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Mrs Mungo

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Posts posted by Mrs Mungo

  1. My understanding was that the gunmen were raised in France, not in Yemen or SA. So what they heard for the many years of their youth might have had some influence. What would they have been hearing?




    It has *already* been described on this thread what they have been consuming for many years of their youth *through the internet*. You do understand that the US (and its allies, including the French) has been actively at war with extremist factions of Islam for a long time. There is plenty of footage (some misleading, some not, some fact, some fiction) out there to fuel those fires *without* them hearing anything within their local community. The recruiting tactics of these extremists factions (of the sort that set up terrorist training camps) have already been described.




    Moderate Muslims I know here in America certainly do believe that what is going on has something to do with them. 1) for the reason you give that they would be considered not infidels but heretics and killed too as soon as infidels; 2) some I know came here to get away from oppression in places like Iran; 3) some who have children fear for their daughters going off to become married to IS fighters or their sons to become part of that themselves.  I obviously know moderate Muslims who are different and have different beliefs and fears than the ones you know.


    Those are similar to fears held by non-Muslims (in point of fact, some US Christians have had children convert, attend training camps, etc), so I am not sure how this contradicts what I said? 



    In any case, the post I was replying to suggested that it would make no difference even if all Muslim leaders advocated non-violence. I understood that to mean Muslim leaders everywhere, Europe, Yemen, SA, the Americas, Africa.


    Well, all Muslim leaders everywhere are not against violence. That's is, indeed, why we have this issue. But, you can't blame ALL leaders for the actions of SOME. 

  2. Well honestly I didn't know we were talking about chronic disease, loneliness and brain chemistry. I thought we were talking about single vs not.



    You don't think any of those things has anything to do with being healthy and happy alone versus with a supportive partner? 



  3. Are you saying you are not in control of your actions?


    I'm not sure how you get that from this:



    It may be possible to live a happy, healthy single life, but that doesn't mean everyone can manage it. I can't.


    I interpret it as that she isn't healthy and happy when she is single or can't imagine being happy, healthy and single forever.  It doesn't say anything about actions. 

  4. So if I told you I found women attractive and exciting you would immediately label me lesbian whether or not I had adopted that title for myself?


    I don't think finding women attractive and exciting would mean that you were a lesbian. I think women are attractive and exciting, but I don't find them sexually arousing. Those are different things to me. If you told me that you were sexually attracted to women, then I would believe you were a lesbian because you would fit the definition of the word "lesbian." I wouldn't call you that, if you didn't like the word for some reason. 

  5. You do not think that if every single Christian leader had stood up and said, no, this is wrong, do not join into these Crusades that it would have made no difference?


    I think it can make a huge difference. Take Gandhi. Take Martin Luther King, Jr. .... advocating non-violence may not result in zero violence, but I do not believe that it has no effect.


    Sure, it makes a difference to people *within that movement*.


    But, some people are saying something more like Martin Luther King, Jr (if he was still living) is responsible for Boko Haram's murder sprees because they are both black and if black leaders would stand up to the leaders of Boko Haram, then they would change their wayward behavior.


    Moderate Muslims in India or the US or Canada don't believe that Islamic extremism coming from Yemen or SA has anything to do with them because they are as far removed from that brand of Islam as you are. Islamic extremist leaders in Yemen and SA don't believe that moderate Muslims in India and the US and Canada are "real" Muslims and are just as willing to kill *those* infidels as the white Christian infidels or black atheist infidels or whomever else they feel like killing. Extremists *don't care* what the moderates think because each thinking the other aren't real Muslims is a two way street. 

  6. The definition of being gay is being attracted to the same sex. It is some bizarre form of whitewashing (straight washing?) to claim that you are not gay if you don't participate in sexual activity with the same sex. It's like claiming you aren't black, if you don't listen to rap or me claiming I'm not NA because I don't live in a tipi. If some gay (or possibly bi) people want to marry people of the same sex and/or never marry or whatever, then that is a personal decision. But, I disagree with one descriptor being "bad" and another as "not so bad" when they mean the same thing. Being gay doesn't even mean you've ever had sex. It is an attempt to make the word gay some kind of scarlet letter. 

  7. My 16 year old has had the flu two years in a row so this year I had him get the flu shot. He got it over a month ago. He woke up ok yesterday but quickly developed symptoms last night. I was hoping it was just a cold but now he has a 102 fever. Have any of you come down with the flu this year even after getting the shot? I've heard that the shot they made this year isn't the right strain.


    I will see how he does today and take him to the doctor to tomorrow if he still has the high fever or tonight if he gets worse. I just got over the mumps so I'm praying it isn't that. My symptoms presented in a different way but it's on my mind. I would feel horrible if I gave it to him. He goes to public school too so I would worry about him giving it to other people. On top of that he starts finals on Friday. They has two snow days last week so finals were pushed back two days. I hate winter and sickness!


    The Influenza A that was in the shot has mutated (drifted), so some people are still getting A, even after getting a flu shot.


    ETA: I will also say that I think there are a lot of people who didn't get the flu shot this year because of the drifted A strain. Information was released about that early on in the flu season. But, there are other strains going around other than the drifted A. I lot of people have other strains that the shot may have prevented (although no vaccine is 100%). 

  8. I heard back from Thinkgeek. They are sending me my item that was missing. It was for a Christmas gift exchange, I am  glad it is something I would actually like and not something I got to be silly. :lol:


    They also sent me a GC.


    At least they sent you a GC for your trouble!

  9. hahahaha, I never tried tantra, it seems a little weird to me. But DH read a Tim Ferriss book with a chapter about a twenty minute orgasm, and ever since he first tried the advice it's one of his favorite routines. I suggest trying it with no kids in the house, even if you think you're quiet in bed. You might not be.

    Wait, are you talking about the science writer? The guy who writes about space?


    Oh, googled, two different guys, okay, I was thinking I had skipped a chapter somewhere.


    Here is the errr...plan?



    Pearl clutchers should probably avert their eyes.


    ETA: my tired eyes misinterpreted one of those drawings and I was thinking "WOWZA, OUCH" but then refocused and figured out what was actually happening.



    If I were the host, I'd just like to know as early as possible, and I would take care of the missing food myself.  I'd never ask a friend to bring food to a party if she couldn't come! 


    I wasn't assuming a private party. In the case I mentioned above, it was a group event. That is the main time I sign up to bring specific dishes, so that was sort of the assumption I was going on. I might think differently about a friend's private party as opposed to an event for a group of people. 

  11. and signed up to bring something (food), but then turns out you can't go, should you still provide the item you were going to take?


    I do when I can. I was recently signed up to bring something to a party. We had a minor medical issue at the house and couldn't attend. I called someone from my neighborhood who was also going. They stopped by and picked up my item. 


    ETA: In my case, my food item was sugar cookies that kids were going to be decorating. So, I guess it was a food/craft issue. But, if I were responsible for a major component of the meal, then I would still try to coordinate with someone to pick it up.

  12. Maybe education, billboards, etc telling parents how important it is? They do that around here re: reading to your kids. 


    It's difficult to set aside that it shouldn't even have to come to this. 



    Actually, Motheread is a program that does something similar to this. It is often offered at libraries. Funding programs like that and funding outreach programs to reach the parents who need it (as opposed to parents who are already regularly at the library, which is how I encountered it) could help? As opposed to attempting regulation?


  13. I would definitely visit the doctor for this. Kids can fall out of bed and break a limb, even my dh had a soldier who rolled out of bed in the middle of the night and broke his neck (he eventually fully recovered). I had a friend in elementary school who started limping and complaining that her leg hurt. It turned out that she had a tumor in her leg. It was caught and treated early. She's in her forties now and it's never reoccured. 

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