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Posts posted by AHASRADA

  1. I am currently using Spelling Through Morphographs. I must admit it is a challenge to find the necessary components used. You can purchase them new from the publisher, but it is quite expensive (over $200!)


    You need a Student Workbook (should be about $5-10 used) and the two Teacher Presentation books. You don't need any blackline masters or the teacher's manual, but the presentation books are where the scripted lessons are, and without them, there is no program.


    I found mine on E-bay, but as I said, they can be a rare find. If you are still interested in using the program and haven't found a copy of the presentation books by the end of June, I will be done with mine by then and looking to sell :001_smile:


    Best of luck!



  2. I am currently using Spelling Through Morphographs. I must admit it is a challenge to find the necessary components used. You can purchase them new from the publisher, but it is quite expensive (over $200!)


    You need a Student Workbook (should be about $5-10 used) and the two Teacher Presentation books. You don't need any blackline masters or the teacher's manual, but the presentation books are where the scripted lessons are, and without them, there is no program.


    I found mine on E-bay, but as I said, they can be a rare find. If you are still interested in using the program and haven't found a copy of the presentation books by the end of June, I will be done with mine by then and looking to sell :001_smile:

  3. If it hasn't already been mentioned, I would highly recommend the book "Memorize in Minutes".


    It consists of stories with pictures for every multiplication fact. It is the only thing that worked for my dyslexic dd. It is similar to "Times Tales", which only addresses the upper facts, but I like it much better since it teaches all the facts.


    I personally had a difficult time learning my facts as a child, and persisted to have several I could not remember into adulthood. These stories have allowed me to memorize my remaining facts as well.


    It gives the student a reference point to access when trying to recall the fact, rather than relying on rote memorization.



  4. I attempted to post a couple of days ago, but now I can't find what I believed I had sent, so I am assuming it did not go through.


    I am looking for advice on selecting an inexpensive, flexible, accredited, secular umbrella school.


    I want the freedom to choose our own texts, as well as mixing in some distance or online courses from various sources, and have all those credits compiled in one accredited place which will issue a diploma at the end.


    I am sure Clonlara would be great, but is too expensive. I am also very impressed with Laurel Spring's program (not an umbrella), but it costs as much as a brick&mortar private school, and is therefore out of the question.


    I am somewhat familiar with NARHS, but have been looking into Forest Trail Academy lately.


    If anyone has experience with either of these programs, or have another to recommend, I would appreciate your insight.





  5. I have reason to believe dd9 is dyslexic and ds12 has ADHD-inattentive type with signs of dysgraphia. I have been addressing dd's dyslexia for about 1 1/2 years, using Wilson, without a diagnosis. Her reading is improving a lot through my efforts, but I am thinking that a complete evaluation could ensure I haven't missed anything, identify underlying causes and receive accommodation recommendations. DS's behavior has been attributed (particularly by my husband) to laziness, lack of motivation, irresponsibility and defiance, and is a great source of stress in our household. For him, a diagnosis would mean moving past blame to finding strategies to help him overcome his issues beyond lecturing and punishment.


    I am trying to decide if the benefits of testing are worth the exorbitant cost which, in this economy, is very hard to swallow, especially when that money could be used to purchase programs and resources to help them. But without a diagnosis, how do I know which resources would be beneficial to them, but if we pay for the testing, there will be little money left to purchase anything....vicious cycle.


    Any advice from those who have been in this situation would be greatly appreciated.



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