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Everything posted by Jen654321

  1. That's very interesting my son is also left-handed! I'll have to do some research on that, thanks.
  2. I'm in Canada so it's a bit different. We have a child development centre that I've had him evaluated at a couple different times starting at age 2 when I noticed he wasn't doing things his peers were. The thing is with the evaluations they do it's an overall score and he excels socially and physically. Because he does so well socially they said this rules out many diagnoses. He picks up physical skills incredibly well. He rides a dirt bike when most kids his age still have training wheels on their pedal bikes, he can cast a fishing rod better then I can, actually the one "family game" hes great at is Jenga. The one thing the child development centre suggested was preschool so I've been sending him once a week. The teacher has actually requested a meeting with me to talk about his development so that will be happening next week and I'm excited to hear what she has to say.
  3. My son is 4 almost 5 and wont officially be kindergarten age till next fall but I'm concerned that he's been unable to pick up some basic preschoolish concepts yet. We've gone through the alphabet twice now in formal lessons and he is not able to retain any of the letters. Like he can't even name them let alone learn the sounds. He does a bit better with numbers but still only consistently counts to 5 and isn't able to recognize written numbers. He has trouble with colors as well. I've basically backed off with any kind of teaching for the past 5 months to see if a bit of time would help but then he forgot the little bit that he did know in that time. I've tried playing simple board games with him but he doesn't really get them either. Rhyming was another thing I know is important for pre reading skills so we sing lots of rhymes and finger plays but he's been unable to memorize any of them. He just makes up his own words or kinda scrambles the order of them. I'm not sure if my expectations are too high and he's just too young or if these are signs of a learning disability. At this point I don't know if I should be continuing to teach him or wait until he is older and try again?
  4. Thanks everyone this helps me feel more confident that I'm doing the right thing with my boys. Lots of great new ideas to look into too! I like the idea of thinking of it as a purposeful play time at the table because that was really my intention. I started it in the first place because we cut out screen time in hopes it would help with some behavioral issues (it worked like a charm!) Which left us with a lot of empty hours during the day and I wanted to find something fun and enriching to keep us busy.
  5. So I got a little excited about the whole homeschool thing for my newly turned 4 year old and decided I needed to start "teaching" him right away. I started a "table time" each day where we do a lesson from ordinary parents guide to reading, then a lesson from preschool math at home, followed by rod and staff workbooks and a simple craft or science project. My almost 3 year old has been tagging along with us for it too. Anyways the kids absolutely love it and drag the basket out every day begging to learn a new letter. I never force them to sit down at the table or anything and if their not interested in something I just move on, but that pretty much never happens. At the same time my 4 year old totally isn't picking up on the lessons from ordinary parents guide (were still working through the letters). My almost 3 year old is actually picking up letter sounds better than him I think. But now that I've done a bit more research and read a couple books I keep seeing that it's recommended to hold off academics until age 6 or first grade. It seems to be an across the board reccomendation for all the major theories on education. So now I'm totally panicked that I've started things too fast and am going to mess my kids up! I've tried to stop what I've been doing but my kids keep begging for their workbooks. Like my four year old was in tears when I tried to just do craft instead of bringing out his table time basket. So now I'm at a loss as what to do?? Is it really that bad to start academics early? I read a book on waldorf that goes so far as to say you will mess up your child's physical development like their body and organs and everything if you start academics before first grade....
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