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Posts posted by Corbster98

  1. 12 hours ago, tinnitusteen55 said:

    It’s been two weeks since my second Moderna vaccine, and I’m experiencing tinnitus. I’m 19 years old, and the static in my ears has become unbearable, mostly when I’m trying to sleep. I noticed that my ears felt a little ‘weird’ sometime within the past few weeks, but I couldn’t put my finger on it and didn’t think much of it. I returned from college recently, and that’s when it hit me that something very terrible had happened. In my dorm, our AC was pretty loud, so that served as a white noise machine and prevented me from realizing how bad the tinnitus was... now that I’m back, I have difficulty falling asleep without white noise because of this constant din. It’s driving me crazy, and it won’t go away.

    My initial 2nd vaccine immune response was significantly more powerful than anything my friends’ experienced (if they experienced any symptoms at all after 2nd dose,) so maybe that has something to do with it. I’m also a bit of a worrywart, but the night my 2nd dose symptoms (intense, hours-long shivering, fever, etc.) set-in, I feared I would fall asleep and never wake up.

    I just hope it’s not like this forever. I’ve felt so physically run-down. I’m scared about what my future will be like if I already have ringing like this at 19. I might’ve had a little tinnitus before, maybe, but nothing like this living hell at all. I’m going to try to get an appointment with an ear doctor very soon, but from what I’ve read it doesn’t seem like there’s much anyone can do. 

    I wish there was more info out there about this. I’m not someone who had any pre-existing concerns... I ran cross country in high school, try to keep in shape, and I’ve never had a major health incident in my life. I’m just some random college kid 😞


    I am sorry you are suffering. As someone who has had tinnitus for 2 years and experienced extreme distress in my early stages, let me encourage you to get some support from a forum called Tinnitus Support Message Board if you feel it would be helpful. That forum was a lifesaver for me and I still post there now to help others out. 

    I would stay away from Tinnitus Talk though. 

    Even if your tinnitus does stay, there is a natural process called habituation that will provide you with relief in the future. 



  2. I am sorry. News like that is always tough 😞

    And it is ok to be angry, even at God. I struggled with feelings of guilt surrounding my anger towards God when my Dad was diagnosed with ALS and then again when Mom entered hospice care with metastic breast cancer. One thing I learned is that not only does God understand, he can handle it. Life is not fair sometimes. Hugs and prayers for you. 

    Enjoy your time and trip as best as you can. Make some beautiful memories!!

    • Like 3
  3. Registered early 2012. Mostly just been a lurker regularly all of these years with very occasional postings. 

    I was a prior social worker that was feeling the tug to not only stay home with my boys but homeschool as well. I resigned to stay home but kind of brushed off the homeschool idea for 2 years until spring of 2009 when my 3rd grader came home with a book from his male teacher with an inappropriate picture tucked in. Long story short, I was beyond mortified...an emergency meeting was called at the school and an internal investigation revealed disturbing info on the teachers hardrive at school in addition to the photo. He was held accountable and is no longer permitted to teach.  I pulled son from school and never looked back. 

    So with no time to research I jumped into homeschooling a bit overwhelmed. I eventually stumbled onto this forum while researching curriculum and options. 

    • Sad 4
  4. 25 minutes ago, Annie G said:

    Will definitely pray for you. When my anxiety was thru the roof dealing w dh’s sister, Xanax truly made a huge difference. It was a tiny dose and all it did was take the edge off. I was able to function way better- no mistakes and no anger, but I was still able to fully focus on advocating and getting things done. It was amazing stuff. Haven’t needed it even once after that situation was resolved. Not saying you need something, but do know that for some folks it makes a huge difference. 

    Agree completely on the small dose of Xanax. 

    I have had to rely on it at different times of  crisis in my adult life when my just ' normal' anxiety went off the charts. The small dose helped me to feel more calm, sleep better, and I could think more clearly without feeling completely overwhelmed. It also minimized the physical symptoms I was experiencing that resulted from the anxiety. 

    • Like 2
  5. 9 hours ago, Lecka said:

    It is really hard for me to know what 25-year-old me would make of current times.  I think 25-year-old me would still want to have kids.  42-year-old me can wonder what 25-year-old me was thinking.  Things seem so different to me when I look at them for my kids instead of -- just the normal-to-me things going on around me.  

    I knew 25-year-olds, when I was 25, who were thinking about things in a really different way -- but I don't think I would have been thinking that way in a 25-year-old version of myself.  

    I think you accidentally replied in the wrong thread. 

    • Like 1
  6. Yes, I saw that it was a different instructor too. 

    Great question. I guess getting an accurate description of this class might prove faulty if the teacher is new this year.

    2 hours ago, MamaSprout said:

    Has anyone had this instructor before? It doesn't look like Mrs. Thompson is teaching it this year. The instructor's name is Lisa Glover. https://www.bluetentonline.com/lisa-glover




    I am sorry for your loss. 

    You never really move on if you had a close relationship... you just sort of 'adjust' to a new normal. As other's have said, it takes a lot of time. I started to grieve my father before he ever left this earth as his diagnosis was terminal and we knew his time would be likely relatively short. I am a Daddy's girl so losing him was crushing for me. With Mom, we also knew she was terminal but she lived with a terminal diagnosis for many years. I naively took for granted that she was truly terminal as she was so healthy for so long and I just could not envision her not just keeping on. 

    I am just 45 and have lost both of my parents and it is hard. My Mom just passed in Dec 2019 ( so a little more than a year ago) and my Dad passed in 2013. Mom had metastatic breast cancer and Dad had ALS. With both parents we utilized hospice and were able to be there for the final days of their lives. After they passed, my heart physically hurt and I cried often. I felt like I was in a fog much of my days.  It still feels raw with my Mom some days even after a year. With Dad, I am able to smile more at the memories but still have days and moments where I ache and hurt over his death. I am sad that my parents both died so early in my life. At the same time I am so thankful that I was so close to both of my parents and that I had the life I did with them. I am sad for my boys that their grandparents are gone. They are the only grandparents that were involved and they were my son's biggest cheerleaders and supporters. 

    Feel free to PM me if you need or want to talk. 

    • Like 5
  8. Just wanted you to know you are not alone. I am 45 and workout regularly... crossfit and weight training. That area below my scapulas have that same roll of fat. It is not significantly pronounced but visible. I tend to think as we age, certain areas of our body just store fat that is harder to shed.

    More cardio might/ should help to decrease it and of course weight training increases metabolism too. 

    • Like 2
  9. 4 hours ago, mmasc said:

    I got these a couple of weeks ago and just adore them. They’re showing out of stock right now, but I don’t know if that’s just temporary. There are other similar ones I think. Not only are they pretty, but they’re perfect for so many things I eat in small portions. They are the exact right size for one packet of instant oatmeal. I also use them for yogurt and fruit. And for smaller portions of hearing leftovers. Tuna salad and crackers. So, just perfect!😊

    This was a splurge, but it was probably my best 2020 purchase, especially considering how the year turned out. It’s perfect to wear over loungewear. So soft and cozy, but not so bulky that it can’t be worn on less cold days too. 

    I love those PW ramekins too!! So pretty, durable and a great size. They make me smile 🙂

    • Like 2
  10. Hugs to you Heart. Life can be messy and you are in the thick of it right now. I am sorry for your loss, heartache and overwhelming frustrations. That is so much at one time. 

    Things will eventually smooth out. Keep your chin up. 

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