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Posts posted by abrightmom

  1. No organization. We just do the next page. They love to flip through them and remember things they've learned. Also what they narrate and draw is totally up to them. I usually give suggestions of things that I think are important for them to remember and would like them to narrate and journal about. Sometimes they listen to me and sometimes they do their own thing. The two notebook pages I linked to were ones that they each wanted to write about. I tried to steer them in a different direction, but they were adamant they needed to write about the Nile flood. We are using Beautiful Feet Ancient History so there are notebooking suggestions in the guide which we sometimes use and sometimes don't. For science we are doing chemistry so lots of drawings of atoms, states of matter, experiments, etc. followed this section on Egypt. I kind of drew my inspiration from Waldorf's meeting books. We aren't doing it exactly like a Waldorf book, but I wanted the same kind of feel of having a year of our learning at the end. As for the narrations, my fifth grader does her own written narrations, but my second grader narrates to me, then copies it in her book. Honestly, this system has been our best year yet as far as retention and enjoyment goes. They love being turned loose to make a book all their own!





    This is a wonderful way to approach learning and I am inspired. I've always loved how BF does their notebooks ... 


    So, if your child doesn't want to write or draw (or perhaps their effort is not up to a reasonable standard) I assume you'll assign something. 


    Honestly, I think giving kids some ownership of their work within the boundaries set by Mom is an ideal way to pull creativity and effort from them. Sometimes the mindlessness that is required to just "do what the guide" says is deflating. 

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  2. I think that's a common thing in homeschooling the oldest.  We're just not sure.  I certainly wasn't.  Yet with all of the struggles, worries, fears, etc...  and even negative talk on forums about stuff I picked to use (not HOD by the way), my oldest has thrived academically in college this year.  can I brag? thanks.  4.0, with full load both semesters.   even got A in English composition in spite of my lack of knowledge how to teach writing!  I did ask friends and husband to help with editing and making suggestions.   We did a less than perfect and less than ideal approach to check writing level:  we ran the flesch kincaid levels from our word processing.  that showed us that at least someone had to be at certain reading ability to read what she wrote.  Does that sound like anything in some book about how to get a solid writer? No.


    not bad for double major elec. engineering and comp sci? right?  she also did very well in her humanities classes. (I liked how using Economics in a Box helped for that, but that's not the topic here....)


    so what really helped her in college?  She had to learn to stay on track with a syllabus and meet deadlines.  Read the syllabus. read books.  have an opinion of her own.  and we told her over and over:  go to office hours and ask for help.    She was amazed that some friends she made in first semester who went to group schools (private and public) struggled with the idea of reading a syllabus and doing what it says.


    if you want more insight into her English classes...  ask me.  you might think "what?? really?   what is it a junior college?"  nope....  but you might be surprised at what first semester composition was and was it was not.


    by the way, I now understand what you were asking about the 5 extra books in the literature/english credit.  Maybe someone else answered this already and I missed that.  I'm old and need new bifocals so if someone said this already, I missed it. 

    But my youngest was baking cookies last night and from that, I think I might understand HOD"s motivation for adding reading.  I reserve the right to be wrong on this.   I think it is not uncommon among homeschoolers who prefer classical or CM to want to read a complete novel as part of English credit.  BJU book is about studying "parts of literature analysis" across several authors and works.  So, I think HOD adds in "read these novels" to add in the missing FLAVOR in the purely textbook literature credit.   This is just like my youngest who made cookies last night.  The peanut butter cookies on their own were complete cookie.   But we had some chocolate chunks in the cabinet.  She wanted to add that FLAVOR in small bites to the batter.   and that's what's in my brain about adding 5 novels over the year in HOD while they schedule a textbook literature approach.


    I could be wrong as I have not used HOD.   But that is what I'm seeing when I look at their website.   read complete novel instead of just textbook parts of novel to learn parts.  and now that I typed that out?  I remember that is how it was done in my advanced track classes and AP class in my own high school days.  We had our Textbook to use, but we had to read novels as well. 


    again, I don't use HOD.  but some of the questions are general to homeschooling and wanted to share that looking back perspective now that I have one in college.



    I want to hug you! Great post addressing homeschool in general. LOVE it and appreciate your years of ministry to the homeschool community. Can I just say that God is good? In the midst of the dark and hard and crazy and overwhelming our gracious God is there. There is NO FORMULA. I'm totally LOVING hearing about your oldest!! That is so awesome.  :hurray: And I know that you used "light" and "not enough" MFW (snort, chortle) and *gasp* Writing Strands and *gasp again* NOT rigorous traditional grammar and ..... YOU and YOUR DAUGHTER ROCKED IT.  :coolgleamA:

    • Like 9
  3. Hi Keri,


    Without tediously poring over all HOD units I am under the impression that Carrie omits parts of each IEW Lesson to balance time spent in writing. So far she has not omitted any IEW techniques. You could if you want to though.... It's not like you have to do just what the lesson plans (HOD or IEW) tell you. I don't want to continue using this writing program with my oldest but I'd like to better understand what is upcoming. Perhaps I'll find usefulness in future lessons. We will likely not stay with HOD but I intend to keep with it until we break for a bit of summer.

    • Like 1
  4. Keri,


    If you are desperate to know I can poke around in my RTR guide for you (or on the FB page). I wouldn't mind doing so. Carrie does break the assignments into smaller pieces and is clear in the RTR book as to what to do next. Some days it takes 5 minutes but other days it takes a long time.  â€‹I really dislike this writing program for DS12 so far and am close to setting it aside. Hoping that we can stop doing KWOs for pete's sake and my already descriptive, verbose writer doesn't need to be told to use vivid language or incorporate vocabulary words. He knows how to do this. Hoping that as we move forward there will be more challenging assignments .... holding on a little longer.  :D

    • Like 1
  5. Nearly finalized plans for my DS5th grade :coolgleamA:


    Morning Time: (catechism, picture study, MP poetry, selected topics, Narnia)

    Bible: Matthew, prayer, Hero Tales. Integrated with MFW ECC.

    BJU Math 5

    CLE Reading 5 and a substantial reading list. TTC Socratic discussion once a week.

    Grammar: Hake 5

    Composition: Treasured Conversations or Meaningful Comp. 4+/Writing Strands

    Science: Integrated with MFW ECC

    History/Geography: MFW ECC

    Other: guitar/piano, swim.

    • Like 1
  6. Thanks to Melissa & chiguirre for the explanation. I've emailed the teachers for the two classes my two daughters are pre-registered for to ask more questions about the 'workshop model' and the extended weeks on the syllabus (34 vs. 32 on Intro to Rhetoric. I see Rhetoric 1 is listed for 35 weeks.) This is good information to find out now vs. after registration.  :crying:


    ETA:  Heard from the Exp I teacher already with an explanation of the 'workshop model' and some ideas on how to ease her into the feedback model. I'll be thinking about it and talking to dd#2 over the coming weeks.

    Please share more about the workshop model and what Mr. Hummel (?) explained to you (if you can spare the time). Perhaps I need to email him as well .... 

  7. DS12 (13 in early fall) ***is going to school this fall. I am still reeling a bit but quite thrilled for this kid. He didn't thrive in homeschool last year and we believe he will thrive in a structured school setting with some separation from his siblings. He has grown accustomed to the idea and is now looking forward to the change. The school is at our church so it's a familiar and loved community. A couple good friends are in his class so that has smoothed the mental transition for him. He has been a happy homeschooler for the most part and didn't ask to go to school but his dad and I believe this change is needed for him. :)  


    Here's where I am at for now:


    ** Pre-A (Lial's) with Jann in TX (we are pre-registered)

    ** WTM Academy Expository Writing I or Attuneup or Essentials in Writing.


    Considering this line-up (for my child who consumes books, reads incredibly deep and wide, and retains practically everything):

    History: Biblioplan Year 3 

    Science: Exploration Ed. or something Delight Directed. It will include a Mom designed reading list.  

    Literature: Substantial Booklist with a once a week discussion a la TTC. We will also use CLE Reading 7. Also VERY interested in Omnibus Secondary Literature for this child. I lack the courage though .... 

    Grammar: Analytical or Fix It plus some diagraming practice. Daily Grammar Practice looks good for this area also.  I'd like to shift the time to writing and literature with grammar being a back burner subject set to simmer on low. 

    Bible/Worldview: Plenty of choose from and dependent on the balance/integration in other areas. We're at a great age to move into more depth here. Carefully evaluating available materials including Lightbearers from Summit, Philosophy Adventures and The Most Important Thing You'll Ever Study.

    Other: Informal logic. Technology.  Morning Time. Current Events. Swim Team. Visual Latin (but maybe just EFTRU ;)). See the Light Art is just sitting here .... 



  8. Do you watch the Mom Minutes every day? Oh my word, that level of detail is NOT my cuppa and I want to skip them. Watching those daily is the kind of thing that causes me to avoid curriculum :D  Is it okay to skip the Mom Minutes? I do NOT care about every jot and tittle of the program so unless it is critical to success I'd like to skip it. If I have the Schedule of Lessons and follow along with what I am to check and provide materials wise am I okay?


    Also, I'm still a little fuzzy and it will likely become clear once we actually begin (we had a rough time after the holiday so I am just now getting this prepped while I have sick kiddos!) but am I grading all of his work? I *think* the assessments are graded by the computer and it sounds like the Quick Checks are reviewed with Mrs. Vick each day. Based on what I am seeing it looks like I am to correct the SAM work.


    All of the prep work required has turned me off to this style of learning ..... I am so much more simple minded and admit to doubting my decision to purchase this. So much detail and so many boxes to check and so many pieces of information to juggle for ONE class.  :rolleyes:

  9. Do you have a schedule of how you use CLE and MM?  What does your week look like, etc.?  So, if I move her to CLE 600 the reviews are not included anymore?  Hmmm, I need those.....  I'm not good on  my own!  But, I am trying.   :)

    I don't have a schedule. We just started LU602 this week. He has not scored well on either lesson and up until this year I've considered my son a strong math student. It's been a hard hard year of math for some reason .... We are about halfway through Math Mammoth 6th grade and I really don't know exactly how this will play out for him. It's possible that we'll go back a few light units into 5th if necessary and accelerate by doing all of the drill and New material and only doing the We Remember (review) portions every other lesson. It's still up in the air for me and I really wish I'd moved him to CLE for 5th as I was strongly considering it at the time for the same reasons I am up against now. However, I weighed the decision carefully, asked for advice, etc. and made the best decision I could at the time.


    CLE 600 has lots of review but doesn't have the Daily Drill that is present in the other levels. I really wish they did include drill but students coming up through all levels of CLE Math will have their facts mastered. 


    ETA: It is breaking my heart .... these math struggles. I do not understand WHY, if I follow along carefully with a structured math program, my child is so asynchronous in his math abilities and can't seem to transfer MANY skills to other math paradigms. I feel SICK when I think he needs to go way back to 5th grade CLE Math to pick up BASICS that he lacks. I wish I could explain why retention is poor and why skill transfer is poor and why it seems like his brain fell out of his skull this past year. Maybe we can blame hormones but it sure doesn't help Moms of 6th graders KNOW what is best. We may start at the halfway point with CLE 5th (I have all of it here .... ) and accelerate it before picking back up with 6th. He did so poorly on both lessons in LU602. 


    I gave him a Saxon Middle Grades Placement test today. He'd have to start with 7/6. :( 

  10. Christian Light gets my vote. We have been using it for a few years with my youngers while I've been with MM for years with my oldest. This month I dropped MM6 with him and put him in CLE all the way back to LU602. After he gets the hang of the format I am going to accelerate him through it. The review in CLE is excellent for him and I like that he is focusing on arithmetic rather than problem solving. My goal is to spend two sessions a week with MM doing harder problems. MM does teach concepts and thinking skills much better than CLE so I do not want to let that go. But, we have had a similar experience in 6th grade math and I am taking matters into my own hands.  :coolgleamA:


    With my kids who use CLE as their math spine it has worked well for us to use MM woven in. At times, I'll do an entire MM chapter with them in an area in which they need depth or more practice. I find the combination of MM and CLE to be ideal here. 


    Your comments about Saxon are intriguing as just today I printed the placement test for Saxon Middle Grades math. I am considering moving to Saxon next and want to see how my son places now. I like the Saxon/DIVE schedules My Father's World sells.  :coolgleamA:  


    ETA: Christian Light is wonderful and makes getting math done with many kids so doable!!! You will find yourself able to get kids started independently while you run through each child's drill one at a time. My kids can start their drill and We Remember (review material which comprises the majority of their lessons) while I move one a time to teach new material and finish up/correct drills. It works so well. Only once in a while do I need to spend extra time with a struggling student. I also love the support materials that one purchases with CLE math such as the Reference Charts (you must get these), 100 Charts and flashcards. It is such an organized and teacher/student friendly curriculum. At times I miss the problem solving taught in MM but CLE is so well rounded and lays a strong foundation. 


    I honestly don't think you'll go wrong either way, but I would choose the one that works best for your life as the teacher. The curriculum that gets done is the best curriculum of all. 

    ETA: Never Mind. I'm such a dolt .... I was thinking this thread is in regard to switching FROM Rod & Staff to CLE and that is what my question is about. Sorry .....  :coolgleamA: Maybe I'll have to start yet another CLE LA thread because I really want to ask my question! 

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