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Posts posted by Sally1972

  1. On 2/12/2018 at 8:52 PM, bcbbmom said:

    So, we went to our 2nd speech therapy session this morning, and I'm feeling concerned.  They showed my daughter a short video of kids who stuttered, then read her a little book about stuttering, and then continued to talk and play  the rest of the session, constantly referring to stuttering or "getting stuck".  My daughter looked thoroughly confused.  This was at the Teaching college I mentioned earlier.  I absolutely don't know who to call, but I'm going to look for someone who is more qualified.  

    My son doesn't even know he is doing it, and we don't draw attention to it, so no wonder she was confused, poor thing!  This is not a stutter - it's called word final disfluency.

  2. On 12/5/2017 at 4:32 PM, OneStepAtATime said:

    I know this is concerning but you are heading in the right direction by asking questions and seeking help.  Don't be scared.  Even if it IS tied to something like ADHD or Autism or dyslexia or some sort of auditory processing issue or whatever, there are a lot of kids (and parents) on this LC forum that are learning and doing well that have one or some or all of those diagnoses.  Even if she does have one of those challenges, it is not the end of the world.   I promise.  Right now you need answers, though, and those may take some time and effort to find.  Kuddos to you for seeking those answers.


    I wish I had some experience with what you are describing.  I hope someone else will respond that does.  It would be very beneficial to you and your child if the person doing therapy had had experience with exactly what your child is dealing with and since the people who evaluated her actually don't KNOW what your child is dealing with I agree you should keep seeking answers while you work with the people currently available.  Also, if your child is gifted, you really need someone who has experience dealing with gifted children.  Gifted with glitches is a whole other ballgame.  Without experience dealing with that scenario they may not be able to help your child much.


    in the meantime, how well does she read silently?  Does she seem to comprehend what she is reading?  When you read to her does she comprehend what you are reading?  How is her writing?  Besides repeating the last syllable of some words, how is her out loud decoding and fluency otherwise?  What sort of reading program, if any, has she used?

    Hi, my 16 year-old son has been doing this since he was tiny, and I just want to reassure you that he has improved, so hopefully your little one will as well, as time goes on.  He is ultra intelligent, and I feel that sometimes his brain just has to catch up with what he wants to say, and certainly he doesn't do it as much now as when he was very small.  He's quite an eccentric boy, likes his own company, wasn't very sociable really until the last year really, and I would say has very, very slight autistic tendancies, but has never been tested as he is coping and excelling at school, and is happy and healthy.  Look up "final word disfluency" as this is what this speech pattern is called.  Best wishes.

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