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Posts posted by apond

  1. I have been able to lose 14lbs just by cutting out processed foods. I am not a fanatic about it and actually went through a period this summer where we ate terrible due to vacations and visitors. I felt horrible and gained a few pounds back. I was able to quickly lose it and some since eliminating the processed foods again. When eating whole foods or ones that I prepare myself I just naturally eat less and don't feel hungry. It is not a quick fix but I have been able to loose about a pound a week which has helped keep me

    motivated. I also found it was much simpler way to diet or rather just a healthy way to eat, which was my ultimate goal. Good luck with this endeavor.



  2. I have been reviewing post about the subject but I am still unsure of how to proceed. My son is 13 and wants to go into a career that will require math. It would be great if he could do calculus before going to college. He is very math minded. I started him with Videotext algebra and he seems to be doing well although the limited practice problems scare me a bit but then he is doing well so far. We are half way through B. Here is my delima He is the oldest of 6 and it is a very expensive program so although it would work for him I have a hard time justifing spending $600 dollars for a program that most likely not work for all my kids. The next two in line struggle with math a lot and I have read that it is not good for these type of kids.


    What would you suggest? For those that have used videotext is it worth the price and what would you suggest for my kids who aren't good in math.


    If you have another program I would be open to that.





  3. Try anything from eatingglutenfree.com. Especially their chocolate chip cookies. Amazing. They have flour mixes that I have used to replace regular flour in other recipes. Coming from a family where most (my husband, 2 kids, and all of his family) have gluten issues this book and site was life changing! The other book I recently found and absolutely love is "Gluten Free Baking Classics" by Annalise G. Roberts. I received this last Christmas and I use it all the time. They have hands down the best flour replacement recipe I have ever come across. It uses millet as it's base grain instead of rice flour so it has a lot more nutrition.


    Good Luck!



  4. My 11 y/o dd wants more to do in school. She has showed an interest in music and I would love to capitalize on that. What programs would you suggest for her? She is very bright and loves to study and read. She also loves specific plans of what to do. Ideally I would love a program that teaches theory as well as composer history but if I had to choose, theory is more what I want to see. She does take music lessons but I would love to work on more with her.






  5. Great thread. I have always struggled with this as I was never taught any of this stuff. I don't want my two daughters to struggle like I have. I give another vote for dressingyourtruth.com it has made a huge difference for me. Made it very simple to look pulled together with little effort.


    One thing I learned recently was how to deal with my naturally curly hair. I don't have a lot but enough that I can't just let it air dry and heaven help me if it is hot or muggy. For years I have straightened it everyday, then a friend showed me how to take advantage of the curl. As soon as I get out of the shower I put curling gel in my hair, scrunch it, and then use a diffuser to dry it. So simple. 5 minutes and my hair looks nice all day. I end up with a nice soft wave. If I want more curl I will also add antifriz gel and a curl defining mouse.


    I look forward to what others have to add.



  6. I always dread taking time off just becase it is so hard when we start back up. That's one reason I school year round. At least you know it will get better soon. We are starting back on Wednesday after a two week break to go camping. Not looking forward to that.


    Good Luck!



  7. So Far My husband has lost 15 LB and I have lost 11 lb we have simply cut out all processed foods. We try to eat grain based whole foods with lots of veggies. At first it was really hard it is amazing how addicting junk food is. The amazing thing is that when you are eating whole foods you automatically eat less and feel full. I have been amazed. We both added in exercise last week because we are hoping to lose the weight faster. We would both like to loose 30 lb. For both of us seeing the scale go down even a little bit has been a huge motivator. Good Luck:)



  8. I don't do muliple core with sonlight. I just follow what ever my oldest children are doing and then add in readers, usually based on sonlight, for my younger kids. I use sonlight because of the schedule and preseclted books. I don't have a desire nor time to spend trying to select books. I get too overwelmed trying to figure it out as I did in the past. We also don't have a great library system so that may have been part of it. I don't want to spend money on a book we will never read.



  9. We are in the process of short selling our house. We need to move do to DH job situation. We were preapproved and everything and told it would be a done deal. But they are dragging their feet. I personally think they don't really want to the houses to sell. They get more federal money if they can forclose. Of coarse this is comming from someone who lives in the worst hit market in America.



  10. For the last six months i have known that a move was in our future. Not sure when but to help it go better I have been getting rid of stuff. Lots of stuff I have been ruthless with getting rid of stuff. It feels great. It is amazing how much easier it is to clean a house when you have less stuff to clean.


    One things that has made a huge difference is doing a "quick pick" every night while I am making dinner.

  11. We did sl the last couple of years and I will admit that I gave myself a break by picking up some of the read alouds as audiobooks from the library. The kids loved the change of pace and it gave me a little break. I have tried several different programs but always come back to sl. I do change some of the books but I do follow most of them. It also gets easier as the kids get older and are more independent. My oldest are 11 and 13 and they could read everything indepently if I really needed them too.



  12. I would highly suggest the IEW recomended in the previous post. My son (12) and daughter (10) spent the year doing it with a co-op and we are working on it with my younger daughter (8) this summer. I have seen amazing results with my older 2 children. It breaks down the writing process and makes it really simple. It starts by giving a you a paragraph which you outline and then rewrite it. It is expensive but having tried many other programs this is by far the best one I have ever seen.



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