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Posts posted by wagnfun

  1. Could be. In my case, it's mostly brattiness. Champagne tastes on a PBR budget. :D


    Edited to say: Although I don't ACT bratty about it. I just feel that way, with all its accompanying guilt.



    May I ask, what is PBR.. at my house it stands for Professional Bull Riders budget, which honestly-- can be pretty good. And to answer your question, my mom use to say I had a Nordstroms diet on a kmart/Walmart budget... Is this being bratty? No I don't think so b/c I don't stew about it not being perfect if I can't get it my way. I just know what I want and am willing to wait for or plan it that way.

  2. My ds has a couple of Airsoft guns. It's basically like a BB gun except the pellets that are shot are plastic. It's the same as owning any other gun, safety first. My ds was trained to shoot them only at targets/cans. For a long time, he wasn't allowed to use the Airsoft guns unless we were right next to him. Now we will let him go out in the yard (we live in the country with no other houses around) to shoot targets with it as long as our dd is in the house.


    I personally would not let my ds own a paintball gun for using around our own property. He's not old enough for one. My dh does have one and goes to the local paintball place to play. They are just to messy for using at home!


    We also own BB guns but those are only to be used with a parent. The Airsoft gives him a little more freedom.



    :iagree: TOTALLY!! I have boys 12 & 9, they both own a few airsoft guns. They have to wear goggles when using them but they & the neighbor kids use them all over the neighborhood. Walmart, targer & any sports store sells them ranging from $10-$350. My boys have both pistols and automatics and I'm CONSTANTLY picking up little plastic colored bbs off the ground. For us, they are like nerf guns only for a bit older kids. My boys also have bb guns and 22s but are only allowed to use them when mom or dad take them shooting. I agree with above, the airsoft gives the kids more freedom.

  3. Did you know that many original birth certificates are no longer valid!


    I have my original California birth certificate and last month when I attempted to apply for my passport I was denied--because my ORIGINAL birth certificate was not on pretty "special" paper.


    In California there is a 6 month wait once they receive your application for an original or a duplicate birth certificate. IF you pay a 'service' the going rate of $29.95+ you can have it 'expedited' and the delay is currently at 4 weeks.




    Just a sidenote from a Californian whom just purchased a passport. The hospital copy of a birth cert won't work, that "special pretty paper" is called a certified copy. This is their verification that it is a real birth cert. and yes we needed THAT one for the passport. Also, a heads up, b/c I was at the county office, they waved the cert fee if we turned in the old birth cert.


    On the expedite thing, my daughters senior class is going to Israel in June and the parents were in a panic to get the birth certs on time. From date we applied until date we received passport in mail was within a month. We did NOT pay extra for the expediting. Just letting know...;)

  4. My sis is coming to visit me with her son, my nephew (he just turned 1yo). Someone told my sis that she'd need a birth certificate to fly with him, but she doesn't have a copy and now it's too late for her to get one in time. Can anyone here tell me if you needed to have a birth certificate to travel with your baby? Thanks!


    A few months ago flying out of LAX (California) I heard the flight attendent tell a young mother w/ an 18month old because she was traveling alone (without the father) she had to show a birth certificate & ID.

  5. I am so hungry this month. Really hungry for protein mostly. The last few days I cant seem to get enough to eat. And I am much more tired than usual. My cycle is due sometime in the next 4 days (please be on time!). There are other symptoms more "normal" for me - headaches, hot flashes, etc. But, this eating thing is a bit odd. Before I blow the top of the scale - what will help??? And it really isnt chocolate this time around - mainly protein - cheese, sausage balls, Ezekiel bread,etc. All healthy but really - I am gaining weight. What will help??



    What I found most ironic after eating healthy, working out and really listening to my body for the past 6 months, I've noticed I get VERY VERY hungry the 2 days before my period. I never noticed this before or if I did I chaulked it up to cravings.. but now, I crave HEALTHY food & TONS of it! Don't know what to tell you other then that...

  6. My 13-year-old washing machine has broken. I'd like a large capacity front-loading machine. What brands should I consider? Any I should definitely avoid? Thanks,




    Ok Mine isn't front loading but i LOVE LOVE LOVE my Kenmore Oasis set. Their is no middle pole thing and it washes a HUGE amount of clothing at once. I know these are not cheap but the set has been well worth the money! I can do a family of 6's laundry, plus towels and sheets all in one day. The only negative is you have to have a good few minutes to fold when they come out of the dryer b/c the wash such a large load. AND.. they are energy & water effeciant!

  7. . Could that be true, or would the only results showing in the Google drop down history menu be those that had been searched for prior to the last computer's refreshing of its memory? And if it is set to every 20 days, does that clear out everything from those 20 days?


    Michelle T, who is freaking out



    OK Here is the deal. IF you have a google account, this means signed up for google earth, use the free spreedsheets program or any other google FREE service, they have a history on you. It is not well known and stays forever unless you actually clear it. You have to sign in as that person (user name & password protected), then hit "my account" (upper right corner) and then view history. I just did it and they have every search I've ever done, date and time stamped, going back to 2005.


    Hope you find what you need & it matches what you want.

  8. Ds just turned 12 today! He has a friend sleep over last night....which was so stressful, I think I'm done with sleepovers for the rest of my life!!! This friend is constantly antagonizing my ds, and my ds does it right back to him, it's like this constant putting down and arguing. I don't know how they can even enjoy eachother's company. Maybe it's a guy thing??


    I'm a humorless mother. :glare:


    As a mom of a 12 & 10 yr old boy (as well as 17yr & 4 yr girl) I'll pipe in. 12 yr old boys are strange creatures. They are noisey, eat alot, put each other down, wrestle like they are going to kill each other, steal each others food or seat when the one is looking the other way, but I also remember seeing them give a quick hug when there was a death among the family, give up a seat to an older lady & help each others younger siblings..... These are things I see on a regular basis from the 13 baseball boys my son hangs with. The funny thing, they are all best friends and will be there for each other for life. I think "male bonding" starts at this age really. If your son doesn't have a problem with what went down, I think you need to relax a little. For me, it was strange having other older boys in the house, it was harder to get use to then having older girls. I know my son needs this time with his friends and because of that we have made our house the hang out house. Some times I wish for less noise or a family weekend without an extra-- but at the same time, my boys would rather hang at home with their friends here, then go to their friends house- and THAT IS the goal!.... Hang in there, this boy may very well be the best man at your sons wedding!!!!

  9. . I'm 37. Do I look older, younger or about my age?




    My guess would have been 32-35. I think you have very beautiful skin & eyes too. I'd say younger but you have a look of athority about you in that picture and your (cute but shorter styled) hair, gives you a few years over the longer pony tail-able style would do.


    Great way to get others inputs. I'd do it if I could figure out how to add a picture!

  10. Nothing like that.


    . I hope I'm not stunting her or something, though. Are they really THAT common?



    Well here on our street, yes they are really that common. We have 13 kids on our street and EVERY child has one. I actually like the fact that one kid can buy a game (bowling is the street favorite right now) and all kids standing close can download it and play against each other. My boys both own them and play them freely on the weekends. I am however, against them in school. I know our local elementary has movie friday afternoon. Two fridays a month, they watch movies after lunch so the teacher can grade papers in class.

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