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Posts posted by Raymond876

  1. On 10/9/2020 at 2:32 AM, Junie said:

    I am currently reading Les Mis for the first time.  I'm reading the translation by Denny and I really like it.  I did some research before I chose, and this is the one that I thought would be the best, a balance of original language and readability in English.

    It is long.  1200 pages.  I've been reading it s.l.o.w.l.y since Christmas and I'm at about page 1000.  I think if I really worked at it (and put aside all of my other reading) I could have read it in a month or two.

    There are quite a few chapters that are more historical and political -- that don't really advance the plot.  I'm enjoying them, but I am planning to mark those chapters in my copy, so that if my kids start getting bogged down, they can skip some of the less dramatic passages.

    I also like translation by Denny. It seems to me quite accurate. While I may be wrong, I translated using Google Translate. If I need to translate something exactly, I use this resource https://thewordpoint.com/services/translation-service/personal-contentThis makes it possible to obtain an accurate result in accordance with the original. 

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  2. On 3/15/2020 at 1:42 AM, JenneinCA said:

    This social distancing is causing me problems.  Unlike almost everyone I know, I am having issues with the total lack of alone time.  All of a sudden instead of just me and the 15 year old (who comes out of his room only for food and bathroom breaks) at home for most of the day, I have a husband and two more college age kids in the house ALL THE TIME.  I am going to go insane if I don’t get some time with no one around, but it doesn’t look likely any time soon.  And it is currently raining...  so going back out for another two hour walk is not a good idea.

    Anyone else out there with issues? 


    I understand you, before, it used to be a necessity for me to be alone and social disruption caused me problems.

    Now it’s much better, but sometimes I’m afraid to go back to the time. Now I understand that mental health is the most important, and I try to work on myself all the time, walk a lot in the fresh air, for me it is the best way to feel good and happy.

    Of course, there're difficult times, when I withdraw into myself and don't contact with others, I read a lot about mental health, I like articles on this resource https://studydriver.com/drug-abuse/ Sometimes I find a little depressive material to understand what happens much harder and worse and people cope with it, and that my problems are not so global. It always reminds me that we need to be grateful for everything and appreciate what we have.

    Take care yourself



  3. On 10/2/2017 at 4:48 AM, RootAnn said:

    The master list of Online Classes found on the General Board has a section in the first post specifically for language classes. That section mentions providers who are primarily foreign language class-focused. I've cut & pasted. (Links don't cut & paste well so I've removed them.) The Master List has some reviews of some of the below classes. I've left out some the have already been mentioned & I duplicated other mentions.


    121 Spanish
    CLRC (Latin, Greek, Arabic, Chinese (new), French, German, Japanese, Russian, Spanish)
    Dwayne Thomas  (Latin and Greek)
    Homeschool Spanish Academy
    La Clase Divertida (Spanish)
    Language City
    Lively Latin
    Lone Pine Classical School (mainly Middle School/High School Latin and Greek)
    OSU German On-line
    Ray Leven (Hebrew and Spanish)


    Other providers offer language classes:

    The Potter's School (Arabic, Hebrew, Chinese, French, Spanish, German, Latin, Russian)

    Memoria Press

    Kolbe Academy

    Homeschool Connections


    Classical Academic Press

    Bright Ideas Press

    HSLDA Online

    Excelsior (Arabic, French, German, Japanese, Spanish)

    Debra Bell (French, Spanish, Portugese)

    Big River Academy (Italian, German, Latin, Chinese, Russian, Spanish)

    Thank you!

    • Like 1
  4. On 6/5/2019 at 2:29 PM, Innisfree said:

    It's been many years since I read Please Don't Eat the Daisies as a teen, but the reviews on Amazon suggest it's held up well. Very funny stories about kids, the dog and suburbia, as I recall, and 1950s vintage cleanliness. I remember giggling aloud until my mother came over to see what I was reading and smiled in agreement.


    I remember this!! It's great reading.

    My favorite childhood fun stories are "Dinosaur vs. Bedtime" by Bob Shea, A Little Stuck by Oliver Jeffers.

    Recently, I wrote a work on children's literature with the help of this service https://edubirdie.com/buy-thesis-paper And took some of these stories from my childhood as a basis, and also discovered many new things among modern writers. And I was surprised at how many worthy and interesting specimens we can find nowadays.

    • Like 1
  5. On 4/16/2020 at 11:42 PM, Kareni said:

    Some bookish posts ~






    From reddit: 101 (Yes, really) Urban Fantasy Suggestions from the Citizens of the Metropolis of /r/Fantasy


    6 Technothrillers Featuring Digital Surveillance and Voyeurism




    Thank you for sharing !

    • Like 3
  6. On 3/13/2019 at 9:19 PM, dovrar said:

    Hello All,

     Does anyone know where I can find an example of a compare and contrast essay? Or would someone be willing to share their child's paper? I am trying to find an example for my 9th grader and am having a hard time finding anything that is a fairly simple essay.

    Thanks so much!


    This usually helps me too, I’m looking for examples of work on the same topic and read it. It helps to find new ideas and inspiration. I use various free sources like this one, for example https://gradesfixer.com/free-essay-examples/costco/ I see no reason to pay for it, the freely available information is quite enough. After reading a few works with the opinions of other guys, I get fresh ideas for writing my composition and the result is always not bad.

    Wish you good luck


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