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Posts posted by posybuddy

  1. This is odd to say, but lately I've been thinking that I've completed what I've been put on earth to do. I feel like whatever years I have left are my bonus years, and I want to make the best of them and enjoy them.


    Wow... what an interesting way to frame this "change of seasons". Thank you for that - it gives me much to chew on! I've been enjoying this thread; I've spent a lot of time lately thinking about what my next move should be; I've spent my entire adult life being a SAHM, so what am I even qualified to do? Where do I go now? I've got some leads, but the idea that I've completed what I was meant to do and so whatever is left to me is all a bonus (gravy, as it were) is an interesting concept.

  2. I think you can employ the techniques Crimson suggests, and you'll definitely modify behavior. But in the meantime, you'll also be teaching your child that it is acceptable for an adult to act in a spirit of pettiness and meanness, because the parent-child relationship is based upon control, not upon trust, respect, and love.



    Amen and amen.

  3. When I was about 18, my mom and I took a trip to England. We were in front of Buckingham Palace with hundreds of people from around the world watching the changing of the guard, and it turned out that the tourists standing next to us were from the same small town in Massachusetts that we lived in - they lived about a mile up the road from us. I think my mom even kept in touch with them for awhile after we got back home.

  4. We visited last fall, and one of the first things the Admissions Director told the group was, "We know how to handle snow here. Do NOT expect classes to be cancelled due to weather." :lol:


    They stream the broomball tournaments live on their website; we had fun this past winter watching some of them. There's definitely a cool, outdoorsy vibe up there - but it's clearly also a geeky tech school: there were ads for LAN parties all over the bulletin boards, and it seems like there's an energy drink vending machine around every corner, lol.


    The health care question is a good one to keep in mind, Faith. Thanks for giving me one more thing to add to my list! :D

  5. :iagree::iagree:


    And no, not just your kid.


    My DD will say she is interested in something, only to find out learning about it might require actual EFFORT, and then, surprise, she is not interested anymore! She NEEDS to learn how to get through the boring part in order to get to the good parts. It's part of life.


    I believe there truly are kids out there that can learn entirely from interest-driven work. But it's a certain personality and not all kids fit that. To imply that the parent is simply "stifling their curiousity" is rather insulting and presumptive. Personally, I have gone out of my way since day 1 to encourage DD's curiosity with little results. I have exposed her to a myriad different activities, subjects, questions, opportunities...all looking carefully for that "click" moment when she really sparks about something. NADA. I'm still doing it, and still looking, but in the meantime, she still needs an education.



  6. This past winter I made everyone take a teaspoon of Black Elderberry syrup every single day, and 3x a day if they seemed to be coming down with something. They all rolled their eyes at me, but no one caught anything worse than the sniffles. I was just looking for it on amazon today, planning on stocking up for the upcoming winter; I'll probably start everyone on it again around the beginning of October.

  7. No rabbit trails here either, and I have not a smidgen of guilt about not unschooling; I realized early on that it would have crashed and burned for us BECAUSE they are not inherently curious and self-motivated. But they're not unhappy to learn about the things I plan for them, so.


    And yeah, they're smart and funny, but they aren't deeply passionate about anything beyond MTG cards, asdf videos and Dr. Who. :001_rolleyes: But whatever... I'm not amazingly passionate about anything, either. I dabble. I'm learning to be okay with this.

  8. She also informed me how excited my oldest son was that she was coming.


    Is she in direct communication with your kids? I'd definitely be monitoring that (or cutting it off), if you're not already.


    :grouphug: Sorry you're dealing with this, but it definitely sounds like you did the right thing.

  9. I think that those who are getting the great discussions, lit analysis, etc. are using additional resources or have read a large portion of the material themselves.


    I've always gotten the impression that the people having great discussions are the ones to whom this comes naturally (the same people who can suck the marrow out of Ambleside, I would guess) - but that, sadly, is so not our family. I need a Sonlight Analysis for Dummies, or some other roadmap that will help guide some of those discussions for us.


    So yeah - I've got to try and pull it together from outside resources, I guess.

  10. I used SL 100 for a high schooler in the past, so I'm agreeing that it can be done and can be worthy of high school credit. As adults now, my dd knows her American history better than my public schooled, honor roll son.


    However, I felt it wasn't quite what I'd describe as easy to use for high school, since I ended up dropping most of the literature (many weren't necessary like Dear Mr. Henshaw & while a light break is welcome, they weren't her cup of tea, so I didn't see the need to *make* her read them), others were not my favorites or more than she needed on certain topics. And I never could get any help on what to do with the maps & such from SL or their forums. They were there, but no idea what to do with them. I do remember pages & pages of comprehension questions each day, plus the quiz book we added, and I would *try* to read some of the hundreds of pages of teacher notes but really it felt like one topic of bias (especially North vs. South bias) which was confusing dd as far as, "read this, but then realize it isn't all correct." I definitely did not see analysis questions in there at all, just memory questions and notes about bias, with lengthy articles to back up the fact that there was bias. There was absolutely no connection between faith and the flow of history except the missionaries but they weren't really presented in the scheme of history.


    So I did think it was fine, but maybe not for the reasons I'm seeing you look for. Although, maybe it has changed or maybe my memory has failed me!


    Please forgive me for resurrecting an old thread, but I was searching for Sonlight info and this post just jumped out at me (and I realize Julie is probably not around these days, but). We used Sonlight when my kids were smaller and loved all the literature, but this is pretty much exactly how I felt as they started getting older, and part of why we moved away from it. I read statements from other moms about all the fantastic discussions they have with their kids and I wonder, where on earth are they getting that? I look in my IG (I've got a 2008 Core 100) and it's nothing but pages upon pages of comprehension and memory questions with precious little analysis - and I don't agree with John about a lot of things, anyhow.


    I have always felt like I am missing an entire section of my IG or don't have the password for the Secret Set of Awesome Analysis Questions that everyone else has, or something.


    I'm considering pulling out Core 100 to use with ds16 this year, and I'd love for it to be a great year with terrific discussions, memorable history, fantastic books - the whole enchilada. But I've always been completely clueless about how to make that *work*.



  11. Tell your 14yo he followed the oath to the letter. He was morally strong, and helped other people. He should be applauded for his bravery in standing up for what is right. That takes courage to show his loyalty and help in a difficult situation.


    As for the scoutmaster, you need to request a meeting with him and at least two other adults pronto - ours would include two ranked members of the committee who I felt comfortable talking to. They need to be made aware of what happened at camp, your expectations for a leader (including an apology), and your decision in staying with or leaving the troop.


    I would be ticked. We've had interesting scoutmasters but I've always made sure I was up on things. When the one took it upon himself to yell at my son for not having a piece of his uniform (one we had to get from the troop and their organization was a mess) and did so in front of a group of people, I stepped in and laid it down: 1. Not my kid's responsibility. You wanna yell, see me instead. 2. If it was his responsibility, the leader should always pull the kid to the side for a private conversation instead of using embarrassment as a tactic.


    I wholeheartedly agree - kudos to your boy! And unless there were extenuating circumstances, I would be seriously ticked at anyone deciding on which merit badges *they* thought my son should do. That's the scout's choice, and part of their growth in the program. If it were my guys, we'd be looking for a different troop. I also don't think a scoutmaster should be able to mandate certain badges based on what the troop activities for the year are going to be (or ever, for that matter); if a boy isn't comfortable with, and hasn't earned, the swimming or canoeing badge, they don't get to go on the trip (which they probably wouldn't enjoy, anyhow). They'll get it, and get to participate, when they are ready. :glare:

  12. But what I can not stand is when I am behind someone who buys all their food with foodstamps and WIC(Women, Infant, Children food assistance program), and then with their extra money, buys a case of beer and carton of cigarettes. I've been behind people like this who are on their smart phones, wearing designer clothing, have nice hair cuts and salon-colored hair:confused: And all I can think is, "If I could get on foodstamps I could have all this stuff too".. They obviously don't need government assistance if they can have all those things.


    My daughter currently uses the WIC program, pinches their pennies very tightly and goes without a lot. For her birthday this year, I treated her to a salon visit to get her hair colored. I sincerely hope it has not been my child that you have been judging so harshly in the grocery lane. :glare:

  13. CC costs vary by state. The fees are v.e.r.y. minimal here if one takes dual enrollment through their public high school. However, since we homeschool, we pay full price.


    Dd is taking two dual enrollment classes next semester, English and Chinese, for a total of 8 credits. JUST the tuition for those two classes is costing me over $1000. I haven't looked at books yet.


    Yup. English and Calculus: $1000 tuition, though I do think that also includes a recording fee and a technology fee. Haven't shopped for books yet since the lists are usually posted about 4 minutes before classes start :glare:, but I'm sure they'll be several hundred bucks more. He will most likely get dropped off in the morning and take the city bus home, so that's another $50 in bus passes for the semester, but that's cheaper by far than parking on campus. And the whole package is cheaper than the local state uni, so.


    High schoolers are expensive!

  14. That's a lot, but I am jealous of ANY fees that get waived for dual enrollees. At our CC, public school dual enrolled students are paid for through their districts, but my homeschooler pays full price tuition, just the same as a regular college student would.


    Thank goodness for reciprocal agreements with state universities; I am at least assured that all of his classes will transfer to the university he's chosen, so in the end it's still a good deal. Just not for my pocketbook right. now. :glare:

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