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Posts posted by ttt

  1. What about the possible financial harm to the apartment owner who is paying a cop to maintain order and security and root out these exact behaviors that this cop is allowing in his workplace/home?  Even if pot was legal, I'm sure his lease doesn't say his son can run a business out of the apartment.  I don't think criminal prosecution is the best way to help the 18 year old.  The mom wants him to get appropriate help for his underlying issues, the dad is blowing it off.  IIRC the dad has convinced the court that the mom should lose custody by at least in part trading on his professional reputation.  The mom seems to welcome DSS involvement.  I would be 99% less concerned if the dad told the 18 year old "I know you are using, even personal amounts are not allowed here (because I could lose 2 of my jobs and my pension), it's to be kept from your younger (minor) brother, word of this can't get out anywhere."  Instead he's got scales and bags of pot out in the open in front of minors who's parents are mandatory reporters.  

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  2. 18 hours ago, Catwoman said:

    Are we really supposed to give someone a pass for committing crimes because stopping that person from being a criminal would have a negative financial impact on his family?  That seems ridiculous to me.  Where do we draw the line? How bad does the crime have to be before a person should be reported? If dealing drugs isn’t enough, what is? Would you really be the family friend who said,  “Oh, well, of course everyone knows that Bob Smith is robbing people, killing them, and tossing their bodies in the dumpster behind Taco Bell, but his family is so nice and they need that money, so we all decided not to report him.”

    I agree with you.  Generations of wives of cops were forced to put up with domestic abuse because of this reasoning.  It sounds like this particular father is letting this happen while alienating the mother from her kids.  I understand concern for DawnM being impacted by her involvement, but I feel like if a family on this board was talking about their 18 year old selling drugs from their family home with younger kids living there the answer would be "kick them out, they are an adult".

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  3. What about calling child protective services? If he is a city police officer call the county department or vice-versa?  The investigation shouldn't be handled by his own department anyway.  Would it be worth paying a lawyer to act as an intermediary to make the report?  I would worry about blowback, the dad should lose his job over this.

    Even if the dad's attitude is that pot is minor and soon to be legalized, there seem to be NO lines drawn here at all.  He could tell his son that if he's dealing it's only to adults, not minors.  Or sell to your friends not to friends of your brother. Keep it discrete, etc. Even if it was just for the dad's own protection. 

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  4. We listened to Becoming Kareem read by Kareem Abdul-Jabbar this summer and the whole family enjoyed it.  He does use the N-word in describing times people said it to him.  Wide range of history which I wanted my kids to be exposed to, but it also moved me because it was about him growing up as an academically oriented introvert boy, and the people who shaped him into who he is today.  It was not a comedy, but it was funnier than I expected it to be.

  5. On 8/23/2019 at 7:00 PM, aaplank said:


    Would you recommend listening to these lectures prior to reading the Iliad and the Odyssey or as you're reading them?  Would it be easy to figure out how to pace the lectures with the book chapters?  Thanks for your help.


    We checked out the audio only Vandiver Odyssey lectures from our library.  It came with a booklet.  In the booklet for each lecture there is a scope paragraph, an outline of the lecture, essential reading (which books of the Odyssey are covered in the lecture), suggested supplementary readings, Questions to consider (looks like 2 per lecture).  My 8 year old wanted us to read an adult level translation of the Odyssey this summer.  I thought the lectures would be helpful to ME (never read it in HS or college), the 11 year old saw the CDs and she listened to them on her own.  We've read kiddie versions of the Odyssey before but not an adult version, that's next up for us.  I listened to the first lecture and I think it will help us get more out of our reading, but they know the general story already.  I don't get the sense that my kids will get spoilers from listening to the lecture first, but will get more out of the reading listening before hand.  The first lecture talks about the concept of Xenia (guest-host relationship) and she talks about xenophobia.

    In case you can't get the booklet lecture 1 covers book I, lecture 2 Books II-IV, lecture 3 books V & VI, lecture 4 books VII-IX, lecture 5 books X & XI lines 1-375, Lecture 6 Book XI lines 375-end; book XII, lecture 7 books XIII-XV, lecture 8 books XVI-XVII, lecture 9 books, XVIII & XIX, lecture 10 booksXX-XXII, lecture 11XXII & XXIV, lecture 12 no books noted "In this final lecture, we turn to the question of whether the Trojan War has any historical basis."

    Hope that helps.

    • Thanks 1
  6. 2 gold medals!  Just got an email "Thank you for giving your students the opportunity to participate in the National Mythology Exam. Please refer to the attached memo for information on scoring, the Petrino Award and the ACL Institute.

    Medals are currently backordered and expected to ship by the end of May. Every effort will be made to get them to you before schools close for summer.

    Your results are attached and the awards will be shipped as soon as possible to the address listed below."

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  7. On 3/22/2019 at 8:38 PM, Ausmumof3 said:

    My dd is loving the online Picta Dicta Latin. It’s not hugely in depth no grammar or anything but just common words and information and stories to go along with them.  It’s fun to recognise where the words are similar to something we’ve learned in Italian etc.  it has been absolutely no work for me and because she enjoys it there’s no arguing or anything.  It may not be deep enough for what you want though.

    edited to add that it’s from Roman Roads Media and I checked their site and they do have more advanced vocab levels as well.

    we bought our subscription through home school buyers coop at a reasonable discount so might be worth looking out for that again.

    Is Picta Dicta Latin secular?  If it is religious, in what way?  Did you buy it recently, because I'm not finding the discounted buy.  Thanks!

  8. Try https://www.socialthinking.com or library materials from Michelle Garcia Winner, especially her ideas about expected and unexpected behavior.  Years ago I watched her DVD Growing Up Social from our library.  She talked about how behavior is expected or unexpected by other people and how it makes other people feel, especially how changes in setting requires changes in behavior.  If you're talking in a group, people expect your body and eyes to be pointing into the group.  If you are in an elevator, that behavior is not expected and makes other people feel uncomfortable.  She talked about how some kids would need her to wear big arrows on the sides of her glasses to show where her eyes were pointed.  Even if you don't get specific techniques, but he's bright enough that he may find it interesting to analyze how we interact.  And to realize how others perceive behavior.  I found it fascinating and while watching it made me think back to people I've worked with and realized why certain people made me feel uncomfortable.


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  9. I wouldn't discount getting the surgery.  A couple years ago I had my deviated septum fixed, turbinate reduction in my nose, tonsils and uvula removed and soft palate reshaped.  So, admittedly a lot more than you are talking about.  It hasn't helped my sleep apnea as much as I would have liked, but I no longer gag during dental procedures and breathing through my nose is amazing.  Once I had healed I was a bit miffed that the rest of the world had been breathing through their nose so easily and no one had told me it didn't have to be like that.

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  10. I think AOPS shared this online today.  It's a TEDx talk by a female math professor.  She talks about how mathematicians are slow, deliberate thinkers and how the current math curriculum is flawed.  That current math teaching filters out the wrong people (including girls).  Another thing that has helped my two kids with similar feelings is this by the founder of AOPS.  https://artofproblemsolving.com/articles/calculus-trap. My daughter now frequently paraphrases this part "If ever you are by far the best, or the most interested, student in a classroom, then you should find another classroom."  The quote is awkward re: homeschooling, but his point is that it's not expected to be easy.  


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