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Posts posted by Kidlit

  1. Do you just pick up with next year's curriculum and go with it, albeit at a slower/lighter pace? Or do you work on things you don't have much time for on your regular schedule?


    I'm trying to decide what to do this summer with my 1st grader. We will have a new baby by then, too, so that's a consideration.


    I thought about just doing some FIAR books/lapbooking and maybe a few interest-led unit studies, all the while plodding along (more slowly, though) in reading/phonics instruction.


    Math is another animal entirely. I don't *think* I want to start next year's curriculum, but I want to do something to keep her thinking math. Any suggestions?:)



  2. Hits for K:



    RightStart Math Level A

    Lots of read-alouds--FIAR Vol. 1 and incidentals


    Let's Play and Find Out About the Human Body by Janice Van Cleave




    Me, when I lose my patience or try to rush through things :tongue_smilie:


    We've had a great year, and here I stand at the brink of a new one, clueless as to which direction to take. . . :confused::D

  3. First of all, I wanted to say that this thread is a treasure trove! Thanks, Heidi, for sharing your list and starting the discussion! And thanks to everyone who has shared!


    I have a few to add to the list. I'm linking each title back to my blog where I've reviewed the books. This is a mixture of YA and children's lit, but you should be able to tell that by the reviews.


    Alabama: Leaving Gee's Bendby Irene Latham

    Michigan: The Wanigan by Gloria Whelan

    Indiana: A Girl of the Limberlostby Gene Stratton Porter

    New York: My Side of the Mountain by Jean Craighead George

    New Hampshire: Miss Hickory by Carolyn Sherwin Bailey

    Montana: Hattie Big Sky by Kirby Larson


    Africa (can't remember which country):

    Listening for Lions by Gloria Whelan

    Akimbo and the Elephants by Alexander McCall Smith (there are many stories in the Akimbo series)


    Madagascar: The Pirate's Son by Geraldine McCaughrean

    Germany: The Book Thief by Markus Zusak



    Armenia/Turkey: Forgotten Fireby Adam Bagdasarian--This is definitely a YA title, and it's more about history than it is about place ('though place definitely plays a part). It's set during the Armenian holocaust. I thought I'd include it, though, in case any needs a very compelling holocaust story outside of the Jewish holocaust.


    Isle of Skye/Scotland/Hebrides--Mystery on the Isle of Skye


    I hope this helps someone! I'm definitely subscribing to this thread! :)

  4. Okay, the more I read the more confused I become. :confused::) I have purchased SOTW 1, the activity guide (?--whatever it's called), and the audiobook version of the book for dd1's history next year. However, now I'm wondering if I need to go in another direction.


    The TOG threads I've read have intrigued me, and although it has been a while since I've seen the curriculum IRL, it intrigues me, too. I like how it's all laid out. However, I wonder if it's overkill for a 1st grader.


    I've also considered CHOW instead of SOTW because I've read a thread here before that indicated that it's a gentler approach. DD tends to take things to heart.


    I also have a four year old who will be tagging along with whatever we do and a new baby to throw into the mix.



  5. This is a great thread! :)


    My girls, ages 5 and 4, have been listening to audiobooks daily for over a year now, I guess. Some of their favorites have been the Little House on the Prairie books, Charlotte's Web, Stuart Little, The Trumpet of the Swan, Caddie Woodlawn, the American Girl stories, Mr. Popper's Penguins, the Akimbo stories, and others. Some of these they listened to after we had read the book together, while others were completely new to them. I can't remember them all!


    I have reviewed some of what they've enjoyed on my blog, if anyone is interested.

  6. I know this has been addressed over and over and over again, but I want some fresh insight and conversation about this. My 4 year old is TERRIBLE during her sister's kindergarten time. Yes, I've tried it all: giving her equal, alternating time; trying to work with them together; giving her interesting things to do during her sister's school time; etc. The funny thing is, she's my girl who doesn't usually need a lot of one-on-one attention--she's happy to be in her own little world. I started out the school year with the mindset that this was her "pre-k" year (whatever that means!). Since her birthday is in November and she's pretty advanced academically, I thought we'd go ahead and do K in the fall. However, I'm thinking twice about it now, mainly because of her behavior (and a short attention span) this year. This week she has been somewhat content just to play during school time, but usually tantrums, tears, time-outs--the gamut--ensues.


    Help!!! Advice? Please?

  7. DD woke up this morning with a sore throat. As the day has progressed, she hasn't begun feeling any better. We have managed to do our morning "couch work"--Bible story, devotion, Bible memory, and read-alouds of their choice as well as some science-related books. Then they watched a Bill Nye video which goes along with what we're studying now--the skeletal system. We've done no formal reading or math or handwriting, but I just finished reading three chapters of The Boxcar Children, our current chapter book read-aloud, to them. Right now she's lying on the couch listening to an audiobook.


    My question is this: when do I call it a "sick day" and NOT count it as a school day? I'm really pretty desperate to "finish" this school year ASAP because we are expecting a new little one at the beginning of June. I'd like to have a modified year-round schedule (short summer weeks), but I'd love to have K completely behind us before baby brother makes his appearance. I know dd is only in K so it's not such a big deal now, but we are official this year, so I have to keep records. Plus, I'd like to have a plan in place for the future.



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