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Posts posted by Aloha2U

  1. Funny story: my dd was 2yo when she learned her letter sounds (thanks LeapFrog;)) Dh was playing with her pointing to her saying "Ella" then to himself saying "Daddy"....he wanted her to say "Ella and Daddy". Well, she pointed to his college t-shirt and said /c/ /o/ /l/ /l/ ....saying the sounds of the letters on his shirt. he was :ohmy:!!! :lol:


    Let your 2yo pick what he will. My 3yo demands school-time attention, so I oblige as long as she is enjoying it - when her mind begins to wander we put it away for the day.




    Here's an example from our experience already. I plan on using SWR with my one and only ds (just turned 4 in July). When my SWR materials arrived in April I started learning the phonograms for myself. I would turn on the CD w/the flash cards and go. My ds was always in the same room with me and would just chime in from time to time. Sometimes I involved him w/the flash cards as well. I signed up to attend an SWR basic seminar in mid-July and I decided to hold off on teaching him anything formally until after that. However, a week or two before the seminar I decided that I should at least begin the phonograms with him. So I got out the flash cards and CD... and come to find out he already knew most of them and said them before the speaker did. Needless to say (but I will anyways), I was in absolute shock... blown away in fact! That was a proud mommy moment. It confirmed for me that it wasn't too soon... he can do it. That same night when his daddy got home from work, I decided to try to have him sound out a simple word. My husband is a police officer so the very first word we had him sound out was /c/ /o/ /p/. After a few moments and without any help, he blew me away again as well as his daddy. That was a proud mommy and daddy moment. We continued with /d/ /o/ /g/, /c/ /a/ /t/, /h/ /a/ /t/ and a few more... then stopped for the night.


    That was just what my ds learned from me teaching myself... I can only imagine what your little one will pick up while paying attention with her sister. I wished I would have started sooner. I wouldn't discourage anyone from teaching their dc, formally or not. Only, you know what your dc can do and it sounds like your doing great!


    Have fun!



  2. It looks great, I have been wrassling with mine for days, how do you add all the stuff on the side and the pdfs do you just download as image. I am so confused.11658.giff?id=11658



    Yes, I added the pdfs as jpgs files. I'm new to this, but let's see if I can help you.


    Go to the Layout tab...


    On the side, I clicked on "Add a Page Element" then add a "Link List" to blog for each section.


    On the bottom, click on "Add a Page Element" then add a "Picture" to blog for each picture.


    Have fun,



  3. After I saw this thread yesterday, I thought this is exactly what I need to do... and so I did! I used everyone's tips with Jessica's and Jennefer's examples as outlines. Once I started I just couldn't stop until it was done... well, almost anyways and now I just want to shout it to the world! LOL! I'm so happy with it and feel even more organized than I already was!


    :party: I'm so glad this thread was started because it's been helpful for me too. Thanks everyone for sharing!


    BTW, even though I have only one dc and we have a really simple schedule... this is how I planned for our homeschool journey this year.


    1. Course of Study

    - Make a list of each subject being covered

    - Under each subject, list curriculum and/or materials to be used


    2. Curriculum/Materials Inventory

    - Make a list of each subject being covered

    - Under each subject, list curriculum and/or materials you have


    3. NTB Curriculum

    - Make a list of each subject being covered

    - Under each subject, list curriculum and/or materials you still need to get


    4. Year-at-a-Glance Spreadsheet

    - Subjects listed across the top, weeks listed down the side

    - Each subject broken down by what needs to be covered weekly for 40 weeks (37 weeks of lessons + 3 weeks of break time)


    5. Week-at-a-Glance Spreadsheet

    - Days listed across the top (M,T,W,Th for us), time/subject down the side (I will keep one week ahead of our current week).

    - Each subject broken down by what will be covered daily for each week


    I'm unable to attach or link these to this post, but I hope this info may be of use to someone.


    Happy planning,



  4. I have some basics...



    construction paper

    elmer's glue / glue sticks



    colored pencils


    moon sand

    roll of paper for the easel

    finger paints

    water colors



    but I want to get a bit more creative and keep a craft area/bin. I'm looking at some of the things we're going to do for art this year and it looks like I need to stock up on simple things I hadn't really even thought of... like, paper plates, straws, plastic cups, cotton balls, yarn, etc, in addition to heading to the art/craft store.


    What do you keep on hand and/or use in addition to these items? Also, where do get your supplies... WalMart, Michael's, etc? I need all the help I can get in this department.


    Thank you,



  5. I'm 99% sure about it, but you might want to PM latinteach for that last 1% of assurance before you plunk down money on T-shirts. :)


    The online translator doesn't work, period. Please don't go by what it says. I tested it with several other languages, and all of them came out with gibberish.


    Thank you, thank you! That makes me feel better. As you suggested, I pm'd latinteach and hope to get a response soon.


    BTW, I deleted that bookmark now knowing that it's bunk. :)


    Thanks again,



  6. Well, I'm trying to work on our morning schedule so that I'm up earlier. Although I PREFER to get up earlier, it's not necessarily the norm around here, KWIM? I shower at night before bed (hair and all) so when I wake in the morning I just brush teeth, wash face and go - getting dressed is usually later unless we have to go somewhere that day. One of my problems about staying in my pjs is that I like to eat breakfast and get the house picked up and vacuumed before I change my clothes, but if we start lessons at 8am that means I will have to push the chores to the afternoon or get up much earlier. I have a german shepherd who sheds all year around... so, ummm, I am a compulsive vacuumer (is that a word).


    I suppose in the end it will all work itself out, right? That is to say, getting dressed... I just need to do it! Wake up, brush teeth, wash face, breakfast, GET DRESSED, lessons, lunch, chores and errands, daddy gets home from work, dinner, dessert and family time, showers, PAJAMAS, read, and finally lights out? I think I can, I think I can, I think I can! :tongue_smilie:



  7. finally get out of your pjs?


    I'm just curious if I'm the only one who likes to linger in her pajamas for a little longer than she should. Although I love getting up early, I'm not a morning person, so this is something I going to have to work on with only a few weeks left before we officially start our homeschool schedule.



  8. not to doubt you Plaid Dad, but at present I know absolutely nothing about Latin. So, I thought I'd just use that website and see how


    Scientiam, intellectum, sapientiamque quaerens in luce Dei


    translated from Latin into English and this is what I got...


    Knowledge , to understand sapientiamque to seek upon lamp Dei.


    Now I don't know what to do... any suggestions? I think I may just stick with the English version for now unless someone can definitely confirm the translation. Anyone?


    Many thanks,



  9. If I remember correctly, my ds wanted to revert back to diapers after the newness of the underwear wore off too... but that was because he got upset if he had an accident and had to change his clothes again. In our case, I didn't let him... once he was put in underwear there was no turning back.


    Of course we potty trained him different from most I guess. When my ds was 2 yrs and 1 wk old I started potty training him. I found Potty Training Made Simple by Johanne Cesar and followed her method. It was awesome and worked! Well worth the money.


    Just to give a brief summary: Get a timer, set aside 3 days to stay at home, and for those three days you potty train. Set the timer for 20 minutes and at every 20 min. interval you put your ds on the potty whether he has to go or not... you are potty training. It may sound insane, but it works I tell ya! If he goes then you can give him a sticker or treat or something. (Although when I tried to praise my ds with a sticker, he would have me put it on his potty chart so that he could just pick it off later... so, we stopped with the rewards right away because mommy praise was all he needed.) It became a game for us. When the timer would go off, everyone in the house would shout POTTY TIME! and race to the bathroom. Potty training is definitely better in the summer when you can be outside for the most part and not worry about accidents in the house. (My ds has a July birthday.)


    The first day we did it I thought... oh my, is this really going to work? The second day I had even less confidence and thought... there is no way he is going to be potty trained in just 3 days, they are insane and I wasted my money... but, I stuck with it anyways because of all the positive and encouraging feedback that was given about doing it this way. The third day I was in absolute shock... I couldn't believe it actually worked! And the angels sang... Alelluia! :Angel_anim: He would've been completely potty trained by the end of the first week, but #2 took a little longer. I would say that he was successfully potty trained with no accidents within less than a month. BTW, I had diapers on him at night for the first week, but soon realized that it wasn't necessary anymore either. I just made sure he took a trip right before bed and as soon as he woke.


    Anyways, that's how we did it. I hope my little story about our experience helps you in someway.


    Have fun potty training!



  10. Yea, but don't get this "translation" embroidered on the kiddo's t-shirts quite yet, 'cause it's all wrong!


    Waiting for a "real" student of Latin to show up explain why.


    Bill (who knows "of God" is not the Latin genitive case, it's "Dei")


    Uh-oh, I do hope to put this on t-shirts and such... well, eventually.


    Gah! Scary translation tool.


    I'm not good at pithy Latin mottos, but here goes:


    Scientiam, intellectum, sapientiamque quaerens in luce Dei


    Ok, I gather that website isn't the most reliable source. Thank you Plaid Dad for the translation. Sorry to ask, but are you confident that it's correctly translated or can someone else possibly confirm?


    Many thanks,



  11. Children's DVD pack by AiG

    - A is for Adam

    - D is for Dinosaur

    - Dinosaurs, Genesis & the Gospel

    - Six Short Days, One Big Adventure

    - A Jurassic Ark Mystery


    Here are some informational workbooks. God Created series by Earl & Bonita Snellenberger


    You could try these from Evan-Moore. ScienceWorks for Kids series K-1


    or Science and the Bible


    or God's Design for Science by AiG


    I hope that gives you some more ideas.



  12. Today was our first day....ever! I started PreK with my son today! It was so fun! We did phonics/salt letters for 15 min., math manipulatives for 20 min., art for 20 min. and then reading for 30min. Oh, if it could only stay this easy!


    We started on a new schedule today, too, which puts me in Heaven!!!! I got more done before 8am this morning than most people (but none of you guys!) get done in a whole day! Woohoo! Go me!


    Congratulations... It's great to read that you had a fun and successful first day.


    I've been doing SWR w/my ds a little here and there, but we won't officially start our first day of lessons until September 1st. Right now I'm working on our morning routine and implementing Choreganizers.


    Did you start with Lesson 1 in Saxon K today? I've planned 30 min. for each lesson, but it seems that it probably won't take that long.


    I hope our first day goes as well as yours.



  13. BHI won "Phonics Company Excellence in Education Award!"


    The Old Schoohouse Magazine recognized BHI for the outstanding curriculum, Spell to Write and Read, a unified language arts program for all ages and learning types. Homeschool blogger says "SWR is used in public and private schools, in many homeschools, and is a favored choice for ESL (English as a Second Language) tutoring for dyslexics, and adult literacy programs. Students who have failed with other spelling and reading programs find success with SWR."


    Check out BHI Books for SWR Materials


    Check out this Homeschool Blog by Britta McColl (endorsed SWR Trainer)


    Check out Morning Star Learning for SWR Materials


    Check out the SWR Group at Yahoo!


    I hope these links may help you!


    :001_smile: Melissa

  14. I've only just begun SWR with my ds and highly recommend it already. I travelled 4+ hours (one way) to attend a 2 day basic seminar in mid-July and believe that it is well worth the money. I'm sure that you could use it w/o the seminar, but if you are able to attend a seminar in your area, then I definitely encourage it.


    I know that you can usually purchase materials at the seminar, but I suggest purchasing the basic bundle, if you haven't already, and looking through the material prior to attending. BTW, if for some reason you choose that SWR is not for you after attending the seminar, then reselling the materials will most likely not be a problem.



  15. Hello and Welcome!


    I'm also a newby and will be starting PreK with my one and only ds (just turned 4 on July 27th). It's so funny, when I read your post I saw myself right away... especially this part...


    I have OCD tendencies and once we decided we were going to homeschool, well, let's just say I've got our kids' homeschooling road all mapped out. (Ah, but don't worry, I am seeing that it will change many times...I'm open for change!) I like to *feel* organized, even if it is just for a day or so. Lol.


    and this...


    Oh, and one more thing, while my son is young and I do have quite the list of stuff to do with him, please know that I have NO intentions of pushing him. Everything we do at this point is very much child-led. He starts showing the slightest bit of disinterest and we're done with school for the day. Even though mommy can be obsessive, I in no way want that to rub off on the kids. We do plenty of legos, dump trucks and dirt. ;)


    I started researching curriculum at the beginning of the year and talk about OCD... well, I'm right there with ya! :tongue_smilie: I'm afraid some may think I'm insane for starting at my ds's age with what we are going to be doing, but we love it. Of course I will adjust our schedule if need be for my ds... I'm just very excited and know his abilities, but I too don't want to push him.


    We have also chosen Saxon Math K and SWR for PreK. You're welcome to pm/email me anytime you like if you want to share stories and such. It's nice to find someone starting with a ds around the same age using similar curriculum choices. It'll be interesting to see how you progress and change in your homeschooling journey. I'm sure I'll be looking at your posts.


    I've enjoyed TWTM forum and have gleaned so much information already, I only hope that I am able to contribute.


    God Bless and have fun!



  16. ...as I'm barely just starting our HS journey, but I'm so glad that you started this thread. That is exactly how I felt and thought I was the only one.


    I went to a HS Group meeting in June and was very disappointed. A few people thought that my researching and planning at this point was a great thing to do, but I too felt like I was an outcast. I guess I had high expectations as well and although I had hoped not to, I too encountered the common ailments of the general homeschooler that you listed. Also, just as you stated I felt like if I was honest about what we're doing and plan to do, which is so different from what their comfort zones are (using ABeka, Bob Jones, etc.) I will alienate myself from potential friends. I talked about it with my dh and said the EXACT same thing to him that you wrote...


    I know I can be intimidating, really I do, but is this *my* problem or others Part of me says, it's others problem but then I'm the one who's looking for a friend.


    I then went to a Homeschool Curriculum Fair put on by the same group and actually found someone that I was on the same page with in regards to the classical method, but her kids are grown and she's almost done HSing, big bummer! I have been praying about this... finding another homeschool family/families to share Christian Classical curricula ideas, a friend(s) for me and a playmate(s) for my one and only ds. Seems almost to good to be true. Then, the Lord opened a door for us with a family where we fellowship. Ah-ha, so that's what you had in mind, Lord!


    Anyways, I understand your situation. I definitely don't think this HS group is for us, but I may give it another try in the future since it was at the end of the year and many were not present at the time. Although, I believe I'll probably be resolved to the following stated by Sweetpeach, which will be just fine with me. I do like the curriculum fair though!


    I have a few homeschooling friends, but we never, ever talk homeschooling. It just seems like such a waste of time . . . especially when I can come here and get reasonable, educated, experienced answers to my questions.


    Even more truthfully, I don't really press in with other homeschoolers . . . and I certainly don't enjoy "homeschool groups." We connect with 2 other hs'ing families and that's it -- the rest of our life is very mainstream.


    The advice other's gave about finding some common ground apart from your hs'ing experience is, imho, very wise. I honestly don't believe that a shared homeschooling experience is a good connecting point for starting a friendship . . . it's as random as saying all the brunettes should be friends because, well, we're brunettes.


    Everyone else who posted on this thread also has great advice for you and it has helped me as well. Although I am newbie as well, I too have learned so much here on TWTM forum, things I think take others YEARS to learn or experience. I love it! Thank you everyone!



  17. I recently purchased a 1991 World Book encyclopedia set left over from a garage sale. I found them on craigslist.org for $15, but I'm also on a list at one of our local libraries to contact if a newer set becomes available - although, I'm not sure how much it matters having an older set especially at this point since we're just starting our HS journey... however, my ds and I already enjoy having this reference resource easily accessible instead of having to boot up the computer all the time.


    BTW... thanks again OhElizabeth (if you're reading this) for the helpful tips on this matter.


    Now, I still need to figure out where to put them, LOL! They are neatly divided into two stacks, sitting on the floor in front of my full book shelf and waiting for a home.



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