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Posts posted by min

  1. The full version of Acrobat combined the nicely and quickly and I could then go in and insert blank pages where I needed to in order to make the pagination/printing work out the way I wanted it to. I don't know the cost, though, I've just downloaded the trial version to try it out. So far it looks like it does what I want it to do.




    (DD dares me to insert a smiley: :001_smile:)

  2. You can download a free trial version (fully functioning) of Adobe Acrobat that will run for 30 days. I downloaded it yesterday to stick a bunch of PDFs into one for convenience of printing). Would that do the trick? It has a "create PDF" option so it looks as though it would do.



  3. Well, this is still hypothetical, so bear with me!!! We're planning a period of "carschooling" for an upcoming, long, trip.


    I've purchased files with zippers around them - one per child. The intention is to put a week's worth of work in them and have them work through them as they can. There will be pages of Cozy Grammar, mental math, etc, and then a list of other stuff for them to tick off as they go. That will be things like educational apps on the iPods like spelling lists (pre-made by me), musical interval training etc, educational DVDs etc. I will still need to do some work with them, like presenting the AAS lesson for the week, but I'm hopeful working in this way will make the most of our time.



  4. I couldn't find a suitable curriculum, so I've been putting one together for myself.


    Rough outline: I've picked a few patterns that I think the kids can get a nice result with; found a website with really great downloads of information on things like sewing a plain seam, up to much more involved stuff; and worked out a plan of attack for teaching them. I'm not quite ready to go, but we're not starting until January, so I don't need to be. :)



  5. I haven't used it yet, but I was intending to use AG's essay unit next year when we have our kids out of school for a few months (we're afterschoolers, and sometimes home/travel-schoolers). I may not now, as they are spending a lot of time at school on expository writing, even for the second grader.


    I thought the AG unit looked well put together. When I bought it I was looking for an essay *only* unit, which it is.



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