the flow of the dictation and she loses her place.  We are using AAS2 right now, so there is progress being made on that front, but it's very, very slow and her retention is low for this. 

    Is there another writing program that would be a better fit for a very poor speller? I could fit narration and easier to spell dictation in with our other subjects without a problem, so we wouldn't be dropping those skills.
  8. So, I have a question. We are currently doing WWE3 with my 4th grader. She does great with dictation and narration, however, her spelling is absolutely abysmal. I mean, she spells maybe at a 2nd grade level. She is ADHD, smart as a whip, but I am really struggling with how to do dictation or really any writing with her without harping on her spelling. And when we are stopping to spell every other word (I had to spell "could" and "would" for her), it really breaks up the flow of the dictation and she loses her place.  It's really frustrating for both of us and I don't want her to hate writing.  Her dad is a less than stellar speller, but can get by with spell check well enough.  What can I do for her? 


    Is there another writing program that would be a better fit for a very poor speller? I could fit narration and easier to spell dictation in with our other subjects without a problem, so we wouldn't be dropping those skills.

  9. Well, im not csl & haven't mentioned the super-secret FB group before but I was also part of it when it first started, for few weeks maybe. So I can't speak to how the group may have evolved since I left. But it seemed to be mostly a place to talk about other wtm members. There were a couple instances where people were talked about (using their wtm name) in a very negative way and then were allowed to join the group or were already part of the group but the members hadn't checked the name/wtm id list to know that they were part of the group.


    I have no problem with Bethany or Rosie or several other members of that group but I wasn't comfortable being a part of that. If it has changed, great.


    I'm sorry it was like that when you were around :(.  I've been there a few months and it certainly isn't like that any more.

  10. Have you ever heard of statement analysis?


    Usually when people say they have "no idea" it means the exact opposite.


    crazy stupid love was part of that group and she said she left.


    I can explain this fairly easily.  The FB group moves fast and if you are set up to not recieve notifications every time something is posted, it is very easy to miss a post.  So it is very possible that she really has "no idea" if people are saying things because it is possible to miss many posts without knowing it.


    Also, in the entire time I've been there, this forum has maybe been brought up less than once a month, if that.  And it usually just brings the conversation over there to continue.  We aren't twirling our mustaches and being dastardly.  Unless I've just missed those posts.   Which would be sad, I do love being dastardly. 


    We mostly talk about.... wait for it.... homeschooling. 


    I know.   My earth shattered, too. 


    This is going to sound awful....but I guess I wonder, is good sex possible if the woman doesn't look p*rn star ready? From the man's perspective, if his wife is saggy, overweight, or whatever, can they still think the sex is amazing?



    Yes! My Dh has a great time, has never complained nor offered up suggestions, and I am *not* perfection. Once again, it's because he is attracted to ME, not just the body I inhabit. :)

  12. Yep - despite stretchmarks that look like a tiger got me, cellulite on my thighs, some unfortunate recurring "bacne" and booKs that hang to my toes. It's because he is attracted to ME - Kristen. Not "Kristen at 20", not "Kristen as long as she looks like she exercises", not "Woman's Body". Just ME. I could balloon up to 500 lbs and he would still love me and want to have all the $ex. I could emaciate down to nothing and same goes. He loves me and wants ME and while he may *really* like it when I'm running regularly and eating healthy, most of that is because *I* feel happier and more confident and it's always fun to be with someone who feels good :).

  13. One of my issues as well as that I change my clothes MANY times a day--PJ, exercise clothes, barn chore clothes, horseback riding clothes, go to town clothes, my comfy clothes, back in barn clothes, etc. Some days I honestly change my clothes 7-9 times.




    It sounds like you need to focus on finding 1-2 outfits for the occasions that you feel frumpy. So, if you feel frumpy in PJ's, start looking for some that are comfy *and* cute. If your Barn chore clothes are practical and fit right, then don't fight that battle right now. Make sure your horseback clothes are functional and feel nice. Check your town clothes - that may be an area that is easier to change since there aren't a lot of outdoor requirements your clothes will need to fit. If you feel frumpy in your comfy clothes, start looking for ones that look like you put them on on purpose (that match and fit).



    Maybe don't try to fight the whole war at once. Just focus on one battle - the time you feel the yuckiest - and find something to change that makes you feel better.


    HTH :)

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