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Posts posted by angela&4boys

  1. You know, I am just starting out, but I really hear this a lot. I do not want to have regrets and so I've done a lot of researching on what's out there and examining my goals and personality before making a curr. choice. At times it has driven me CRAZY and my child is going into second grade in the fall and has no formal education. But I am a researcher at heart and very seldom have regrets when I do go for something. :) My personality is to find something to stick with over the long haul. I'm fairly certain I found the closest to what I'm looking for (MFW). I'm not afraid to tweak as needed at all, but I like a frame work. I like that it's only four days a week and that it's not so vigorous (yet it is thorough) that we have time each day to play and pursue our own interests. I like that my children (2nd grade and up) will be combined for history, science, music and art appreciation, and bible reading and memory verses. I like that we will actually DO the those things, most likely because it's all put together for me!! Sound so restful and YES it will give me the ability to just enjoy my children and make memories together. Also, we want so much for for our children then just academics. We want them to be able to fly a plane by the time they leave our home (daddy was a pilot) and have a lot life skills like learning basic car care, and many more (they are written down). Anywhoo, wow, I guess I'm identifying a bit with this post. Different curriculum and I'm a newbie, but I want this, too. ;)


    Edited because I forgot to add that I have interest that I want to pursue. I don't want to eat, sleep, and breathe homeschooling. If someone has what I basically want all laid out for me than YIPEE!! Then I can pursue drawing and my many other passions and goals. I am a learner and I think one of the very best ways to impart that to my children is by them seeing me excited about learning and researching about and pursing my interests. Just my 2cents.


    Well, for just starting out, you have your finger on the pulse! I think you have a very balanced view and you and your dc will thrive.


    I'm a researcher at heart too. Although it can get me in trouble. I have become over analytical at times, hence my desire to tweak. I think your wise to try to find a program that works and stick to it.


    However, I've found that what works for one family may not work for another. And the dynamics can change too with babies, illness, moving, etc.... We presently have an active and vocal 3yo who has denounced naps, so reading aloud can be a challenge at times.


    All-in-all, homeschooling is such a wonderful journey. I can't believe what I have learned along the way. I'll often tell my dc how much I enjoy learning with them. That's especially true in our Bible and character studies. The growth we've all experienced has been immense and I'm so happy we're able to do it together.


    Let us know what you choose mommyjen, will you?


    Warmly, :)

  2. ...

    So high fives to BJUP!!!


    So happy you and your dd found the right fit! Funny, my 12yo ds cringes at the sound of BJU. He deplored their math and language arts. I thought it was excellent... especially the writing and grammar. Thank goodness there are so many choices out there!


    And I'm glad you contacted Sonlight. Really, some people might just air their grievances here and do not take that important step. If it were my business, I'd want to know and I'm sure they appreciate it.

  3. Thanks for posting Angela. It is so nice to hear from others who've used SL. They've been around for a while. I figure there must be something to it. SL, imho, doesn't get the best rep around here sometimes.


    It's kinda CM in style which I'm surprised by. The narration after the readings were a surprise and something I'm not used to.


    Up to now, our assesment of comprehension have been worksheet, question type format. The kids are really feeling lighter knowing there's no worksheet at the end of the day. It's a jump for me though, because I wonder is retelling what they're reading about really enough.


    Off to read more about it on the CM sites I've been to. It's actually a method of WWE and SWB too to have kids retell stuff, even in WEM they're discussing what's interesting to them instead of what a worksheet deems important.


    Again, big shift in style for us.

    So glad you enjoyed your time with SL. We hope to also.


    It really is freeing in a way. It sounds contradictory in the sense that one might feel they lose all of their freedom when someone else has scheduled it all out, but yet it is freeing enough that you found joy in baking bread. :) Love that!


    For the past few years, I have been tweaking and/or customizing a program for Bible, history, reading, and read-alouds, but I'm ready to use someone else's expertise again. Every time I'm making out the week's schedule, these subjects are what takes the most time. I mean, it's ridiculous how much time I spend trying to make those subjects line up. Sometimes I spend a couple of hours on them alone. Blech!


    We've used Sonlight, HOD, and MFW in the past, and each time it was a real blessing. There's no perfect program per se, but I admire and appreciate all the authors and am very thankful that they have poured their hearts into these guides and we can reap the benefits.


    And yes, narration is a wonderful tool. We gave up worksheets a long time ago, and they haven't been missed by anyone. ;)


    Lastly, I have come to realize that there is definitely a balance to be had in terms of rigor and, for lack of a better word, fun. The fact is, my guys retain more when they enjoy what we're doing. Of course, I don't think they'll ever look forward to grammar study for instance, but I love when they are anxious to read the next chapter of a book.


    May you and your dc continue to find joy in your homeschool.

  4. No planning, no library book hunting.


    No schedule making with the children.


    We sat on the couch and read, read, read.


    Praying it continues to be a great fit.


    I knew I was spending alot of time planning, but didn't realize how great it is to go to the shelf, pull off the book we need to read and put it back when we're done reading. NICE :);)


    Ahhh... Reading your post has me recalling our days with Sonlight when our now 20yo was only 8. Fond memories. :)


    I'm considering it again for our 10 and 12yos.

  5. But then I was teaching in a private school and found the literature to be... terrible. So then I thought I'd use it for everything BUT literature.


    Would this include middle and high school literature? Please share why! :bigear: I was contemplating Of America for my 7th grader for next years studies.

  6. I consider my dh to be like a school superintendent: Funding our efforts but with no actual idea of what goes on every day!!



    Lol, Shari. We refer to my dh as 'the principal' because he mainly steps in when there's a disciplinary issue that needs back-up.

  7. I didn't vote because my dh falls somewhere in the middle. While he is not eager to be involved in the curricula choices, he will help if I ask. He just does not like to be pressured to do so. If I want him to read through a sample or something, I just put it on his desk with a post-it note and ask him to do so when he can.


    And fwiw, I don't ask often... maybe a few times a year. It's usually a subject that he is more knowledgeable about like science, math, and history.


    Ultimately, he wants me to do the research and make the decisions since I'm and their main instructor. That tide may shift some when we hit high school math and science. ;)


    My 2 cents,

  8. I just got a call from someone from Alpha Omega saying that they knew I'd been shopping at their website and wanted to sell me on their curriculum. Um, hello ... when I want to purchase what is in my cart, I will do it! :toetap05:


    The rep said that she was going to send me her phone number so that when I am ready to make my purchase ... for the Switched On Schoolhouse I had been viewing ... she would help me with all my other curriculum needs. Sorry, guys, but that's a little too Big Brother for me! :scared::leaving:


    It happened to me too! And it does feel intrusive. I didn't answer the phone, but the lady left a message saying she'd follow up with an email. Sure enough, seconds later, there it was. I promptly replied and told her no further phone calls or emails would be necessary.

  9. I'd like to tack on another question for those of you using this level.


    Can the four day plan be doubled up and done in 2 days a week in about an hour each day? I recall doing this for a while with Science K. This would be for a 10 yo 5th grader who can move along pretty well when she focuses.


    I just read in one of the above linked threads that someone did just this. I think she even mentioned that it was the 5-day schedule.

  10. For us...



    CLE Math

    CLE Language Arts

    Boyhood & Beyond

    Trial & Triumph

    HOD's Bigger Hearts

    Gets the job done:


    BJU Science (looking for something else for next year)

    BJU Spelling (will be using CLE's now)

    Intermediate Language Lessons (ILL)

    Story of the Middle Ages (from CLP)

    IEW Medieval History-Based Lessons - way. too. tedious. (I changed it from 'miss' because it is so good, but I think I was rushing ds.)



    Truthquest - I *love* the Biblical worldview, but it was just way too much info to wade through for me. I need streamlined TG's.

    WWE - I love the philosophy, but ds groaned every time it came off the shelf.

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