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Posts posted by Tutor

  1. Generally I plan and talk (the talking helps me think things through). If the issue is severe (like when our ds was admitted to the NICU) or it is one in a long line of cosely-timed stresses (lost job, followed by surprise pregnancy, followed by burst water pipe), then I will often have an hour-long crying jag before proceeding into the planning and talking cycle.


    Dh researches but shuts down and doesn't talk much at all for a day or two. He has to absorb before he enters the talking phase. Those first 24-48 hours after a crisis can be stressful when we are trying to balance his need for quiet and my need to talk. :D

  2. I used a mother's helper when I was pregnant with our second; I was told not to go up and down stairs for the last two months of my pregnancy (I was allowed to go down in the morning and up to go to bed), and we lived in a 3-story townhouse, so I needed a hand occasionally to get things done. Our mother's helper was a 13 yo girl who was the daughter of a friend of ours. She lived with us for three days and got our laundry caught up, ironed, cleaned the whole house, made lunches and dinners, and played with our oldest (who was 18 mo at the time) and took her to the park a block away every afternoon. She was amazing! After that long weekend, she would come occasionally to iron, change the sheets, and take oldest dd to the park. I couldn't have gotten along without her.


    My dd worked as a mother's helper when she was 9. She would go to a neighbor's house when the mom wanted to do outside chores or focus on getting bills paid. Dd would go over and just play with their 4yo and 2yo and get them snacks or lunch. Their mom was home the whole time and was available if needed.

  3. When I was growing up, my family's tradition was that when we all came downstairs on Christmas morning, we could open our stockings right away. Then we had to eat breakfast before opening any of the wrapped presents. Isn't that a sadistic tradition? I guess it was because we had a large family, and unwrapping could take a long time.


    This was our tradition growing up as well. (Except all of our stocking gifts were wrapped in all the gift wrap scraps leftover from the tree gifts.) Dh's family tradition was to open stockings on Christmas Eve, sleep in late Christmas Day, have a HUGE breakfast, and open wrapped gifts after eating. We've tried to combine both traditions: adults open stockings Christmas Eve (some stocking gifts are wrapped, but most aren't), kids can open stockings as soon as we get up and we eat a light breakfast while we open stockings (biscotti, fruit, tassies, etc), then we open tree gifts after breakfast is all cleaned up.

  4. We just moved into a HUGE apartment complex near lots of other HUGE apartment complexes and housing developments. It's the first time we've ever really lived in a neighborhood, so we ran and got two huge bags of candy on our way home today (since we'd already eaten most of the huge bag we'd gotten earlier in the week :blushing: ) so that we would be prepared... and NO ONE has come by. It looks like most people around here go to church or town sponsored events.


    Guess we'll be eating candy for awhile. :D

  5. My ds11 (soon to be 12) has been saving his money to buy my iPod Touch from me when I was able to replace it with an iPhone (thus not having to carry my iTouch and and phone). Well, I was just gifted a phone so he'll be getting the Touch, but we've decided to just give it to him for his birthday loaded with some games and music so he can play with it right away.


    We've got the music covered, but I'm looking for some good games to put on it for him. He likes to pay Angry Birds, anything Lego, Presidents Vs Aliens, and Stack The States & Countries. Any other ideas? Anything free or low cost would be great!



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