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Posts posted by Punchie

  1. I think maybe next year...I would love to do it now, but between homeschooling, grad school, girl scouts (leader, service unit manager, trainer), and dealing with two very LOUD and ACTIVE little ones, I'm at the point where I want to curl up into a little ball in my closet and rock back and forth....


    That being said, I do have three story ideas I would love to find the excuse to write out. One is from a dream I had years ago and still remember. The second is inspired by the movie Operation Petticoat (though my plot has pretty much nothing to do w/the movie, it was just a springboard for a question). And the third is inspired by my best friend's experience when her DH stepped on a landmine in Afghanistan.


    One thing this board is good at is peer pressure. I now watch Dr. Who and Downton Abbey because of the Hive.

  2. I used OPGTR w/my oldest and did not follow the script at all. We went over the basics in the lessons and then used magnetic letters on a whiteboard to reinforce the concepts. A lot of times she would jump on a trampoline when we did the lessons. I also had her read BOB Books and Nora Gaydos readers to me. We used ETC as well. It doesn't line up necessarily, but it works well with OPTGR.

  3. I've talked to her therapist, and she feels that working on sounds as a precursor to reading would be good for her.  I have an older edition of Phonics Pathways, so when I have some spare time, I want to sit down and look over it. I don't think I will be going the OPTGR route with this one.


    ElizabethB - I looked at the site, and it seems somewhat intimidating. I like the idea, but where do I get a print copy of Websters? How do I implement it?

  4. Thank you for all the suggestions! I will probably have to can it because there is way too much of it to use now w/o getting completely sick of pumpkin. The fact that he pureed it also cuts back on what I can do with it (unless I cook it down).

  5. Sorry, I must be missing something.  The person who suggested you wait on PROMPT does PROMPT or will lose your business $$$ when you walk out the door to go for PROMPT???  Sorry to sound cynical, but I'd at least ask some questions there.  PROMPT will cost the same amount per session as traditional, but PROMPT will be dramatically more effective.  PROMPT is typically only done once a week except in the most severe of cases.  


    Whatever.  I'd just question that and follow the $$$, as it sure doesn't make sense to me.  If the person is certified in PROMPT, they would never chose NOT to use it on a child with apraxia.  That would be absurd, because it would be withholding the best, most effective treatment.  The only possible motivation there is the therapist wanting to hold onto their cash cow.  Be cynical, be very cynical.  




    DD's regular therapist and the testing therapist are from two different therapy groups, so I have no worries about conflicting interests. There is only one PROMPT therapist in our area, and she is swamped. I honestly don't know if she's taking new clients (that was my impression from the county rep who was in charge of DD). Now we're under the school district's jurisdiction. I've written a letter requesting follow up testing, so we'll see how long it takes to hear back from them.


    @OneStepAtATime - I didn't think of books on cd for DD! I'll see what our library has the next time we go there. Thank you!

  6. Here are some of our read-alouds from K/1st:


    The Invention of Hugo Cabret (the story alternates between prose and black/white drawings, a big favorite here)
    Dealing With Dragons (the main character is a girl, but it is a fun story)
    Travels of Thelonious (first in a trilogy, chapters alternate prose and graphic novel, another favorite)

    Half Magic

    The Water Horse

    Babe: The Gallant Pig

    The Wonderful Wizard of Oz

    The Mouse and the Motorcycle

    My Father's Dragon (and sequels)

    Charlotte's Web


  7. OhElizabeth - She's not in PROMPT at the moment b/c the testing therapist wanted to see how she did with an increase in weekly therapy sessions as well as doing gymnastics 2x per week. She did recommend having her tested again this fall to see how DD progressed, and if she's not at a certain level of intelligibility then we'll start PROMPT. I will look into Earobics as well. I want her to be able to work on her letter/combo sounds. I have an older version of Phonics Pathways, is it worth digging out? Even if she can't say them, she still could work on knowing what the sound represents (so me saying it and her pointing to what makes the sound).


    Heathermonster - I will look into the apps you suggested.


    As for why I want to teach a 3.5 yr old to read?....b/c she keeps asking me to. She WANTS to read. I am by no means pushing this on her. She desperately wants to do school (which right now consists of doing BambinoLUK, CTC Mathematical Reasoning Beginning 1, a little bit of Get Ready For the Code, and going to a Montessori pre-K in the morning for 2.5 hrs.). Not being able to read is a common complaint from her.

  8. I know this is probably a dumb questions, but is it alright to start teaching my 3.5 yr old to read? She has mild apraxia and phonological awareness issues, and is therapy 4x per week. However, she can write some of her letters, knows the sounds of multiple letters, and shows an interest in reading. The problem? We have a hard time understanding what she says. She is much better at speaking than she was at the beginning of the summer, but it can still be hard to make out a lot of her words.


    I've started doing Get Ready for the Code with her, for reference.


    Thank you!

  9. I know this is probably a dumb questions, but is it alright to start teaching my 3.5 yr old to read? She has mild apraxia and phonological awareness issues, and is therapy 4x per week. However, she can write some of her letters, knows the sounds of multiple letters, and shows an interest in reading. The problem? We have a hard time understanding what she says. She is much better at speaking than she was at the beginning of the summer, but it can still be hard to make out a lot of her words.


    I've started doing Get Ready for the Code with her, for reference.


    Thank you!

  10. Some of his colleagues are staying at Schenectady and there is a Barnes and Nobles as well as Target at Mohawk Commons.

    The German school is for my boys, they learn a lot faster every time they are in a classroom environment which is why I'm thinking of putting them back to school.


    I think if we move, we will be at Barnes & Noble or Montreal every weekend. His colleagues prefer Montreal (I don't know why).  I'll also need to buy lots of stuff from Ikea too since Ikea is scarce in NY.


    There's an IKEA in Connecticut that is 2.5 hrs away. It's a bit of a haul, but worth it if you have a large list (like my sister did when moved to Albany).


  11. Plant, Plant, Electro....What?


    I blog about homeschooling, Girl Scouts, and the books I read. Sometimes other random posts will spring up. And there's the possibility that I'll be starting grad school in the fall, so that will make its way in there if I'm accepted. Right now, I'm trying to crank out reviews of some of the curriculum we used this past year.


    I'll be HS'ing 2nd grade and PK, with a tag along toddler.

  12. Does anyone here have a DD in Girl Guides of Canada? And of you do, would you be willing to help me? Girl Scouts is severely lacking on badges for outdoors and science. GGC has a bunch of them. The problem is that b/c I'm not a Guider, I cannot buy the badges even if my girls have earned them (I have both leader and girl books for GGC). Would you be willing to purchase and mail badges to me? Thank you!

  13. Um...well...my almost 2 yr old DS loves to open tea bags. I grab a large handful of individually wrapped bags, put them in a bowl, set them on the floor in front of him, and voila....20 minutes of occupation. He also loves water play. So, old bath towels on the kitchen floor, soapy water in multiple, different-sized bowls, some measuring cups/spoons, and again....20+ minutes of occupation. Not really anything you can buy on RR, but these are two things that work in our house. Oh...and window crayons. He can't get enough of them. Neither can my 3 yr old.

  14. <snip>


    Another job that people don't tend to think of but may be of interest to someone with this skill set is book indexer. It is likely not to be as well paid as information science though.


    My mom is a former librarian, now indexer. It can be hard to start out, but if you're good at what you do (and have established a good rapport with publishers), you can live fairly comfortably. My mom's income ranges from $40,000 in a bad year to $120,000 in a good year. Her bread and butter, so to speak, is indexing science encyclopedias.

  15. Omaha - the base is nice, the area around the base is nice. I know there are several HS groups in that area (we were still in NE when I started looking into HSing). Omaha has an amazing zoo. Their botanical gardens are pretty nice as well, and there are a lot of activities/things to do in both Omaha and Lincoln.  I'd choose NE over FL any day. I'm not a fan of bugs, humidity, and near constant heat (I like having four seasons).

  16. Failing that, you could go with my personal favorite way to deal with squash overload-


    Fill a bag, put it on a neighbor's doorstep, ring the bell, and run!


    Is it bad that this was my first reaction when I saw the title of this thread? My husband has banned me from growing zucchini in our garden b/c of the sheer volume of zucchini we would get.

  17. I'm trying to start my book lists for this fall, and I'd like to know where I should stick King Arthur into SOTW2? There are few book suggestions for Sir Gawain in Chapter 3, so if I wanted to take some time out and read the legends/tales about KA, should I do it then? I know it's not history history, but I love KA and I think DD will too

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