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  1. I'm homeschooling my son aged 7 years this year! so far so good, I'm pretty excited about this informal learning pattern but focused on few key things like Mathematics, Coding, Couple of languages... Its good to see how far our kids go when we help them focus on core aspects, I'm glad I took this decision. If anyone interested in the curriculum I'm following, nothing magical or unknown... I'm laser focused on Khan academy and code.org and I feel my son enjoys it a lot While there are many positives and the entire group talks about it a lot, I do like to think ahead and hear about the group opinions on few things... While I'm focused on academic, what do y'all think I should spend time on outside of it? Anyone has any practices that works well and keep their kids engaged? How do you identify mis-fits like what parameters you use to evaluate whether your kid is liking this approach? In addition, what strategy you take to help them get a 360 degree learning approach (including life hacking skills, financial advice etc.) I believe everyone understand where I'm going here, everyone hear believes that only WE know our kids better and give the best learning environment possible. However it is in the interest of our kids that there may be faults in each of our approach and I wish we could figure that early so that each of us can learn and DO better. because at the end of the day, its our KIDS future and they trusting us to be a better person in this world! Any thoughts?
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