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Posts posted by jaderbee

  1. I'm looking for some exciting history audiobooks recommendations for a 9 year old.


    This child is my happy go lucky kid. She seems to have entered this awful phase of boredom and sarcasm (I hope it's a phase!). More than anything I would love to hand her something for school that she gets excited about. I want to see that spark of joy again at learning something. Originally I had planned CHOW for this year's history. The chapters are short and she is a very slow reader. Also it gives a nice overview of history before we restart the history cycle in 5th. I think it's just going to be a grind though. I don't want history to be a grind. I want it to be something that she enjoys. Ideas? Recommendations? Tips? If you have gone through this before, I would love to hear how you handled it and what worked/didn't. Thank you!

  2. I love Beast Academy for all the silly voices I get to use for each beast. Seriously, reading the guide to my kids is my favorite part. You can totally hand the guide over to the kids...but what would be the fun of that??? Our eldest daughter, who hates work, complained her way out of the program after 3b. I was gutted. The next daughter is currently thriving with it. Just an FYI she's had Miquon, RSA, and Ray's arithmetic.

  3. I'm just wondering...is there a 6th grade math that has minimal parent involvement? Last year, mid year, I switched my eldest to TT5 which she hates. However, since all her anger is directed at the computer and no longer at me, I love it. Total relationship saver! Is there a better dvd or online math program though? 

  4. I'm looking for a sailing themed book for an 8 year old who reads Harry Potter (first book) slowly.

    We're going to do a unit study on sailing- sort of. I came across Rhoda Blumberg's books and thought they'd be full of great adventure. Also they offer sailing lessons on base so I thought this could be a fun summer theme. And it sort of ballooned from there. [emoji15]DD8 does not need to read a sailing themed book BUT if there is a great one out there please let me know. I'd love to hear the Hive's recommendations. Thank you!




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  5. Yes, there has been a slow erosion of a schedule since we started a few years ago. Then I got sick this July/August and it's taken nearly 2 months to feel well and on track again. Needless to say, my perception of boundaries on school days and subjects has relaxed. The last vestige of traditional school ideas to dissipate was courses must be completed in 36 weeks. This may sound like a minor realization, but knowing I don't need to cram and catch up was freeing. :)

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  6. Good idea tranquility7. I called and left a message for them to get the military discount but never thought about a free replacement since I purchased the IG from Rainbow Resource.


    Sbgrace, I'm sorry your son puked on your lesson plans. I hope they clean up well and don't smell. :)


    Both of you are typing what I'm thinking. We're on lesson one and this is the most my daughter has written without complaint. I monitored and had her correct her writing in the previous section. But rewriting a whole story seems like punishing her and killing the newly discovered fun of writing. I like the idea of typing it on the computer and making corrections there. Creative! Thank you!

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  7. I thought Abigail Adams: Witness to a Revolution was fantastic, though she's not a founding father.


    I listened to Washington: A Life by Ron Chernow to prepare for history last year. It is well done. Chernow does not gloss over Washington's blemishes of character. I would also say that much of the information is presented in such a way that it sparks debate about Washington's decisions instead of telling the reader what to think. DH and I discussed Washington's actions towards his slaves and towards Lafayette quite a bit while listening to this book. It's also touching. I cried through a couple of spots and remember being completely sick to my stomach listening to one section about Washington in Philadelphia. I recommend it!

  8. My youngest just puked all over an IG. We're more than halfway through! The horrible cheapskate side of me is trying to figure out how to salvage it. Yeah....no. Thank goodness BF has downloadable guides now?


    Writing- those using CAP's Writing and Rhetoric Fable, do you have your child rewrite their original work to correct spelling and grammar errors?


    I hope everyone is having a better Friday! :)

  9. DD8 just bombed the estimating section on the ITBS. I'm not surprised because I don't think we covered much about estimating this year. This summer I wanted to focus on mental math and math facts for both girls (also have a dd6). Any suggestions on what to throw into the mix to improve estimating skills? Is there a brief program along the lines of MM Multiplication or Kumon books? Thanks for any info!



  10. Come from the 19th century. I'm looking to piece together an art study for this summer to go along with Laura Ingalls Wilder's books. I looked in WTM for artists suggestions and that chapter is more of a plug for Drawing With Children and Artistic Pursuits then a reference guide. Is it different in earlier editions? Anyhow, I put 13 Great American Artists Every Kid Should Know in hopes that it would give me some clue about artists of the time. I would appreciate any opinions or ideas from the Hive about an art study for this era (I'll have a 7 and 8 year old working on this). Thank you!

  11. I always ran separate math & problem solving threads in different school slots in the early years. When needed, I added basic math facts fluency as a third strand.


    My expectations were continued improvement in memorizing facts, mastery in the basic math program (close to 100%), and an "optimal struggle" (what RR is saying should be about 70%) in problem solving.


    For example, in the late elementary grades, my daughter (the one who currently works for RR :) ) would have done a daily Calculadder drill, a lesson from Singapore Math (including CWP), and another session on MathCounts or AMC 8 type problems (or a variety of other stuff). The latter evolved into AoPS materials as she grew older, mostly their online classes because their textbooks didn't come out in time for my kids.


    Doing super well on basic math can give kids the courage to try the harder stuff without feeling like they're failures for missing the 100% mark.


    By late middle school, we abandoned regular math programs altogether (after completing both Jacobs texts and Singapore NEM 1 and 2) and just went with AoPS and college texts. By that point the tyranny of the 100% was no longer a factor.

    I needed to read this. Thank you.

  12. I enjoyed listening to his talk. We use Beast Academy and I appeciate his point about success in problem solving does not mean 100% It should be around 70-80% (I think?). Which is about where my daughter is at with her first attempts at BA problems.


    Other points of interest:


    - Too much emphasis on arithmetic, algebra and calculus. Need more discrete math.


    -Re-examine problems. This was a reoccurring theme in his talk. Real writing occurs when you're rewriting from an edit. Euler project doesn't just want a solution but a solution in under a minute (so you have to revisit you solution and make your program better). Solving the same problem two ways in the early examples he gave. So pausing and asking my kids, "what's another way you could solve this problem?" is a great way to build problem solving skills.


    -Python programming- scripting not graphics- for middle school. I've been both annoyed and felt we missed the boat with the huge push for every kid to code. (Visions of the journalists literally tied into the great news satellite channel in Dr. Who clouded my vision.) It was reassuring to know we still have a few years to go. That said his comments reminded me that I took programming in college and thought it was logical and elegant. He was right that it does impact the way you think and problem solve.


    -all the free resources on his site.


    -children need free time for independent study to indulge their academic passions.

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  13. Your morning made me think of little Hans, the boy who saved Holland by plugging leaks in the dike with his fingers. I hope they don't keep you from accomplishing all of your prep and planning. What cave will you be exploring?


    This morning I switched our breakfast time and foods and they kids seem to have adjusted well. We're almost done with all the morning school work and it's only 10:15. My kitchen is currently flooded because the two littles are playing with water with one sister while I work with the other. It's one way to get a clean floor. ;)

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  14. We have an hour of every day called "symposium" (credit to Sarah McKenzie for the name). This hour:


    1. read aloud to all the kids (currently on book 5 of the Little House series)

    2. memorizing poetry (currently on Dutch Lullaby)

    3. study a famous artist per week (using the art cards deck)

    4. listen to 10-15 minutes of classical music (currently on The Planets by Holst)


    It is wonderful time for our family to focus on things that are true, good and beautiful and to train my childrens' affections.

    I was thinking about your post this morning while running errands. Starting the morning out with beautiful literature, art, and music sounds lovely. I like the idea of putting delightful content at the beginning of the day instead of at the end where they may be skipped (at least in my house).


    This next part is in no way a critique of your symposium. Your post inspired the thought and I often type out replies on here to just flesh an idea out- have a complete thought.


    The phrase, "true, good, and beautiful," gets tossed about a lot in the Circe/Schole sisters realm- perhaps a bit too much. It almost seems a whole separate set of subjects:


    "Johnny, what did you do in school today?"

    "I had math and science before lunch and a session of truth this afternoon. Now I just need to study some good and beautiful before dinner." ;)


    They are what we are to seek and strive for in all things. Edith Schaefer talks about seeing beauty and good in how her mom plated food for some homeless men, cleaning and, well, all things domestic. There is truth and beauty in a math problem or diagramming a well written sentence (or diagramming a poorly constructed sentence and exploring how to improve it). I need to remember that is the purpose behind all subjects.


    To tie this thought back to this thread, an approach to morning time would be asking, "What do I want my children to feast on today?" Off to go create some beauty in my laundry room and think some more...


    Thank you purduemeche! :)

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