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Everything posted by Raymond876

  1. I also like translation by Denny. It seems to me quite accurate. While I may be wrong, I translated using Google Translate. If I need to translate something exactly, I use this resource https://thewordpoint.com/services/translation-service/personal-contentThis makes it possible to obtain an accurate result in accordance with the original.
  2. Examples always help me write. After reading several works on the topic I need, I can find new ideas and inspiration. After which I can easily finish my work
  3. It seems to me that everyone can develop writing skills. The main thing is to work on it and try to write. But if this is a high school student, then you also need to properly motivate
  4. Yes, Youtube has a lot of kids channels with helpful information
  5. I understand you, before, it used to be a necessity for me to be alone and social disruption caused me problems. Now it’s much better, but sometimes I’m afraid to go back to the time. Now I understand that mental health is the most important, and I try to work on myself all the time, walk a lot in the fresh air, for me it is the best way to feel good and happy. Of course, there're difficult times, when I withdraw into myself and don't contact with others, I read a lot about mental health, I like articles on this resource https://studydriver.com/drug-abuse/ Sometimes I find a little depressive material to understand what happens much harder and worse and people cope with it, and that my problems are not so global. It always reminds me that we need to be grateful for everything and appreciate what we have. Take care yourself Raymond.
  6. I remember this!! It's great reading. My favorite childhood fun stories are "Dinosaur vs. Bedtime" by Bob Shea, A Little Stuck by Oliver Jeffers. Recently, I wrote a work on children's literature with the help of this service https://edubirdie.com/buy-thesis-paper And took some of these stories from my childhood as a basis, and also discovered many new things among modern writers. And I was surprised at how many worthy and interesting specimens we can find nowadays.
  7. This usually helps me too, I’m looking for examples of work on the same topic and read it. It helps to find new ideas and inspiration. I use various free sources like this one, for example https://gradesfixer.com/free-essay-examples/costco/ I see no reason to pay for it, the freely available information is quite enough. After reading a few works with the opinions of other guys, I get fresh ideas for writing my composition and the result is always not bad. Wish you good luck Raymond
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