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  1. As a kid, I was a bit different. I held school in a play room on Saturday afternoons, teaching math and seemed faced on 3 dimensional shapes. I had a lab in my bedroom with a microscope and samples I would disect, mostly plants and rocks. I was in dance, played instruments, But, as school I failed grade 2, they told my mom I would not make it though high school. No one noticed the stuff I did. I just did it. Later as a young adult, I returned to school. I wasn't quite done. My grades were different, I became confused, I did not understand what was going on. The first shock was a math exam where my grade was 99%. I checked the name, is this my paper? I never had 99 in anything. But, this became standard, I was confused. I soon realized all my grades were high. Wasn't sure how, or why. I finished grade 12, advanced placement, and went to university to study physics and mathematics, science. It was there I found out I as gifted, I just pushed it off. I don't think I absorbed it. A prof asked to test me. I Aldo raised a gifted son, currently a young adult. who attended gifted eduction program. My family,, makes comments "you think your so smart" etc.Im the only one in my family, extended included who went to university. Not knowing was a disservice to me. I did not get what I needed from education as a child. My parents were passive, and did not question the school, I was never tested. I tried a couple of times to "beef up my work" and I was punished with an F, I did go home crying. I joys did not understand why. I was in the wrong school. I never studied. But passed. Its been a struggle. Bot knowing Im gifted as a kid.
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