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  1. Has anyone used the Veritas/World Mag collab on the Composition Volume 1 and/or 2 English texts? Looking to see if it might fit into a once a week co-op setting, thoughts on content, how did you incorporate literature, overall opinion of material. The other programs we're looking at include CAP's Writing and Rhetoric and LTW. Looking to maintain a classical focus.
  2. Thank you so much for all of your responses! We're having a planning meeting this morning and your suggestions will be truly helpful!
  3. Has anyone used The Truth Project and/or Understanding the Times by Summit Ministries? I'm looking for a program that can easily be used in a weekly co-op setting in which there is about an hour of teaching/discussion time in class. If you have suggestions for other programs, I'd appreciate those, also. Specifically, I'm looking for something for 11th and 12th graders that they are able to complete mostly independently during the week, then have some combination of material discussions, projects, and/or activities available for class time. If you have used The Truth Project or Understanding the Times, what are your pros and cons? Would you use it again? TIA!
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