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Posts posted by AllSmiles

  1. The standard I usually use is that if I can find the information in three or more sources it is common knowledge. There are of course exceptions like when the additional sources all site the primary source.


    I also agree with some of the other posters that most colleges are going to require MLA or APA documentation. The majority of my classes required MLA, but I believe I had some science courses that required APA.

  2. We do grades because I have to send report cards to our local school district.


    Daily Work – 5 or 10 points depending on the assignment (seat work only is usually 5 points / lecture & seat work is usually 10 points) – based on effort


    Quizzes – 20 points (Usually given when scheduled in the text we are using) – based on achievement


    Tests – 100 points (Usually given when scheduled in the text we are using) – based on achievement


    Writing Projects – 50 point – based on achievement



    A point is a point regardless if it is earned on daily work or a test.

  3. I didn't find the DVDs necessary for Prima Latina. I have fun doing the lessons with my kids. We use the audio CD and the workbook and we spend about 10-15 minutes a day on the program. I do own the TM as well, but I mainly just use it as a second book for myself. At this level, the TM is not necessary. Enjoy!

  4. Another homeschooling mom has put together a great (and free) homeschool PE program. She has put together a 36 week program that can be repeated every year. It includes things such as sit-ups, push-ups, jumping jacks, stretching, etc., as well as an introduction to many different sports. She also has the kids playing many diffrent active games.

  5. Diana,


    Some cards have a math fact on each side of the card with the answer on the opposite side in the corner. Some flashcards only show the answer. I like my kids to be able to see the full fact and the answer. I also don't want the answer side to be cluttered with another problem.

  6. I’d say if you are feeling drawn to the ancients this year, I would go ahead and cover that time period. I would take advantage of the fact that you have an Egyptian exhibit at your local museum right now. What a great way to see first hand some of the things you are studying about.


    If you still feel guilty over skipping a cycle you could have your daughter listen to SOTW 4 on CD while you are covering the ancients.

  7. postage paid by the seller - don't feel silly.


    When I first used the for sale boards I thought ppd meant postage plus delivery (that doesn't even really make sense). I offered to buy something for $15ppd and I asked the seller how much more postage was going to be, and she said it was included in the price, hence $15ppd. :)



  8. Holt has their middle school science textbooks available online. If you choose the 2007 editions they are $16.95 for a year's access. I think, however, that the 2008 editions come with more teacher helps. If you need more clarification you might want to call them. The 2008 editions are $19.95 for a year.


    In addition to the labs listed in the book, the online edition comes with a set of leveled labs. Between the two I was able to find plenty of labs that were easy to do at home.

  9. I LOVE Abeka's math flashcards. I tried some of the cheaper flashcards and I wasn't happy with them. I think they would fit what you are looking for. They have the problem on the front (4 x 5) and the answer on the back (4 x 5 = 20).


    If you look under the 1st grade math categroy you can find the addition and subtraction cards. The multiplication and division cards can be found under the 2nd grade math category.

  10. Honestly, I can't imagine doing Classical Writing without the instructor and student guides. It makes the program so much easier to use.


    There are others are the board that have braved the program with just the core book. Hopefully, one of them will see your question and be able to answer it.


    Here is a link to Kimber's blog that explains why and how she is using the core manual and adapting the program to work with her other studies.

  11. Well, the public schools have not seriously taught cursive in many, many years. Don't you think it's possible that many hsers today are products of those public schools, and that's why they don't see the need for it?


    I would disagree with this. We had to learn cursive when I was in school, and the schools around here still teach it. I still don't see the need for cursive. I see nothing wrong with someone wanting to spend a lot of time learning and perfecting their cursiving handwriting. However, it is not something that I choose to spend a lot of time on with my kids. I would never tell my kids that couldn't use or practice cursive, but it is not something I will require beyond the basics.

  12. I teach cursive, but only so my kids can read it and sign their names. Once they have learned the letters and learn how they join, they are free to stop their cursive instruction. I do not require any of their assignments to be in cursive.



    My college professors required out of class assignments to be typed and in class assignments to be printed. Cursive wasn't even allowed. I also have not seen too much cursive used in work places. Personally, I print all of my notes, cards, messages, etc.


    I guess it is just one of those things that I'm not interested in pushing because I feel the need for cursive has declined. I have so many other things I would rather focus my attention on. Now if any of my kids show an interest in continuing their cursive instruction, I would be more than happy to help them.


    If you are looking for some free cursive pages, Learning Page has some. You would have to sign up for a free membership to access all the pages.

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