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Posts posted by SHP

  1. 3 hours ago, TravelingChris said:

    If anyone is interested, there is another creapy church in Southern CA that got involved in Tik Tok dancing, etc and it turns out it is a creapy cult w sexusl overtines and abuse ov workers. It is a new Netflix documentary.

    There are so many churches that fit this 

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  2. 5 hours ago, prairiewindmomma said:

    1. Dont  look from an expensive device (ie latest ipad or iphone).

    2. Clear your cache and cookies.

    3. Pick the location you search from carefully. If I look at a pair of jeans at Target at home, the price is cheaper than if I look from their parking lot, or other close location.

    I make my ip location bounce around a bit…..pick a less expensive zip code to search from when pricing flights or hotels or use a VPN.

    I was going to suggest the cheapest burner phone and data plan 

  3. 10 minutes ago, katilac said:

    Wow, that is an impressive level of organization!  I might have to try this for at least one or two meals.               

    I cannot take credit for the idea. We do meal kits by mail for a couple of meals a week to kick us out of our rut and to try new foods. They package the meal ingredients in a plastic bag and is labeled with the meal name. It is amazing how much time it saves when the only things we have to get are olive oil, salt, and pepper, which we keep in the cabinet above the prep area.

    Bonus: the bag is used for trash generated from cooking. Remembering to get the small trash can from under the sink and moving it 10ft away on the floor near the prep area before starting is too difficult. I wish I was kidding. 


    It really is the little things that add up and eat away time and energy.

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  4. My view is that nothing is set in stone and staying open minded and flexible will help you find the perfect use of the space. When you arrive and unpack put the table(s) someplace that makes sense. Use the house. If you find one is covered in junk, remove it or find a way to dedicate it for something else, like puzzles. 

    This is how I manage everywhere I have moved. 


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  5. On 5/27/2024 at 8:10 AM, DawnM said:

    I thought of that.   Not sure I know anyone off hand, but I will keep thinking.

    I am not sure what you have near you but I would check with local community based organizations and asking if they have any senior programs. 

    Here, I would be contacting a Catholic based organization that I know has a seniors club and a Catholic perish that serves a community of minorities, elderly, and disabled people. Once you find one elderly person you will find a lot of connections. When one of mine mowed lawns and did landscaping he did it for next to nothing and I supplemented. 

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  6. 1 minute ago, Ausmumof3 said:

    Im terrible at saving money on food - we aren’t extravagant on clothes or makeup or hair etc but we all are really picky about food. I’m lucky that we have venison that my DH preps himself so when things get super tight we eat that and don’t buy any meat. We have gone back to eating a lot of chicken lately because it’s more versatile and easier to eat a lot of vegetables with. 

    What I’m noticing here is that basic ingredients are stabilising in price but processed anything is soaring I think due to wage increases and power prices. So saving means more prep work which is a challenge because we have everyone in a really busy stage. Dh is working a full time job and running a business, I’m working a part time job, homeschooling one, taking one to school, supporting one in distance Ed and have a very sporadic small business. So figuring out how to handle extra food prep is a bit of a nightmare. I am working  on cooking bigger quantities when I do cook and the family have got better at eating leftovers.

    I feel this. I wish I had a time machine to go back and tell younger me how to pre-meal prep. 

    I bought drawers for the fridge. They come completely out. When I shop I come home and I put everything for a meal into a drawer, including Pantry items like a can of beans. I measure out spices and miscellaneous things into very small plastic containers, like say 1/4 cup of peanut butter. I count out bread and put it in a zip lock bag in the drawer. This helps keep grazers from eating meal parts and requiring another trip to the store. Everything is right there, already measured and ready to go. No having to stop cooking to hunt down random items. I am working on printing off the recipes and putting them in clear sleeves. The recipe will go on top of all the ingredients. 


    Here are some drawers:


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  7. I have a spread sheet of staples and their costs at different stores. I shop at 2-3 stores, thankfully, they are fairly close. You may be surprised. Iearned that Whole Foods has the cheapest extra firm tofu in my area. I may not buy anything else but I am not above only buying 10 things of tofu when I am in the area.

    We do not eat much meat. We add tons of fresh fruits and veggies to meals. 

    We make our own bread products and mixes. Pancakes from scratch isn't more work than a box and so much cheaper. 

    With dairy and egg allergies things can get expensive. I try to find knock off recipes for the store bought substitutes whenever I can. 

    We volunteered and work at community gardens and get produce in exchange. One morning a week and an occasional evening and enough food for a couple of meals. 

    Portion control for adults, many people over eat. Stopping over eating can save lots of money.

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  8. 15 hours ago, Rosie_0801 said:

    Could it be time to be away from home for a bit? Are there any opportunities near an obliging relative's couch?

    This would be my go to if possible. It may do her good to get away from the negative echo chamber and be someplace that offers a safe place to land with basic needs met while still having the expectation that she just gets out and tries while cheering her on and encouraging her as needed. Even if all she does this summer is learn to navigate a new public transportation system, works with a therapist, and walks in and talks to 1-2 businesses a week that have help wanted signs up, she will still have gained valuable life skills and confidence. 

    Since she is younger with some mental health struggles, this is different than an older college kid without the struggles, IMHO. This is a time of major life transitions for her so if me, I would have different expectations than if she were 20 and wasn't continuing her education and/or gaining Vocational skills and not working it would be different.

    • Like 1
  9. 1 hour ago, SKL said:

    Her therapist and her psychiatrist have both moved on to other jobs and will not be available for her.  Her therapist "graduated" her at the same time she quit that job, so although I have some suggested names for new therapists, the are none she has a history with.

    I get this and I would be finding someone new. Right now she is going through a major life transition and a therapist would be able to help her with it which in turn would free up mental energy for you so you can better help her in other areas.


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  10. Years ago when I was a teen the city got a hair up their... because people were not mowing their lawns. Well, they couldn't because of the rain and jobs. When my mom saw the city person she jumped on her riding mower and mowed all the yards, starting with the area by the street making it impossible for the city to measure the grass. She finished everyone's front yards after the city left. She was annoyed that the city was being jerks.

    We maintain parts of three different neighbors yards. Possibly a 4th's, but I am not sure exactly where the property line is. We also help neighbors add flower beds. Why? Because it is the nice thing to do. 

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  11. 1 hour ago, stephanier.1765 said:

    People sell old cameras at garage sales all the time, especially Cannon PowerShots. I've seen them for as little as a $1. If you have the time, this might be the way to go. Get your kids engaged in the treasure hunt. It might be a fun family activity.

    That is an option though I would prefer to get one from a camera store or camera repair place that will test the camera and make sure it is working.

    Though for $1, I would probably take my chance especially if they said it took funny pictures because many Canon Elph cameras have been converted to IR.

    I doubt I would be lucky enough to find a converted one but for $1 I would chance it

  12. Do you have a camera store nearish you? I would look at used Canon PowerShot ELPH cameras. You can get older ones in really good condition for really cheap and then look at printers. I have one that has been to 3 continents, backing through Philmont,  and is currently kept in a vehicle and used when they find something interesting.

    If your budget allows and you want something new I would get a Fujifilm Hybrid Digital/Instant Film Camera.


    • Thanks 1
  13. 1 hour ago, Dmmetler said:


    Levothyroxine is a particular annoyance. For some reason, there are multiple brand name versions of it from different companies in the US, each of which has different fillers. But almost all doctor's offices will hear/see "Synthroid" or "Levoxyl" and autocorrect to "Levothyroxine". And that just doesn't work for everyone when you're talking a medication that's measured in micrograms. Tiny changes in how much is absorbed add up. 


    I just lived this. You could have read from my recent medical chart updates.

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