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Ting Tang

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  1. So this thread is over a year old, but I ended up switching one child to traditional math but have stuck with Dimensions for my younger two. I am much better with it now. I am going to check out V Dose just in case I need help again. I am back to 4th grade again!
  2. This is a change in a relatively short period of time, so I am sure it’s been a strain in some regards. If your pet gets stolen and eaten, one would think it’d get reported to police, though. I’d rather discuss real Issues instead of made-up ones. Then it’s easier to make a case for or against immigration.
  3. Well, I've eaten crawdads, frog legs, and turtle. I can understand other cultures eating things I do not eat, but cats really sounded far-fetched to me. ON the upside, yes, I also heard some of the migrants filled positions that couldn't be filled. There are certainly some cultures that come to America and work very hard, perhaps some appreciate the opportunity they have here, despite all the obstacles.
  4. Thank you! I’ll check this out. It makes sense that the city and resources would be strained by large influences of people, regardless of where they’re from or the color of their skin. You have to add resources everywhere to accommodate people. But I know healthcare and education are not good place anywhere right now. I will watch.
  5. Oh okay, I’m going to have to look for that interview somewhere online. I disagree with not dealing with housing shortages first, but eating cats sounded crazy to me. @Tenaj thank you for trying to weigh in on this!
  6. I'm not sure we can base it on skin color, I guess maybe that. But I have seen Black people make comments about the problem on social media, and one of the videos was of a Black resident complaining. We saw some of that with what was happening in Chicago with migrants.
  7. @Tenaj, it sounds as though you may live in that area? I do not understand wanting a large influx of people with the housing shortages, though.
  8. Have any of you heard the stories about migrants here? I've heard all kinds of outlandish things, from killing birds and pets for food to causing a lot of car accidents. I've seen videos on Facebook from residents with complaints (one lady said the someone was camping on her property), and they look authentic. I don't have satellite tv or any type of news service. I wondered if anyone actually lived in that area? Is this fear mongering, much ado about nothing, or is the truth somewhere in the middle?
  9. Oh no, I think schools should remain gun free zones, with the exception perhaps being security detail at entrances. I don't believe in arming teachers or requiring that. My point wasn't too deep. These kids are bringing their guns into the school, and the only people who obey are the victims. But they are soft targets. They are easy targets. These people can kill children easily. They know they can cause a lot of damage quickly. We've got to ensure the schools are gun free zones. Nothing is preventing them from being gun free. We can't trust a sign that says gun-free to protect these students.
  10. No, it won't solve the underlying circumstances that lead to these shootings. It won't fix these people. It's just to stop the guns from actually getting into the school. That's it. Maybe they go shoot something else up, but schools are soft targets. Gun free zones---purely on a voluntary basis.
  11. High level security instead? There's got to be a way without a 3.5 hour line to get into school. I understand one or two people can't be everywhere in a school, so I just think we need to secure the campuses. No, it doesn't make bad parents into good parents or mentally unstable underground white male youth better, but at least you leave the building alive.
  12. All that is really going to happen is we will sit back and wait for the next one. 😞 I realize we can't have kids waiting in line for hours to be screened, but there must be something that could be done to help sooner than later.
  13. Dismissal of your concerns… terrible. It’s just a game of odds at this point whether we will die in mass shootings.
  14. Let's stop guns from getting into schools. There are physical ways of helping guns not get through the doors of a school. I bet we could shuffle around money in various budgets and make that happen. Yes, we need to fortify our schools. It doesn't solve all of the problems in our world, but at least kids could be safe in their classrooms. Teachers wouldn't have to rely on code red drills to save kids' lives. Thank goodness some teachers handle these moments in a way that saves lives, but I am not even sure I could be relied upon to be that quick on my feet...not fair to them. They shouldn't have to be the reason someone lives or dies.
  15. Yep. I mean, there are things that really are not normal. Lots of kids are bullied, come from troubled homes, etc. and they never ever even hint at doing these horrific killings. Oh the violent sexual assault and murder I referenced earlier---carried out with the woman's own dog's leash. He was an older teen at the time. He walks free. Some may never commit another crime, but you know, for the sake of the victim---I feel they should be locked away. On the other hand, I saw someone got busted for carrying drugs (I know, they kill people) but is facing 60 years in prison.
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