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Posts posted by trishalinn

  1. I’m looking at the 2 physics courses from GPB - Physics Fundamentals and Physics in Motion. I’m wondering if anyone has any thoughts on them and how they differ or if there is one you prefer over the other? It appears that their newer physics course has much shorter videos. It looks like both have notetaking guides and student problems etc. But I’ve not had the time to really sit down and watch videos from both.



  2. 7 hours ago, square_25 said:


    To me, he kind of sounds bored. Has he ever tried any more challenging math? Math contests, less traditional curricula, puzzles?  

    ETA: in terms of topics, I meant was he ever enthusiastic about any mathematical topic? 


    No, he has never been interested in math. I’m certainly open to trying some less traditional curriculum. Any suggestions? 

  3. We are open to book or video. 

    Several years ago we did teaching textbooks and he did two lessons a day for over half the year because they were easy. So he went through two levels of that. But it didn’t feel like it was rigorous enough so we switched back to Saxon. 

    He actually asked if we could do TT again but I don’t even know where he would go if we did that. 

    He likes plenty of other subjects, just not math. 

  4. We are certainly planning to continue math. I’m looking for other options besides Saxon though. The last couple years have not been fun. The only way he gets through a lesson in a timely way is if I literally sit next to him and keep him on track through the whole thing. He hates math and he’s very distracted because he hates it. I don’t have the time to sit next to him because I have 4 younger kids. There are so many curriculum choices, certainly there is something we can find that won’t fee like torture to him. 

  5. Hey there! 

    I have a 9th grader (kind of- we decided he will do an extra year of high school before going to college, but that’s a long story, so maybe he is 8th?) who will be about 2/3 of the way done with Saxon Algebra 2 this school year. 

    He has always been good at math, but he hates it. He doesn’t have any intention into going into anything that will require science or math. 

    I had originally wanted him to finish Saxon algebra 2 and advanced math. I was homeschooled and after advanced math I went straight into my college calculus classes out of high school and had no problem acing them. 

    However, I realize my son won’t need calculus so I don’t want to drag the torture out. Though he has no problems with the concepts, he is sloppy and distracts easily so math takes for-ever! 

    Our goals are for him to be able to CLEP our of college Algebra and do well on either the ACT or SAT math portion.

    Saxon is what I know, but I think we need other options. Where would you go from here? Can’t wait to hear your suggestions. 

  6. Help! I'd love some recommendations on math curriculum. I have an 11 year old son who is about 3/4 of the way through Saxon Algebra 1/2. He's done well with it, though he hates it. The lessons take him a long time because he dawdles and daydreams and get distracted by his younger brothers.


    I'm familiar with Saxon because I used it and it prepared me to waltz into my College level calc classes and ace them with no problems. Because I had such a good experience I had really wanted to use this with my kids. But math has become sheer misery and I don't like it. 


    So...what do you like for this age/math level? And why?

  7. You know, I did have him take it once several months ago when he was in the middle of TT Math 6. He placed into 6/5 but was able to do a some of the 7/6 questions. I'd like to give it again, but wasn't sure if it would be as accurate since I had him take it several months ago. I thought I was just going to move along with TT for another year or 2, and I was just curious where he would place. I should have waited until he was done with TT 6 and not half way through!

    He's done very well with TT6, so i didn't know if anyone else had switched around that time and could share what math book they moved into successfully?

  8. I did Saxon Math with my son from Math K - Math 3, then we switched to Teaching Textbooks. This worked really well for us because I had twins and it was nice that I didn't have to be quite so hands on with teaching while they were little bitty. He completed 3 Teaching Textbooks levels in 2 years (Math 4 - Math 6). He actually just finished Math 6. I'm wondering if anyone has moved their children to Saxon after Math 6 in Teaching Textbooks? TT seems a bit behind Saxon and not so rigorous, so I'm wondering if 6/5 or 7/6 would be a better fit? Thoughts?

  9. I really like apologia for use with multiple grade levels. I like their notebooking journals and jr. notebooking journals for the younger kids! We're doing astronomy this year. Should be lots of fun!

  10. You do not HAVE to use SWI A, but it's so nice to use it the first year as you are learning more about the program. I wrote about our first year experience with IEW here http://intoxicatedonlife.com/2012/07/11/teaching-writing-structure-style-curriculum-review/


    With that said, IEW has an awesome return policy, so you can return SWI A if you don't think you want to use it. Good luck, we had great success last year with it!

  11. We were going to use lfc, but I looked at my friends copy and it looked terribly intimidating. I know we would have ditched it. Instead, we used visual Latin which we both loved! I'm learning Latin at the same time. We got through the first 20 lessons last year and Lao started lingua Latina. We will start over this year and move quickly through the first lessons. Im also taking the online course with dwane Thomas and hope to get ahead of my son. We are having fun with Latin!

  12. I had twins last year and I did a number of things to intentionally lighten my load. We switched to teaching textbooks from Saxon. I decided to use veritas press online self paced history program instead of teaching it myself (which my son absolutely LOVED). And we also started using phonetic zoo for spelling. I would plan on getting back into the groove slowly with school even after your 6 week break. Add some of the subjects that are easier for you to oversee and not be real hands on.

    I wrote a post on my blog about what we did last year curriculum wise,after the twins were born. http://intoxicatedonlife.com/2012/04/15/planning-the-school-year-choosing-curriculum-for-my-7-year-old/

  13. Hey all,


    I have a little boy who will be 4 in September. I'd like to have a little moral formal preschool curriculum to do with him. We have started Saxon k this summer and he LOVES it. He asks to do math every day. He is so different from my first son in that he loves drawing coloring and cutting so he does a lot of that. He also loves puzzles and other hands on activities.


    I'd like to find something besides the math, maybe focusing on pre-reading skills. He knows all of his upper case letters. He has just picked them up on his own. I suppose I could keep doing informal stuff with him, but I know I work better with a schedule and when I have a formal plan. I don't want him to be the neglected middle child. He has an 8 year old brother I homeschool and twin baby brothers that take a lot of time. As such, it would be nice to have something that doesn't take a lot of prep each day.


    Cheap or free is always a bonus too :)

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