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Lovely Bookishness

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Posts posted by Lovely Bookishness

  1. 1 minute ago, Not_a_Number said:

    Is politics simply out of bounds? I just don't see that. Political decisions can feel like moral ones to people. I understand that people may not AGREE on which choice is the moral one, but I don't understand why someone can't be upset about someone else's politics, IF they think they have a moral dimensions. 

    Politics don't need to be out of bounds necessarily, but I think the kid had an equal responsibility to civil discourse as the parent, considering she's also an adult. Her unsafe comment struck me as a conversation shut down and an emotional ploy. I hope I'm wrong, but I've been on both sides of that kind of dynamic, and I don't see anything wrong with OP's response if that was the case. I'm simply asking - is there possibly a scenario where OP isn't a jerk for saying what she did?

    1 minute ago, Sneezyone said:

    That may be because the language used to describe a significant workplace incident was VERY, VERY dismissive.

    I'm not saying she did everything right, either. I'm asking why we can't give her the benefit of the doubt that maybe she wasn't wrong in how she handled her kids, since she is their mother.

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  2. 2 minutes ago, Not_a_Number said:

    No. In that situation, I really recommend listening to where your kid is coming from and asking them why they don't feel safe. But I already said that upthread -- if they then came out with nonsense that made me feel like they were manipulating me, I'd feel a lot more judgmental than if they seemed genuinely upset and unhappy. 

    I chose to give OP the benefit of the doubt that this happened. It doesn't seem like anyone else did.

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  3. 1 minute ago, regentrude said:

    Your language "pulling the card" is dismissive. I can well imagine a young person being deeply disturbed by what she views as an endorsement of qualities she considers morally reprehensible. Seeing that her parent does not hold values she considers essential  - like, for example, regarding all human lives as equally valuable and all humans endorsed with equal rights - can cause a person not to feel safe emotionally: if my mother does not believe my immigrant or black or gay or disabled friends should be equally valued, how can I trust her with my authentic self? 
    Yep, I get it. Being of a different generation, I might have used different language, but the sentiment would be the same.

    I'm not being dismissive. I'm stating how it appeared to me that the conversation went. I think it's ridiculous for a person, any person of any age, to vilify a family member and be hurtful because they won't agree about politics. We're all so quick to defend the kid, but my question is, what if the kid really was in the wrong here? It read as emotional manipulation to me, and in that case "pulling the card" is an apt description of the tactic to coerce agreement.

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  4. I understand that, I do, but I also know that it's entirely possible for a kid to manipulate a parent with their feelings. Telling a parent they don't feel safe in their home, especially after all this particular family has been through and all OP has done to protect this kid, especially if she tried to reason with her and still got that same rhetoric...yeah, I could totally see myself in the same situation saying, "If that's how you really feel, you don't have to stay here." I can also imagine having it said *to* me and then understanding that oh, wait a minute, maybe I'm carrying this too far. I mean, what was OP supposed to do? Agree with her kid to keep the peace? That's not healthy, either, and even less fair to everyone involved. And I hate to cast aspersions on folks I don't know, but it's entirely possible that OP's kid was using tactics learned from her dad to try to get her way. If that's the case, I feel OP was justified in shutting it down.

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  5. 4 hours ago, Sneezyone said:

    If that’s the case, then the answer is, let’s make sure we get you the therapy  appt. you asked for b/c I can see you’re struggling with some things and I’m not sure I can help. I’ve had a parent use the ‘there’s the door’ language before after a nasty divorce. I took up that challenge and never returned. My sister, likewise, flew three thousand miles to deliver her child and recover at my home vs. being with that parent. Actions have consequences. Our relationships are strained. Do you want to be right/righteous or happy?

    I said it more fully below (answered them backwards, lol), but these were 2 separate kids and conversations.

    4 hours ago, Not_a_Number said:

    Maybe. I would find that an unhelpful and disorienting response if I said that, though. If you think it's emotional manipulation, you should "call the bluff" by ASKING the kid what they meant. Why don't they feel safe? What did I do to make you feel unsafe? And if you get bluster and nonsense as response, then maybe it's manipulation. Whereas if you get vulnerability and hurt feelings, it's something else. 

    As I said in another thread (which got me castigated, by the way), I am not actually a very KIND person -- I'm a FAIR person. As a result, I don't put up with people's crap and I don't let them lie to me or manipulate me, at least as much as I can manage. That doesn't mean that it's right for me to dismiss their perspectives without hearing more about them. 

    We don't know if she asked or not, or what the full extent of the conversation was, in the few comments she made here. All I'm trying to point out is she knows her kid. Sometimes saying, "Look, if you're genuinely that upset, you don't have to be here" is a valid response, and not a particularly unkind one.

    3 hours ago, Sneezyone said:

    The whole discussion, as I understand it, was that the child was feeling vulnerable after being accosted at work and was experiencing other kinds of upset/distress. The child was trying to get the OP to vote a certain way. In the context of that discussion, she said she didn't feel safe and OP said, well if you feel that way...there's the door.

    No, these were 2 separate instances. One daughter had the issue at work and wanted therapy. OP seemed to feel that was an over the top response to the situation, and okay, I can see some gentle reframing from people who have had similar experiences and want to help her see that she may be missing something there. It was the other daughter who was pulling the "I don't feel safe" card after a political discussion that didn't go how she wanted it to.

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  6. Or maybe the kid really was using "I don't feel safe" as an emotional manipulation and the correct response *for that situation* was "If that's true, then there's the door." There are things that do benefit from having the bluff called or the nonsense pointed out. I know there were instances in my youth where I was modeling manipulative behavior that I grew up with and I really benefitted from someone letting me know I was doing so, or just refusing to be cowed by my crap. It made me grow up and get over myself.

    • Like 5
  7. 33 minutes ago, Sneezyone said:

    Honestly, her update wasn’t anything that would indicate the daughter was overreacting. AT ALL. The man cornered the daughter in an empty hallway and has said many misogynistic things, an indication that he does not value/respect women, think highly of them, or that he would/will stop his behavior voluntarily. I, too, would have felt very vulnerable under those circumstances, especially with a financially and/or emotionally abusive parent history.

    As gently as I could, I suggested that the daughter *on that subject alone* may not have been the one in the wrong, not technically WRT the law and not ethically. I hope that the OP hasn’t returned b/c on *that aspect alone* more thought is due. I also shared that my own child has expressed a certain entitlement that I neither condone nor tolerate. The two issues don’t fall into the same bucket for me. General cluelessness and sensitivity can be funny and somewhat expected for relatively sheltered and privileged kids. Dismissiveness WRT inarguably unsafe workplace conduct isn’t the same thing.

    I think a gentle challenge of ideas is healthy, and in the case of the harrassed daughter, probably even helpful. I still err on the side of trusting Mom to know her kids and whether her daughter's response was in character with her previously or not, but whatever. Other people have decidedly different experiences, and why are we here if not to share those for the benefit of others? No, what floors me is how many have decided that *based on their own experience*, OP is not only wrong/misguided/downright horrible, but anyone who might possibly agree that OP has a reason to roll her eyes or wonder at her kids' responses is likewise damaging to society in general. I'm exaggerating, but not by much.

    As an example, even you were jumped on by sharing your example. Worst intent was assumed and someone was legitimately upset that you might be so mean to your kid. Why weren't you given the benefit of the doubt that you knew your kid and were reacting appropriately? I find it disturbing that we're so ready to not only cast stones, bit bludgeon each other with them.

    For the record, I have no issue with how you've expressed your opinions here. You were quite gentle about it.

    28 minutes ago, Not_a_Number said:

    Oh, come on. Threads turn contentious on here ALL THE TIME. I've had people say I'm a child abuser within the last few weeks. Has anyone run me off? No, worse luck for some of you 😉 . 

    Yes, they do. Should that be an accepted part of board culture? Why do we have to be okay with that, either? Challenging another's opinion in free and open exchange with respect on both sides is NOT the same as assuming the worst possible intent and subsequently twisting the OP's words to fit the new, outraged narrative. 

    13 minutes ago, Not_a_Number said:

    If she reacted that way to "I don't feel safe here," I would certainly not use that phrase again, but I would also feel like someone had shut down my attempt to say that I wasn't comfortable. And I wouldn't appreciate my words being dismissed with "this is all woke culture."  

    But that's not what happened in the OP, which she explained more than once. Her daughter came up with "I don't feel safe" in response to her refusal to agree to vote the way the daughter wanted her to, or abstain from voting. That's ridiculous. At what point do we acknowledge that even young people can be emotionally manipulative, as much as we love them and value their feelings? OP is allowed her own feelings and opinions, too.

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  8. Good morning! Our house is a time and money eating monster, but I haven't died and neither have any of my people. Dave has been working so hard on it, and I've been working so hard to keep people alive and educated, lol. There's still a lot to do, but the emergencies are almost handled. It will be good to settle in for winter. In the meantime, I'm focused on one hour at a time.

    Isaac is super cute, Slache. 

    Congrats on a full night sleep, Servie!

    Hugs to you all. Gotta go get groceries. 🥰

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  9. 2 hours ago, Danae said:

    Do you see any irony in this framing at all?

    When it's happening again in this very thread? Not ironic at all, because that's not what she's doing. Meanings get twisted to their worst all the time here. OP started talking about issues she had with her daughters when they were home, and it's become essentially a diatribe contributed to by many about how awfully OP handled her girls. It could very well be equally true that her daughters are behaving in exactly the ways she, their mother, is saying that they are. She knows them, we don't. She saw then through traumatizing times, we didn't. Why are we jumping on her and saying, whoa, lady, maybe you need to do all the things differently, instead of giving her the benefit of the doubt that maybe she actually knows what she's talking about in regard to her girls?

    She hasn't come back to her own thread. And I don't blame her. Maybe our time would be better spent actually attempting to understand another's POV, rather than solely trying to make other people understand ours. It's like the difference between listening and simply waiting for your turn to talk. I don't see much listening happening.

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  10. 17 hours ago, Æthelflæd said:

    Bookie, I would like you to know that because of your Terminator post I watched Terminator Dark Fate, which I had really been looking forward to seeing, and it turned out it was one of the dumbest movie ever. I was mad at myself for watching it afterward and really mad at James Cameron. I mean, there were just so many dumb, inconsistent points I was 🤬 at the screen and kept texting my dd about all the stupid parts. Then I watched Terminator to wash Dark Fate out of my brain. And then I started T2 last night because I actually think it was peak Cameron. 

    We are still rolling with the Not Cooking Plan. Full school was accomplished and iTired. 

    T2 is definitely the best one.

    Hello! I'm overwhelmed by House Things and Educating People but I am alive, as per regulations. Hugs and love and prayers!

    Toto, are you taking before and after pictures? Wanna share 'em?

    Jean, are you taking before and after pictures? Wanna share 'em? 

    Susan, wear the dress!

    • Like 6
  11. 5 hours ago, Junie said:

    Good Morning!

    Happy Saturday!

    I have an ambitious to-do list and a raging headache.  These two things are not compatible.

    Same. Sorry, friend. I'm glad your headache has improved some since this post. 🥰

    5 hours ago, Susan in TN said:

    Good morning!

    It is dh's birthday today so I was up extra early (later than Lynn, though!) snd took the pup for a walk and made birthday breakfast - baked French toast (aka bread pudding)   and bacon and corned beef hash.  
    We're going on a short hike in a little bit and then dh will fiddle with his birthday present (a record player) until dinner.


    Happy nirthday, Susan's dh!

    4 hours ago, Slache said:

    In laws are officially not coming for Thanksgiving.

    Would a happy dance be inappropriate?

    3 hours ago, KrissiK said:

    Good Morning!!!



    I slept late this morning!!!

    Going to My Aunt’s for lunch today for mY Mom’s birthday, which is today.

    Today is supposed to be the last hot day. Next week the temps are supposed to go down to seasonal.

    Happy nirthday, Krissi's mom!

    2 hours ago, Æthelflæd said:

    Bookie, this is just for you. XOXO, Gen X


    Thanks for this, lol. I've never seen it. (I'm a first wave millenial, but I'm not a very good one.)


    I told Dave that having more than 1 project going at a time stresses me out, so he disassembled the sink guts to try to install the dishwasher. That would have been fine, except the guy who delivered the dishwasher said we didn't need the tubes and cords we had also ordered, so he kindly returned them for me, and then it turned out we did actually need them, after all. The local hardware store didn't have what we needed, which took 2 attempts to discover, so I offered to stop at Lowe's when I went to the big town a half hour away to get groceries. Lowe's used up all the time I had for all errands, so I'm home now and still have to grocery shop, but a nasty headache has sidelined me.

    While I was gone, Dave took apart the oven, began to disassemble the deck, and made the laundry machines currently inoperable.

    I may scream.

    (In all fairness, we bought the fixer-upper version of "If You Give a Mouse a Cookie." He really was trying to do just 1 job while he waited for me to get back from Lowe's.) 

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  12. 2 minutes ago, myblessings4 said:

    Dh watched that again last weekend and ds13 saw it for the first time.

    Dave and I discovered this evening that we both saw the second one before the first, mostly because the second one came out when we were kids and the first one was already older at that point. Dave is actually watching the first one for the first time right now, bit I've seen it once before.

    The lack of security is probably the most glaring difference to me. That and cell phones, lol.

    • Like 3
  13. Hi.

    I finally hit a wall and spent 2 days watching a show on Netflix and letting the kids go feral in the back yard. It was probably good for them, too, considering how dirty they were whenever they came in, lol. We have all survived and will now resume battling this house that becomes more and more of a project the more we clean and fix. The latest is the discovery that the mice we've seen evidence of before have nested in the insulation in the crawl spaces and the attic. Also, I'm apparently allergic to mice. Who knew that was even a thing?

    I'm still super tired. I wish I could sleep for ten hours and have someone else care for my wee ones and feed us all. Ah, well. The kids are super helpful and lovely, and Dave has been working almost 2 hours away and still working on projects when he gets home. 🥰 And it really is starting to pay off and look nice.

    • Like 6
  14. Good morning! Extra coffee over here if anyone needs some. 

    Yesterday we did a huge push toward getting the major cleaning done, so today we're going to organize all the cupboards and maybe get all the boxes finally unpacked! I'm also picking up the grocery order. If all goes well, I'm hoping to break out the school books and finish planning our year, so we can start school soon!

    • Like 4
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  15. I saw a meal prep tip from a mom of a large family recently that I found really interesting, in that it kind of flies in the face of conventional wisdom. When she's cooking and she has a few minutes while something sautès or bakes, she doesn't wash up like I usually do (clean as you go and whatnot). Instead, she uses the time to prep ahead. So one night she'll mix up a batch of meatballs to go in the slow cooker the next morning while that night's soup simmers, or she'll prep a batch of granola to go in the oven when the casserole comes out, etc. (Examples are mine, because I think I found her while looking for large family Whole30 ideas, so she wouldn't be making granola, lol.) She admits that it makes a bigger mess to deal with after dinner, but she feels the trade-off of being prepared for future food is worthwhile. She has her kids help with clean up after dinner.

    As a person who struggles to find dedicated food prep time, this idea is appealing.

    For our new house, I bought a cleaning caddy that lives under the kitchen sink. It has everything I need to do the daily shine up. I get it out when I'm done with making my husband's lunch in the mornings, and carry it about until the kids get up. The shower gets wiped down while I'm in it, I do a quick swish and swipe of the bathroom before I leave it, and the basement half bath gets tended when I start the first load of laundry. I sat down and thought through the flow of my morning routine, and added in some daily maintenance tasks when it seemed logical. (I don't always do them, lol. Coming up with the habits is so much easier than sustaining them.) I also make my kids fold and put away laundry, and I'm training them to clean up after meals and do some basic cooking. (My oldest is 10.)

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  16. Hi, Hadley!

    Happy nirthday, Mr. Krissi!

    I like the idea of ironing, but I never do it. I don't even own an iron right now. The last one was decluttered some time ago. I've made it a point to only buy clothes that can be machine washed and dried, because I never ever ever make time for special laundry of any kind.

    Our masks are very crumpled.

    I kill plants, too. In fact, once when we were renting a trailer, the front office was giving away sunflower seeds to beautify the lots. We went in to get some and baby Reader (maybe 3 years old?) walks in and brightly says, "Can we have some plants for my mom to kill?" So there you go.

    I took a covid test today. In a few days we'll know if it's the mahunga (what Dave calls coronavirus) or if it's just the worst cold ever.

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