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Posts posted by apond

  1. It really depends on what your goals are for the next year. I struggled with this as well and decided to go with SL. The main reason was that it was not as intesive as TOG. My ultimate goal was to get my kids to love reading, to have the lit go a long with history, and to make it as easy on me as possible. ( I have a set of 2y/o twins.) I plan on using SL for the first round of history (Cores1-4,) and then plan on switching to TOG for the last two history cycles and doing it with all my children (the twins will be almost 5 at that point and it will be easier to do TOG imo).


    The Literature program from SL is not great and I would never recomend using it. It jumps all over the place and was so frustrating. I used it for about 1 week and sent it back. I use Rod and Staff for my children starting in 3rd grade and I just started today with Writing Ease By SWB ( I think it looks great).


    Good Luck









  2. This is what we are doing right now and will use the same text for next year advancing as needed.

    We use SL for history and are finishing up Core 2 with plans to start Core 3 in September. We do this with our morning devotional everyday. Then start a loop schedule rotating between the three oldest.


    Math Saxon as a base with lots of exploration


    Spelling Sequential Spelling


    Reading I give her an assingned reading and she has to read for fun for 15 minutes. WE also read a story out of the 4th grade Core knowledge book Rotating paragraphs. She reads then I read.


    Grammer Rod and Staff


    Writing planning on using the new SWB Program.


    Science- Science Excursions




    She does logic, paino, voice, and reading on her own while I am working with the other 2. We reserve the afternoon (1-3) for personal study. I have her set goals on Sunday evening for the week of what she wants to learn. We review these daily. For example one of her educational goals this week was to learn about turtles. So when we go to the library she will pick up a couple of books about turtles and read about them this week. Maybe find a craft to do or do a report about what she has learned.


    Good Luck



    ds 10

    dd 8

    dd 5

    ds 2


  3. My children love the literature based history and get the most from it. We did core 2 last year, just the history part, We are planning on doing core 3 this year followed by core 4 and then I plan to switch to TOG for the last 2 history cycles. I want my children to love reading without over taxing them or me at this point ( I have a set of 2 y/o twins). This has worked well for us. My point being that you don't have to stick with a program forever. Doing one or two years is an option especially if you want the history cycles. I was also able to pick up the entire core 3 at my Homeschool convention used curriculum sale for $115 So this made it very reasonable. The other opiton is bibloplan which is scheduled with STOW has the literature and the timeline all in one and is only $30 for the schedule.


    Good Luck


  4. We started stock pliling food a few months before our twins were born. I new I wasn't going to get to the store very often. We have never stopped it has been such a great thing. Since we started this we have never had to worry about having food in the house. In the 3 years we have really tried to do this we have had months where we have hardly any money for food. My husband was on commission and then bought a buisness and we have had many ups and downs. Some months we have had to rely only on our food storage ( except for a little milk and produce). It's the piece of mind more than anything. The other great thing is that because of the food storage We only go shopping once a month and I can usually make anything I want because I have everything we need. It has taken us a while to figure out what we need and will use but it is so worth it.


    Also in the State of Nevada and Utah there is a shortage of flour and rice. My neighbors and friends are panicked. I have 4 bags of four and 3 bags of rice no worries here. Why do it? The peace of mind everyday, not just for a natural disaster.



  5. My dd7 was involved with a book club this year that was centered around the American Girl Books they did Samantha this year and will do Molly Next year. There was a boys club also that did Childhood of Famous Americans during the same time peroid. Basically each week ( which was every other) They would have a period for the girls to present something they were learning about, or a peice they learned on an instrument, or something they had made etc. This was short 2-5 minutes each and only by choice. Then they would discuss an aspect of the book and learn more about that certain subject. Like for example in one book Samantha paints a picture so they discussed various artists and different techniques. They then did an activity that went along with this dicussion for example they had an art teacher come and give an art lesson for the activitiy. This was the most elaborate acitivity they did most were much simpler but this is the one that stands out in my mind. My Daughter has loved it and really looks forward to going. My son also ( who is in the boys version) loved going and studing the differnet biographies. If you are looking for an older group look up AYLI American Youth Leadership Institute. This is where the main idea for this club is based on. They have suggestions for older kids as well on through highschool.

    HTH If you have any questions or want more info please send me an email. I don't get on the boards as often as I would like.





  6. I tried having a room dedicated to Hsing but we always ended up at the kitchen table. We moved six month ago to a house with a back porch swing and this is where my kids love to do school. My ds9 is a Kinesthetic (sp?) learner and the constant movement of the swing has helped his concentration a ton. I keep a bucket ( one for each child and one for group lessons like history , devtional items etc..) We also turned our family room into what we call the Library. We added book shelves instead of a TV and are filling it with books. This is also where we keep the fish and the maps. I love the way we have things set up. It is simple and works great for us.





    ds9, dd7, dd5, twin boys 2

  7. Or those that aren't but are great at playing the part. Please share what you do or have done with your chilrens toys. Do you have a playroom or are they kept in their bedroom. I would love to see pictures of what anyone has done. We just moved into a house that has room for a playroom and what I have been doing is not working well. Please help. Any ideas would be so helpful.





  8. We used the grade 3-5 and grade 3 LA with the readers. I used it for a couple of weeks but it drove me nuts one week we would study capital letters and the next week we would study simile. It just didn't flow well for my own logic. I much prefer R&S It is simple and layed out. One part I have continued to use is the copywork they have already printed out for me it has been changed to dictation since January. They pull it from what they are reading which I liked. Anyway this was my experience. HTH



  9. I have the Ancients and the Old Testements and the thing I really like about the set is that it comes already colored so I just lamented them. It also comes with a brief descriptions about each picture which was great especially if it was something that was not covered in history but I thought my kids would like. It also comes with two extra sets that are not colored. These you are given permission to copy as much as you need for family use. Over all I like the set up and plan to use them in the future. You alos mentioned that your son was interested in inventions. Did you see that they have a set of timeline just for inventions. I have been plan to buy this in the furture. HTH



  10. I am not really sure what I am looking for. So I just starting from the beginning. Science is not my thing. Give me math or history and we can whip it out. I do know I want my children to enjoy this subject along with building a decent base for the future. Thanks again for everyone's input.



  11. I was looking the ED Hirsch book just last night. My kids are surprisingly doing just fine with with what he says ( except for writing - no surprise there). Having pulled my children out only a year ago ,I have seen so much improvement. Not just in academics but more importantly in there love to learn and confidence. Priceless. I think this alone would help them the most in suceeding in public school again (although not in the plans).



  12. I was just thinking about such a post last night. It is because of TWTM and these boards that I have the confidence to homeschool. Thank you so much for the hardwork and time you and your mom have put in to writing these great books. Thanks also to your family for supporting you in these projects.


    Also to address the issue of little ones. I have a set of 2 y/o twins and have talked to many moms about the fact that babies and toddlers make homeschooling a challenge. I am just begining to see a light at the end of the tunnel and they are starting to entertain each other long enough to get the teaching for morning lessons done. We do History and Science in the Afternoon during nap time. It will get better and better.

  13. I used the program for a couple of weeks but felt it jumped all over the place. I didn't like how there was no review. I went quickly back to Rod and Staff. I love the simple lessons and the order. This is just my opion. I am using SL for History and Literature also.



  14. Thanks for all the suggestions. To answer the questions there has been some stress as we moved during this although they started doing this before we moved. We moved over 2 months ago and things have calmed down. I kept thinking it would get better. I have tried to give them lots of tlc and one on one time during the day hoping that would help. No Luck. They have been sick twice during this and both times the ears have been checked out okay. They are not in cribs and havent been for 4 months. This started long after the change. I also know that it is one twin waking up the other. It started with one being the problem and has now switched to the other. They do worse when seperated as we tried that. I have tried having them sleep with me and neither of us sleep well. I tried having them sleep in the floor in our room and it was a horrible. I guess it's a matter of wills and they are winning. It is so frustrating because they are such good toddlers ( typical in everyway, but better then any of my other children) except for nighttime.



  15. I need advice suggestions or a miricle. I will take anything. I have a set of two year old twins that started not sleeping at night weeks ago. Up to that point they never had a problem. I have tried everything but am at my wits end and not a very nice mommy. I am so exhausted after getting up with them every hour or two and then trying to homeschool my other 3 kids. It is affecting everything. I don't know where to go or what to do. If you have had an experience like this what worked.



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