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Posts posted by OrganicJen

  1. I have not yet met a single person, online or in real life, ever, who doesn't occasionally eat factory farmed animal products if they eat animal products at all. If you are one, you are the first! and I will tell my husband I finally met one :)

    That's so strange, maybe it's because I'm in a more rural area that it's more common around me. I know lots of people like us.

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  2. They still end up killed and eaten, though...vegetarians may be glad you didn't torture them first, but the end game is the same. If I were an ethical vegan this defense would make me kind of nauseous.

    I think you may be confused. I was specifically responding to the comment about the horrendous conditions the animals are raised in. I was not debating about killing animals at all, it was specifically in response to comment above about the ethics of the conditions the animals are raised in.


    I won't buy sugar with bone char but if you made me an otherwise vegan cookie, I wouldn't ask about your sugar and I'll happily eat it.


    The thing is, it's a deeply ethical choice for many of us. Once you've immersed yourself in the animal agriculture end of things, once you've seen the horrific conditions, and done you share of protesting and rescuing animals, you can't turn that reel off.


    For many of us it is just like going to a house where people use slaves. You don't just say "oh well, I won't own slaves but you do you you..."

    I think it's a bit unfair to lump all meat eaters together. We eat meat that is humanely pasture raised on neighbor's family farms and the animals are all very humanely treated and live healthy lives outdoors. No horrific conditions at all, they are treated better than many people treat their pets. I'm not debating the choice that people have to be vegan I'm just pointing out that it's an over generalization to imply that everyone eating meat is eating animals who were raised in horrific conditions comparable to slavery.

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  4. Going out to eat with him and his wife is a real trip. She's a super healthy vegetarian. We went out for Chinese - his wife chose the place- and he ordered mozzarella sticks, a double order of french fries, and rice. I nearly lapsed into a carb coma just watching.

    It sounds like a jack sprat marriage. It's funny how couples can be married and eat so differently from each other.

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  5. I was chronically anemic and craved carbs when I was vegetarian. I can’t eat a ton of legumes so I figured out it just didn’t work for my body.

    It's amazing how much your body can tell you about what you should eat. When I started eating mainly whole foods and putting a lot of focus on variety of food with tons of fruits and veggies, all the unhealthy cravings I used to have vanished. It was like my body said, okay my nutritional needs are met and I'm happy now.

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  6. Eating vegetarian doesn't always mean weight loss. A dear friend of ours is a lifelong vegetarian and he's super overweight. He's a carb lover so french fries, cheese sauce, rice, bread....lots of added butter on potatoes and rice...starchy fruits like bananas instead of berries...pancakes with lots of syrup...

    Lol...I think I gained weight just reading that list! ;)

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  7. It definitely doesn't always cause weight loss, that depends on a lot of factors. I found my health declined when I was vegetarian for a time but then when I eventually changed to a whole foods way of eating I've been the healthiest I've ever been. I eat real, whole foods and focus on variety and moderation over eliminating any specific food group. Since starting that I've noticed dramatic improvement in health, how I feel, energy, skin, hair, everything. My favorite tool for this is my grain mill because using only freshly milled truly whole grains has been fantastic. Any meats we eat are pasture raised and dairy comes from pasture raised animals. I have to receive a lot of journals for my job and I've seen so many articles on the dramatic difference in nutrients and fatty acids in pasture raised meat and dairy vs corn fed, and since adopting this whole foods way of eating I just feel so good all the time I'm sticking with it forever.

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  8. I think the little box with tissue paper would be cute and keep it informal enough that she probably wouldn't feel weird. The gift cards I really think are a perfect choice because they are an in between...not as weird as cash,,,not as overly personal as a personal gift would be...they show you noticed her interests but they aren't going too far to where she should feel awkward.

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  9. I did something similar and drove myself crazy for awhile. Then I looked at houses in magazines and finally just picked one I liked and used it as a guide for inspiration and that made it much easier than working bit by bit. Once I had my inspiration I could use it to choose similar looking things that fit within my budget.

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  10. We aren't taking a break this year. We take our breaks more based on when there are things we want to do than on when public school kids do, so this year my son agreed he wanted to work over the Christmas break time so he could have more time off in a couple months for something else. His school has 36 weeks and when they are done they are done so it benefits him to work now and trade that time for more time off when he has something he wants to go do.

  11. We had so many issues with our Angel Tree this year we are considering not doing it next year.  It is unfortunate, but a few ruin it for the many.


    There are other avenues to give to, but it saddened me greatly this year.

    That's too bad...it's hard when something that should be entirely a positive thing gets ruined.  

  12. Oh I understand it is the thought.  This was always pretty expensive stuff. 


    I dunno...I am not mad or think they were being stupid, but I just didn't like throwing stuff out.  I have nobody to give the stuff to.  There are no women in my life.  The males in my life didn't want it either.


    My BIL once gave me men's cologne.  So ya know...LOL  Maybe my inlaws think I smell bad or something. 


    LOL, I sometimes wondered if my boyfriend's mother was trying to send a message about my looks by giving me that stuff :) 

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  13. Yeah please just don't give smelly perfumes or lotions or bubble bath.  Just cuz I'm a gal does not mean I want smelly body products.  This was "the" gift given to me by in-laws for years.  I had to throw the stuff out every time.  And I don't like throwing stuff out! 


    I had a boyfriend once whose mother always saved the free sample makeup that you get from Estee Lauder or whatever in those free little makeup bags and that's always what she gave me.  I wasn't insulted or anything because I just assumed that to her, it was something I would like and she couldn't afford to actually buy me anything so I couldn't complain at all and was appreciative of the thought I guess.  But it was annoying because none of it was anything I could or would wear at all so it always ended up being given or thrown away.  It just to me seems like an odd gift because it's more the type of thing that when I get free sample bags that aren't things I want to use, I just give them away or toss them, and I wouldn't think of making them an actual "gift." 

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