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  1. Hi, OP, I'm in a similar marriage. My husband is a man without any definable religious beliefs, but after having a radical experience with God two years ago, I went from being a nominal Christian to a head-over-heels-in-love-with-Jesus one. So, like another poster, I explain that the gods I read about with my 5 year old are fake gods. In fact, I take it a step further and explain 1 Corinthians 10:20-21. The only reason the "fake gods" of ancient times held any allure was because they did have real power, but it was an evil power. Consider how Pharaoh's men were able to duplicate God's signs with Moses and Aaron; many modern day theologians assume it was trickery, but the Bible indicates that the enemy had rule and dominion over the world after usurping Adam and Eve from their position as God's administrators/ambassadors/children. You may want to consider John 14:30 and other verses where Jesus and Paul and many others refer to Satan as god of this world, prince of the power of the air, ruler of the darkness of the world, etc. The "theology" I subscribe to is found here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kingdom_theology The best way to counter any chance of your children turning away from God is to introduce them to him. I'm not saying just to read the Bible to them or teach them to pray but to create opportunities for them to experience him. There are some great activities for kids on this website: https://www.unlockingthegold.com/tag/prophetic-activations-for-kids/ And here is more of a picture book. It's expensive, but I think it's worth it. Besides introducing friendship with God as a natural and fun thing, it has some advice for parents and includes great tips for dealing with nightmares and scary things that go bump in the night (hint: you invite Jesus in and watch him take care of the scary stuff. For my son, Jesus frequently shows up as Batman, which made him laugh with surprise the first time it happened) : https://www.amazon.com/Children-Can-You-Hear-Me/dp/0973358610 Here is a book that is geared a little higher than your age group but would probably be adaptable for some really good, fun prayer experiences: https://www.amazon.com/Imaginative-Prayer-Yearlong-Spiritual-Formation/dp/0830846255 I pray for breakthrough in your marriage, for God's love to flow through you and reach your husband. I bless your children in each of their journeys. I feel like your children all have very different personalities and will grow up to be uniquely different, but they will be grounded in your teaching. You are very protective and want to do the right thing. I bless you with discernment and the ability to weigh and measure the advice you receive. I feel like you may have a very sensitive little girl, and it's definitely not wrong to want to protect her. At the same time, information is knowledge, so you want to arm her with the full of armor of God. God's kingdom is counter-intuitive. In the physical realm, we think of the biggest and bravest being the strongest. In God's kingdom, the greatest weapon against the enemy is love. I bless your family with more love. I have a mental picture of a knotted rope, and it's like you're pulling this rope. The rope doesn't seem to have an end, but as you pull the rope, it's piling up behind you, and your children are playing with it. They're discovering things to do with it that you hadn't thought of. I feel like this is how you approach God. You're hungry for more of him, you're constantly going for more, and you're delighted when your children receive revelation of who he is because of your efforts. You are a good mother. He delights in you. I also see the rope has turned into an elaborate netting. It's like you were only pulling on one part of who God is, and he has so much he wants to show you. I bless your journey too! I bless you with growth. And since I'm apparently sending a million links your way, here's another. I feel like this song sings your heart:
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